Starbase Earhart, also known as Far Space Starbase Earhart, was a Federation starbase administered by Starfleet. Starting out as a galactic outpost, this starbase grew in importance and size by the mid-24th century. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare") It was located "a quick warp" away from Qualor II. (LD: "We'll Always Have Tom Paris")
At some point before 2259, Erica Ortegas visited Starbase Earhart, where a man tried to trade her an ancient dom-jot set. Ortegas remembered the unique Nausicaan glyphs when trying to decipher a time portal on Krulmuth-B. (SNW: "Those Old Scientists")
In 2327, newly-graduated Ensigns Jean-Luc Picard, Cortan Zweller, and Marta Batanides spent several days at the starbase awaiting transfer to their first deep space assignments. It was during this time that Picard picked a fight with some Nausicaans and was stabbed through the heart by a Nausicaan sword. The wound was nearly fatal, despite Picard's initial reaction which was to laugh at the situation, and ultimately required him to receive an implant of an artificial heart. (TNG: "Tapestry")
Beckett Mariner and D'Vana Tendi visited the starbase in 2381 to meet with a "fixer" friend Mariner knew at Bonestell, named Addix, who she knew could fix the broken Caitian libido post they had just acquired from Qualor II on behalf of Doctor T'Ana. (LD: "We'll Always Have Tom Paris")
Starbase Earhart had spacious living quarters, if a little spartan. At least one of them contained an ante-room, a bed, a desk, wash facilities, storage space and a replicator.
There was also at least one bar, the Bonestell Recreation Facility, that was equipped with its own dom-jot table. (TNG: "Tapestry")
Personnel and visitors[]
- Erica Ortegas (visitor)
- Ensign Marta Batanides (visitor)
- Penny Muroc (visitor)
- Ensign Jean-Luc Picard (visitor)
- Ensign Cortan Zweller (visitor)
- Corlina (unknown)
- Four Starfleet officers (personnel or visitors)
- Beckett Mariner (visitor)
- D'Vana Tendi (visitor)
Background information[]
Starbase Earhart itself was named after American aviator Amelia Earhart. The Bonestell Recreation Facility was named after the 20th century astronomy artist, Chesley Bonestell. (Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., p. 466; Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion, 2nd ed., p. 87)
Judging from the view from Picard's window, Starbase Earhart was at least partly located on the surface of a planet. The scenery seen outside of Picard's quarters was actually a reused model from the science fiction movie Logan's Run from 1976. The same prop had already been reused in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (as a backdrop for the conversation with Bob) and in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Final Mission" (seen behind Chairman Songi). [1]
The base's computer voice was provided by Majel Barrett.
In "Samaritan Snare", Picard referred to it as "Far Space Starbase Earhart".
In the Star Trek: The Lost Era novel Well of Souls, Ensign Batanides meets Commander Rachel Garrett at Starbase Earhart, who is there awaiting transfer to the USS Carthage (β), where she will assume the position of first officer. The two women strike up a casual friendship, but they only meet each other for a couple of drinks at the local bar before they both go their separate ways.
External link[]
- Starbase Earhart at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works