Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The SS Hatteras was a 22nd century Federation DY-245-class starship.

In 2187, Captain Gary Loes was the commanding officer of this ship. In that year, the Hatteras was launched from Earth on a deep space exploration mission in the region of space between the sectors 184/02 and 185/38. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder", okudagram)

This starship was only mentioned in writing.

The name of this ship was mentioned in a list of ships that were launched from Earth, with destinations in or near to the Ficus sector, between the years 2123 and 2190. This list was displayed on Jean-Luc Picard's desktop monitor in his ready room aboard the USS Enterprise-D. A legible version of the okudagram first appeared in the reference book, Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Continuing Mission. The list became legible to viewers with the remastered episode.
