Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Federation Starfleet personnel in the 24th century often had to place their lives in danger during the course of their duties, and many made the ultimate sacrifice.

For non-Starfleet casualties sustained by the Federation, see Civilian casualties.


In alphabetical order by date.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C)[]

The following casualties served aboard the USS Enterprise-C while it was in service (2344):

In addition to those listed below:

Date Rank Image Name Species Position Cause of Death Reference
Lieutenant junior gradeCommandStarfleet lieutenant jg insignia (late 2270s-2350s)
Castillo (KIA 2344) Castillo, Richard Human Helmsman
Acting captain
Listed as KIA after Battle of Narendra III TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise"
EnlistedOperationsUnknown rank
Fredericks (KIA 2344) Fredericks Human Acting helmsman Listed as KIA after Battle of Narendra III TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise"
EnlistedOperationsUnknown rank
Parker (KIA 2344) Parker Human Acting operations officer Listed as KIA after Battle of Narendra III TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise"
LieutenantOperationsStarfleet lieutenant insignia (2350s-2380s)
Natasha Yar (KIA 2349) Yar, Natasha Human Acting chief tactical officer Killed while trying to escape Romulan custody with her daughter Sela TNG: "Redemption II"
CaptainCommandStarfleet captain insignia (late 2270s-2350s)
Captain Garrett (KIA 2366) Garrett, Rachel Human Commanding officer Killed during a battle of the Federation-Klingon War in an alternate 2366 TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise"

The only known survivor of the 125 crewmembers that returned to Narendra III was Natasha Yar, though other members of the crew, including those listed as KIA, may have survived as Romulan prisoners of war. (TNG: "Redemption II")

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)[]

The following casualties served aboard the USS Enterprise-D while it was in service (23632371):

In addition to those listed below:

Date Rank Image Name Species Position Cause of Death Reference
Ramos (KIA 2364) Ramos Human Security officer Killed by Korris and Konmel TNG: "Heart of Glory"
Lieutenant junior gradeOperationsLieutenant
Singh (KIA 2364) Singh Human Assistant chief engineer Killed by the Beta Renner cloud TNG: "Lonely Among Us"
Yar (KIA 2364) Yar, Natasha Human Chief tactical officer
Security chief
Killed by Armus on Vagra II TNG: "Skin Of Evil"
Ramos (KIA 2364) Unnamed Human Security officer Killed by Korris and Konmel TNG: "Heart of Glory"
Haskell (KIA 2365) Haskell Human Conn officer Killed by Nagilum TNG: "Where Silence Has Lease"
Picard (KIA 2365) Picard, Jean-Luc Human Commanding officer Traveled six hours back in time, where he was killed by his past self. TNG: "Time Squared"
Aster (KIA 2366) Aster, Marla Human Ship's archaeologist Killed by a Koinonian explosive device TNG: "The Bonding"
CrewmanUnknown divisionCrewman
Brooks, Marc


Crewman Died in an accident TNG: "The Loss"
CrewmanUnknown divisionCrewman
Sandoval Crewman Hit by a disruptor blast; died two weeks later TNG: "Ethics"
Lieutenant junior gradeOperationsLieutenant
Van Mayter (KIA 2367) Van Mayter Human Engineer Partially fell into the deck beneath her TNG: "In Theory"
Lieutenant junior gradeCommandLieutenant
Monroe (KIA 2368) Monroe Human Conn officer Killed when the conn station exploded TNG: "Disaster"
Corelki (KIA 2369) Corelki Human Security officer Killed by Bosus TNG: "Descent"
Franklin (KIA 2369) Franklin Human Security officer Killed by rogue Borg TNG: "Descent"
Hagler (KIA 2369) Hagler, Edward Human   Killed when his blood transformed into a liquid polymer TNG: "Schisms"
Richardson (KIA 2369) Richardson Human Science officer Killed in a firestorm on Bersallis III TNG: "Lessons"
Unnamed (KIA 2369) Unnamed Human Security officer Killed by rogue Borg TNG: "Descent"
Dern (KIA 2370) Dern Human Conn officer Killed by a devolved Worf TNG: "Genesis"
Lieutenant junior gradeOperationsLieutenant
Kwan (KIA 2370) Kwan, Daniel Human/Napean hybrid Engineer Committed suicide by jumping into a plasma stream TNG: "Eye of the Beholder"
Sito Jaxa (KIA 2370) Sito Jaxa Bajoran Operations officer Debris of escape pod found after covert assignment into Cardassian space; listed as KIA TNG: "Lower Decks"
Unnamed (KIA 2370) Unnamed Human Security officer Killed by mercenaries on Barradas III TNG: "Gambit, Part I"


