Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Bridge security log

The Defiant's bridge security log

A security log was a record of incidents occurring on a starship or starbase that was maintained by the chief of security.

Several log entries were made in the security log aboard Deep Space 9, as recorded by Constable Odo. (DS9: "Necessary Evil")

In 2370, Kellerun and T'Lani authorities provided a data clip to Starfleet, of the security log of the laboratory where Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir were thought to have been killed. (DS9: "Armageddon Game").

In 2371, when a young Jem'Hadar wished to know more about his people, Odo called up a bridge security log for the USS Defiant that showed the Jem'Hadar's boarding the vessel and attacking the crew, so he could observe others of his species. (DS9: "The Abandoned")

Numerous log entries were made in the security log for the USS Voyager. They were recorded by Lieutenant Tuvok. (VOY: "Learning Curve")

See also[]
