Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

This is a list of characters who have appeared in Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers.

This article lists non-canon information. Additions to the brief character definitions listed here should include only a list of appearances and a short definition of their status as of their last appearance in this series. Other non-canon appearances will not be listed here. If you want to read about their canon information, their names will be hyperlinked to their main article. The specifics of non-canon characters' appearances should be listed in the character section of each audio production, novel, comic book, or game in which they played a role.

Main characters[]

Montgomery Scott (β)
Captain of the Starfleet Engineering Corps.
David Gold (β)
Starfleet Captain David Gold was the commanding officer of the da Vinci. Of Jewish descent, he was very proud of his heritage and sometimes the wisdom learned from it came in handy. His wife Rebecca was a rabbi on Earth, and the two of them were grandparents, even great-grandparents.
Sonya Gomez (β)
Starfleet commander, the first officer of the da Vinci and in charge of its SCE team. She graduated Starfleet Academy in 2365. Her first assignment was aboard the USS Enterprise-D. She later served on the USS Oberth. During the Dominion War, she served aboard the USS Sentinel as chief engineer.
Kieran Duffy (β) (deceased)
Starfleet lieutenant commander who was second officer and second in command of the SCE team.
Mor glasch Tev (β)
Starfleet Tellarite lieutenant commander who replaced the deceased Kieran Duffy as second officer and second in command of the USS da Vinci SCE team.
Domenica Corsi (β)
Called 'Core-Breach' Corsi by others, due to her mecurial and humorless nature, Security Commander Corsi did indeed have feelings, but, like Worf of Star Trek: The Next Generation, she felt emotions could sometimes get in the way of doing her job.
Elizabeth Lense (β)
Chief medical officer, a Starfleet lieutenant commander.
Carol Abramowitz (β)
Abramowitz was the da Vinci's cultural specialist.
Bartholomew Faulwell (β)
Faulwell was the da Vinci's cryptographer and language specialist. He was engaged in a stable, long distance relationship with another Starfleet officer named Anthony Mark. He was one of the first, if not the first, on-going character to be gay.
P8 Blue (β)
P8BlueTS27Q6, or "P8 Blue" for short, or "Pattie" for shorter, is a Nasat engineer, an insectoid race similar to a pillbug. (See: Em/3/Green's species)
Fabian Stevens (β)
Enlisted Starfleet crewperson assigned to the SCE contingent aboard the da Vinci.
Soloman / 110 (β)
Soloman is a Bynar, assigned to assist Starfleet as a computer specialist. He was originally named 110, and was partnered with 111, but when 111 died, instead of going back to Bynaus and finding a new partner, he chose the very difficult task of learning to go it alone.
Songmin Wong (β)
Starfleet ensign serving as alpha-shift flight control officer aboard the da Vinci.
Ina Mar (β)
Starfleet lieutenant junior grade, she was the Bajoran alpha-shift operations officer of the da Vinci.
Vance Hawkins (β)
Starfleet enlisted crewman who served as a security guard on the da Vinci.

Recurring characters[]

Kara Bain (β) (deceased)
Starfleet lieutenant junior grade; she was the beta shift operations officer of the da Vinci.
Jil Barnak (β) (deceased)
Atrean Starfleet lieutenant who served as chief engineer on the da Vinci.
Alex Chhung (β) (deceased)
Elleth Deo (β) (deceased)
Betazoid Starfleet lieutenant junior grade; she was the beta shift flight control officer of da Vinci.
Stephen Drew (β) (deceased)
Starfleet enlisted crewman who served as a security guard on the da Vinci.
Claire Eddy (β) (deceased)
Starfleet enlisted crewman who served as a security guard on the da Vinci.
Diego Feliciano (β) (deceased)
Chief petty officer who served as transporter chief.
Manfred Foley (β) (deceased)
Starfleet enlisted crewman who served as a security guard on the da Vinci.
Esther Friesner (β) (deceased)
Starfleet enlisted crewman who served as a security guard on the da Vinci.
Frnats (β) (deceased)
Bolian Starfleet enlisted crewman who served as a security guard on the da Vinci.
Sa'il Kazzarus (β) (deceased)
Chief petty officer who served as cargo chief.
Peter Keegan (β)
Starfleet lieutenant junior grade who served as an engineer on the da Vinci.
Keith Kowal (β) (deceased)
Starfleet lieutenant junior grade; he was the gamma shift operations officer of the da Vinci.
Denise Lankford (β) (deceased)
Starfleet ensign who served as the shuttle control officer.
Andrea Lipinski (β) (deceased)
Starfleet enlisted crewman who served as a security guard on the da Vinci.
David McAllan (β) (deceased)
Starfleet lieutenant who served as alpha shift tactical officer on the da Vinci.
Loton Yovre (β) (deceased)
Bajoran Starfleet enlisted crewman who serves as a security guard on the da Vinci.
Brian O'Leary (β) (deceased)
Starfleet lieutenant junior grade who served as an engineer on the da Vinci.
Orthak (β) (deceased)
Jovun Skernak (β) (deceased)
Kriosian engineer
Talia tai'Mio (β) (deceased)
Deltan Starfleet ensign who was an engineer on the da Vinci.
Norma J. Weiland (β) (deceased)
Starfleet lieutenant junior grade who was an engineer on the da Vinci.
Sandy Wetzel (β)
John Copper (β)
"Emmett" (β)
Emergency Medical Hologram of the da Vinci. He was deactivated.
Nancy Conlon (β)
Madeline Robins (β)
Joanne Piotrowski (β)
Robin Rusconi (β)
Anthony Shabalala (β)
111 (β) (deceased)