Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Chakotay spear

Chakotay holding a spear in his dream sequence

Freya's spear

The spear of Freya

A spear was a weapon consisting of a long shaft with one end sharpened, either by sharpening the shaft or by attaching another element to the shaft. Some types of spears were used primarily as hand-held weapons, while others were designed to be thrown at an opponent from a distance.

The assignment patch of the Arctic Archaeology Team featured two spears and a torch. (ENT: "Regeneration")

The Taurus II anthropoids used spears with heads reminiscent of Folsom points. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven")

Captain James T. Kirk told Nona that his species was once like hers: using spears and arrows at a time when their weapons were developed faster than their wisdom. (TOS: "A Private Little War")

While forced to fight on Triskelion, Kirk dodged a spear thrown by an Andorian thrall. This spear instead hit and killed the thrall Lars. (TOS: "The Gamesters of Triskelion")

When the Excalbians staged a fight between good and evil, spears were among the weapons created by combatants on both sides. A spear was used to kill Abraham Lincoln. (TOS: "The Savage Curtain")

Lieutenant Commander Data, going under the name of Jayden while on the planet Barkon IV, was "killed" by a spear in 2370. The local inhabitants believed he was responsible for bringing a plague to their village. (TNG: "Thine Own Self")

While on a holodeck mission, the character Freya jumped in front of Commander Chakotay and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, and later The Doctor, after she threw her spear into the tree next to them. (VOY: "Heroes and Demons")

When the Kazon-Nistrim captured the USS Voyager and marooned the crew on Hanon IV without any of their technology some of the crew members, including Chakotay and Ensign Harry Kim, created and used spears. While rescuing Kes from a group of Hanonians, some members of Chakotay's search team threw their spears at the natives. After later fleeing into a cave, the group held at bay a Hanonian land eel by throwing spears, and Tuvok shooting arrows, at the creature, but only briefly; upon exiting from the cave, Tuvok, Chakotay and Kim collapsed the entrance by prying loose rocks from the roof of the cave, using their spears for reach and leverage. (VOY: "Basics, Part II")

Tau told an alien buyer he could sell him every weapon he thought of, even a ceremonial spear if he were interested. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")

According to the Nazi kapitan, "Rome fell to the spears of our ancestors, as the Jews are falling now." (VOY: "The Killing Game, Part II")

When Chakotay first entered a dream state in an effort to contact the Dream Aliens he realized he was on a hunt and holding a spear. (VOY: "Waking Moments")

In a play by Kelis' species, Captain Janeway – played by Tanis – was holding her spear to the queen's throat. (VOY: "Muse")

In 2380, the Gelrakians of Gelrak V wielded spears that had heads made of crystal. While they were primarily used as weapons, these spears were also capable of emitting an energy beam that allowed their users to write and draw things such as crystal graffiti. However, their effectiveness in combat was largely inferior to that of a hand phaser, which Ensign Brad Boimler used to take out a small team of spear-wielding Gelrakians in less than a minute. (LD: "Temporal Edict")

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