Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A squad was a military unit, usually consisting of eight to fourteen infantry soldiers, or the equivalent of two fire teams. Four squads equals a platoon.

In 2153, a squad of more than sixteen Military Assault Command Operations soldiers were assigned to the NX-class Enterprise NX-01 for the mission into the Delphic Expanse (ENT: "The Expanse", "The Xindi") In 2154, Captain Jonathan Archer suggested to Captain Hernandez that she have a squad aboard Columbia NX-02. (ENT: "Home")

Klingon Birds-of-Prey contain at least one squad, which consist of at least five soldiers. (ENT: "Borderland")

Following the landing party's discovery of no crew aboard the derelict USS Defiant in 2268, Captain James T. Kirk requested "a full security squad" to be beamed over. After it was determined that there was no life on the ship whatsoever, he had the existing landing party break out into a search, and he called back to the USS Enterprise to "cancel the security squad". (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

When Commander Bem, Captain Kirk and Commander Spock were lost on the surface of Delta Theta III, Montgomery Scott considered beaming down a security squad, armed with phaser rifles. Later, after Bem became separated from Captain Kirk and Spock on the surface of Delta Theta III, Kirk ordered Uhura to beam down a security squad with heavy duty tricorders set for Pandronian scanning. (TAS: "Bem")

In describing the events of the conflict on Setlik III, Chief Miles O'Brien explained that "A squad of Cardassian militia made a sneak raid on an outpost, wiped out close to a hundred civilians." O'Brien's role in the aftermath was rescuing the survivors "in an outlying district of the settlement. I was sent there with a squad to reinforce them." (TNG: "The Wounded")

According to Cadet Nicholas Locarno, leader of Nova Squadron, the first night he met Wesley Crusher, "I knew I wanted you on this squad." (TNG: "The First Duty")

When Jadzia Dax was kidnapped by the Klaestron in 2369, and the crew of Deep Space 9 was attempting to prevent the kidnappers from leaving the station Commander Benjamin Sisko ordered all of the docking ring airlocks sealed, and Odo ordered security to send all duty squads to the docking ring and commence an "immediate inward sweep, levels sixteen through twenty one." (DS9: "Dax")

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