Date Rank Image Name Species Cause of Death Cause of Revival Date Death Reference Revival Reference
Lieutenant commanderOperationsLieutenant commander
Data (KIA 1893) Data Android Exploded when the energy emanated from the ophidian cane passed through him Reassembled from five-hundred-year-old parts by Geordi La Forge 2369

TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II"

TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II"
Provisional officerProvisional officerProvisional officer
Crusher (KIA 2364) Crusher, Wesley Human Killed when stabbed through the back with a bayonet Revived by William T. Riker with Q powers 2364 TNG: "Hide And Q" TNG: "Hide And Q"
Lieutenant junior gradeCommandLieutenant jg
Worf (KIA 2364) Worf Klingon Killed when stabbed in the abdomen with a bayonet Revived by William T. Riker with Q powers TNG: "Hide And Q" TNG: "Hide And Q"
Worf (KIA 2366) Worf Klingon Killed when John Doe emanated an energy bolt Revived by John Doe 2366 TNG: "Transfigurations" TNG: "Transfigurations"
Picard (KIA 2366) Picard, Jean-Luc Human Assimilated by the Borg; turned into Locutus of Borg Connection to the Borg Collective severed after the Borg cube self-destructed 2367 TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds " TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II"
Worf (KIA 2366) Worf Klingon Died during a spinal surgery Returned to life due to redundancies in Klingon physiology 2368 TNG: "Ethics" TNG: "Ethics"
Lieutenant commanderSciencesLieutenant commander
Troi (KIA 2369) Troi, Deanna Human/Betazoid hybrid Euthanized by Doctor Beverly Crusher in order to break the link to Ves Alkar Revived by Dr. Crusher thirty minutes later


TNG: "Man Of The People" TNG: "Man Of The People"

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)[]

The following casualties served aboard the USS Enterprise-E between 23722379:

In addition to those listed below:

Date Rank Image Name Species Position Cause of Death Reference
April 4,
Lieutenant Eiger (KIA 2373) Eiger Human Engineer Assimilated by the Borg Star Trek: First Contact
Ensign Lynch (KIA 2373) Lynch Human   Assimilated by the Borg;
later shot by Jean-Luc Picard
Star Trek: First Contact

Ensign Porter (KIA 2373)

Porter, Paul Human Engineer Assimilated by the Borg Star Trek: First Contact
Security ensign (KIA 2373) Unidentified Human Security officer Assimilated by the Borg;
killed by Jean-Luc Picard (mercy-kill)
Star Trek: First Contact
Operations officer (KIA 2373) Unidentified Human Crewman Assimilated by the Borg Star Trek: First Contact
Bolian engineer (KIA 2373) Unidentified Bolian Engineer Assimilated by the Borg Star Trek: First Contact
A lieutenant (KIA 2373) Unidentified Human

Security officer

Assimilated by the Borg Star Trek: First Contact
April 5,
Lieutenant Hawk (KIA 2373) Hawk Human Conn officer Assimilated by the Borg; later shot by Worf Star Trek: First Contact
Lieutenant Branson (KIA 2379) Branson Human Conn officer "Blown out" into space after bridge decompression during the Battle in the Bassen Rift Star Trek Nemesis
Lieutenant commanderOperationsLieutenant commander
Commander Data (KIA 2379) Data Android Operations officer Destroyed during the destruction of the Scimitar Star Trek Nemesis

Deep Space 9, USS Defiant (NX-74205), USS Sao Paulo (NCC-75633)[]

The following casualties served aboard either Deep Space 9 between 23692376, the USS Defiant while it was in service (23712375), or the USS Sao Paulo, renamed Defiant, in 2376:

The Defiants, along with the runabouts, were crewed by personnel stationed at DS9, as the ships were designated as support craft for the station and as such had no permanently assigned crew. Casualties marked as Defiant were sustained when on assignment to that vessel, casualties marked as Sao Paulo are for the second Defiant, while casualties on runabouts are marked as DS9.
This article or section is incompleteThis page is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.

