The SS Kogin (NAR-24016) was a 24th century Federation transport.
In 2370, Data examined the commercial transport database archive records of the Kogin when he was verifying the story of Doctor Juliana Tainer that both she and Noonien Soong were passengers on a transport from Omicron Theta to Mavala IV in 2328. (TNG-R: "Inheritance")
This starship was only mentioned in writing.
The following passengers traveled on the transport ship in 2328:
Point of embarkation
Note/Special accommodations
Grant, David S.
Planet Tycho IV Spaceport
Vega colony
Low gravity suite
Adams, Ryan and Wynsdey
Planet Triskelion Orbital Station
Talos IV
Ross, Kenneth
Tau Ceti Deep Space Station
Bishop, Phil
Pollux IV Orbital City
Pyris VII Complex
Molnar, Peter
Quadrant 904 Central Station
Regulus V City
Paul, Sarah
Sherman's Planet Spaceport
Starbase 11
Ruiz, Wendy
Sigma Draconis IV Tourist Center
Sol IV (Marsport)
Class K environment suite
Scotti, Keven
Ophiucus III
Vackrinos, Amanda
Dallas, TX, Earth
Holberg 917G
Hadjikhani, Jeff
Icarus IV Spaceport
Ingraham B Transit Station
Groner, Hilary
Denkir Orbital City
Janus VI
Null grav suite and Class N atmosphere suite
Dante, Angelo
Kalandan Outpost Transit Station
New Kelva City
Barredo, Ana
Levinius V Transit Complex
M-113 Archaeological Center
Weiss, Craig
Makus III Spaceport
Malurian System Medical Station
Tezber, Christopher
Manark IV City
Marcos XII
Macalintal, Mary Joy
Earth Colony 2
Tellun star system
Wray, Niel
Elba II Orbital Transit Station
Eminiar VII Starbase
Felker, Wade
Excalbia Tourist Resort
New Fabrina Settlement
Bruno, Eric
Gamma Trianguli VI
Gothos Space Center
Lee, Janice
Donatu V Spaceport
Delta IX
Graf, Tony
Donatu V Spaceport
Delta IX
Gabl, Max
Dytallix B Planet
Alpha Majoris I
Purchased return trip option but must exercise option within one solar year
Garza, Demitre
Spaceport Alpha Carinae II
Axanar Starbase Terminal
Kreitzman, Nicki
Beta III Orbital Station
Antos IV Spaceport
Litchfeld, Jack
Gamma Trianguli VI
Tarsus IV
Low grav suite and class N environment
Lay, Roger
Vendikar Spaceport
Rigel VII Lagrange colony
Burnett, Robert Meyer
Beta Eminiar VII
Tantalus Colony
Van Citters, John
Midos V Satellite City Spaceport
Murasaki 312
Cordry, Marion
New Paris Colony Starbase
Alpha VII
Class N environment suite
Amos, Molly
Camus II
Deneb II City
Vogt, Brian
New Vegas colony
Planet Beta III, System C-111
Berndt, Jimmy
Planet Q
Tarsas IV
Transfer via Astral Queen
Holt, James
Planet Tycho IV Spaceport
Vega colony
Low gravity suite
Bivens, Loren
Triskelion Orbital Station
Talos IV
Hanley, Jeffrey
Hubble Deep Space Station
Sims, Alan
Pollux IV Orbital City
Pyris VII Complex
Pealer, Donald
Quadrant 904 Central Station
Regulus V City
Blackman, Robert
Sherman's Planet Spaceport
Starbase 11
Roth, Trevor
Sigma Draconis IV Tourist Center
Sol IV (Marsport)
Class K environment suite
Lim, Michael J.
Ophiucus III
Ryan, Kevin and Paulina
Dallas, TX, Earth
Holberg 917G
Powell, David
Icarus IV Spaceport
Ingraham B Transit Station
Levinson, Robert
Denkir Orbital City
Janus VI
Null grav suite and class N atmosphere suite
Muirhead, Brian
Cape Canaveral, Earth
Hengist, Michael and Claudia
Levinius V Transit Complex
M-113 Tourist Center
Crunsfeld, John
Kennedy Space Center
Hubble Space Telescope
Willer, Duke
Manark IV City
Marcos XII
Westmore, Michael and Marion
Earth Colony 2
Tellun Star System
Foster, William
Elba II Orbital Transit Station
Eminiar VII Starbase
Joy, Amber
Excalbia Tourist Resort
New Fabrina Settlement
Drexler, Douglas
Gamma Trianguli VI
Gothos Space Center
Rocketboy, Scooter T.
Planet Tycho IV Spaceport
Vega colony
Low gravity suite
Reeves-Stevens, Svetlana
Planet Triskelion Orbital Station
Talos IV
Barnett, Richard
Tau Ceti Deep Space Station
Adala, Milan
Pollux IV Orbital City
Pyris VII Complex
Noa, Giordana
Quadrant 904 Central Station
Regulus V City
Tranya, Molly
Sherman's Planet Spaceport
Starbase 11
Greiner, Abigail
Sigma Draconis IV Tourist Center
Sol IV (Marsport)
Class K environment suite
Pentacoff, Zoey
Ophiucus III
Templeton, Mandy
Simi Valley, Earth
Sirius Delta
Brettner, Charles
Zed Lapis Sector Spaceport