Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"You don't know what it's like here! It's so stressful; it's so epic! It's all "tow this space station" and "calibrate the Dyson sphere", "go back in time and kill the guy who was worse than Hitler"! I just wanna be back on a smaller ship doing simpler work! I don't wanna be epic anymore!"
Ron Emmanuel Docent, Jr., 2380 ("Cupid's Errant Arrow")

Lieutenant Commander Ron Emmanuel Docent, Jr., usually referred to simply as Ron Docent, was a male Starfleet operations division officer who lived during the mid-24th century.

He served on the USS Vancouver in 2380, during which time, he made an attempt to transfer himself to the USS Cerritos, since he was overwhelmed by the missions the Vancouver found itself on. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

Ron Docent was voiced by Matt Walsh.
