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(written from a production point of view)
Sci Fi Channel Star Trek Special Edition

Opening titles of the Sci-Fi Channel Star Trek Special Edition specials

The Sci-Fi Channel Star Trek Special Edition was a series of ninety-minute specials which were broadcast on the Sci-Fi Channel in the US from mid-1998 to early 1999.

The channel advertised that the episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series were shown for the first time unedited since their original airing by NBC in the 1960s. This was actually not true, as it was Kaiser Broadcasting (operating a small chain of local television stations along the West, and East Coast) which first aired the series in syndication in 1969, showing it unedited for the last time. (Inside Star Trek: The Real Story, 1997, pp. 417-418)

New cleaned up prints from the original negatives were made for airing, but the technology for re-mastering was still rather limited in 1998.

The format of the 90 minute show included an introduction by William Shatner on the 1998 run (1 September 1998 – 24 December 1998) or Leonard Nimoy on the 1999 (28 December 1998 – 24 March 1999) run of the show. The show was divided into the usual segments with commercials. There were 2-3 minute segments called "Star Trek Insights" with cast members discussing various aspects of the show. In nearly all of the episodes, at least one guest actor, director, producer or writer provided some commentary in "Star Trek Insights". There would be up to three of these segments per episode. In the middle of the 90 minute show either Shatner or Nimoy would provide some commentary. At the conclusion of the original episode, Shatner or Nimoy would wrap up with final thoughts.

Although the Shatner commentary was aired first, it was actually Nimoy's commentary that was filmed first. Shatner was not interested in the project until Nimoy had already recorded his commentary. When Shatner stepped in, the producers agreed to air Shatner's version first. [1]

In 1999, SciFi Channel came under new management. During the second run of Special Edition, with Nimoy's commentary, the 90 minute format was abandoned mid-season and the familiar edited version in a 60 minute format replaced Special Edition without warning. The Special Edition was never re-broadcast.

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