Star Trek: Seekers is a novel series from Pocket Books. Set in the Star Trek: The Original Series era, the series follows on from the events of Star Trek: Vanguard, returning two of that series' recurring starships to the Taurus Reach for an ongoing mission of exploration. Unlike Vanguard, the series does not follow a serialized storyline, but is more stand-alone in its approach.
Announced at the Shore Leave convention in August 2013, the series is being written by David Mack and the pairing of Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore – as with Vanguard, the authors will alternate releases.
The series was partly inspired by the work of artist Rob Caswell, [1] who was in turn inspired by the classic novel covers of the James Blish adaptations. Caswell is serving as cover artist for Seekers.
With regard to titles for each individual novel, Ward initially remarked that "[i]n the tradition of the Blish Star Trek adaptations, we've decided we're going to just go with numbers for each new installment"; [2] however, because of issues relating to the logistics of the publishing industry, titles were required when the novels were officially solicited. [3]
- Second Nature by David Mack
- Point of Divergence by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
- Long Shot by David Mack
- All That's Left by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
Background information[]
After All That's Left, the USS Endeavour crew would make a further appearance in Dayton Ward's Pocket TOS novel Agents of Influence.
External links[]
- Star Trek: Seekers at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
- Announcing Star Trek: Seekers at The Fog of Ward
- Announcement by David Mack