Secret Hideout, Inc. is a television and movie production company founded and owned by Alex Kurtzman, incorporated on 21 August 2014 and operating out of Los Angeles, California, USA. [1] From 2016 onward, the company produced all Kurtzman-era Star Trek series, to wit Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Short Treks, Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Lower Decks, Star Trek: Prodigy and Star Trek: Section 31. It has thereby in essence revived the Star Trek television live-action franchise that became defunct after the cancellation of Star Trek: Enterprise in 2005.
Ironically, it was CBS Corporation top executive Leslie Moonves who commissioned Secret Hideout to start developing the television properties around 2015/2016 in order to give his pet project CBS All Access – on which all new Star Trek television productions were to be streamed – traction, [2] after he had personally ordained the cancellation of televised Star Trek prime back in 2005, (In Conversation: Writing Star Trek: Enterprise; [3]) because of his well-known aversion of everything science fiction. [4][5][6]
According to an official announcement, the company will focus on "developing compelling filmmaker-driven projects and deeper storytelling narratives with an eye towards franchise and multi-quadrant films". The company signed a three-year production agreement with Universal Studios in September 2014. [7] Kurtzman needed to establish his own production company, when he parted ways with Roberto Orci, in the guise of their co-owned K/O Paper Products production company, for feature films in 2014 and for television in 2016, when Kurtzman signed his deal with CBS Studios, which eventually resulted in Discovery. [8] Several K/O staffers moved over to Kurtzman's new company.
In mid-2018, Kurtzman signed a five-year deal with CBS to oversee an expansion of the Star Trek franchise under Secret Hideout, as well as agreeing exclusive rights to any non-Trek series developed by the company. [9]
On 6 May 2019, it was officially announced that the newly formed "Star Trek Global Franchise Management" would be based out of Secret Hideout's premises, encompassing both merchandise related matters as well as matters related to the live-action productions proper. [10] This also meant that, pursuant the formal 4 December 2019 "reunification" of the Star Trek television and film franchises, (production) auspices over the latter was now fully reverted to Secret Hideout, a position until September 2019 hitherto held by Bad Robot Productions of Kurtzman's former Star Trek partner J.J. Abrams which had relaunched the film franchise in the alternate reality in 2009. [11]
- Alex Kurtzman – Founder/Producer
- Jeb Brody – Producer
- Bobby Cohen – Producer
- Heather Kadin – President TV
- Aaron Baiers – Vice-President TV
- Kim Rosen – Head of Digital and Interactive