In addition to those listed below:

See also: Bajoran Militia casualties.
See also: Mirror universe casualties.
Date Rank Image Name Species Position Cause of Death Reference
Aquino (KIA 2369) Aquino Human Engineer,
Deep Space 9
Killed by Neela DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets"
Chief petty officerOperationsChief Petty Officer
O'Brien (KIA 2371) O'Brien, Miles Human Chief of operations,
Deep Space 9
Deliberately contaminated himself with delta-series radioisotopes; replaced by future self DS9: "Visionary"
Unnamed (KIA 2371) Unnamed Human Deep Space 9 Vaporized in Ops by level three of Dukat's counter-insurgency program DS9: "Civil Defense"
Unknown rankCommandCrewman
Unnamed (KIA 2371) Unnamed Human Helmsman,
USS Defiant
Killed during the ship's first battle with the Jem'Hadar DS9: "The Search, Part I"
Unknown rankOperationsUnknown rank
Unnamed (KIA 2371) Unnamed Human Security officer,
USS Defiant
Killed by Krajensky Changeling DS9: "The Adversary"
  Bartlett   USS Defiant Killed in the battle with the USS Lakota DS9: "Paradise Lost"
  Boyce   USS Defiant Killed in an attack by the Jem'Hadar in a gas giant DS9: "Starship Down"
  Peterson   USS Defiant Killed in an attack by the Jem'Hadar in a gas giant DS9: "Starship Down"
Ramirez (KIA 2372) Ramirez Human Security officer,
USS Defiant
Killed on Vandros IV by rebel Jem'Hadar DS9: "To the Death"
  Ramsey   USS Defiant Killed in the battle with the USS Lakota DS9: "Paradise Lost"
Unnamed (KIA 2372) Unnamed Human Security officer,
USS Defiant
Killed by Jem'Hadar on Vandros IV DS9: "To the Death"
Amaro (KIA 2373) Amaro Human Security officer,
Deep Space 9
Killed by Elim Garak under the influence of psychotropic drugs DS9: "Empok Nor"
Unknown rankCommandUnknown rank
Bertram (KIA 2373) Bertram Human Deep Space 9 Was in a runabout destroyed by the Jem'Hadar DS9: "The Ship"
Boq'ta (KIA 2373) Boq'ta Bolian Engineer,
Deep Space 9
Killed by a Cardassian Third Battalion soldier under the influence of psychotropic drugs DS9: "Empok Nor"
Hoya (KIA 2373) Hoya Benzite Deep Space 9 Was in a runabout destroyed by the Jem'Hadar DS9: "The Ship"
Muniz (KIA 2373) Muniz, Enrique Human Enlisted,
USS Defiant
Bled to death on Torga IV DS9: "The Ship"
Pechetti (KIA 2373) Pechetti Human Engineer,
Deep Space 9
Killed by a Cardassian Third Battalion soldier under the influence of psychotropic drugs DS9: "Empok Nor"
Unknown rankOperationsUnknown rank
Rooney (KIA 2373) Rooney Human Deep Space 9 Was in a runabout destroyed by the Jem'Hadar DS9: "The Ship"
Stolzoff (KIA 2373) Stolzoff Human Security officer,
Deep Space 9
Killed by a Cardassian Third Battalion soldier under the influence of psychotropic drugs DS9: "Empok Nor"
Unknown rankSciencesCrewman
T'Lor (KIA 2373) T'Lor Tiburonian Deep Space 9 Killed by Jem'Hadar on Torga IV DS9: "The Ship"
Unknown rankOperationsCrewman
Unnamed (KIA 2373) Unnamed Human Deep Space 9 Killed when the USS Yukon was destroyed by the Bashir Changeling's bomb. DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
Unknown rankOperationsCrewman
Unnamed (KIA 2373) Unnamed Human Deep Space 9 Killed when the USS Yukon was destroyed by the Bashir Changeling's bomb. DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
Unknown rankSciencesCrewman
Unnamed (KIA 2373) Unnamed Human Deep Space 9 Killed when the USS Yukon was destroyed by the Bashir Changeling's bomb. DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
Lieutenant commanderSciencesLieutenant commander
Dax (KIA 2374) Dax, Jadzia Trill Science officer,
Deep Space 9
Killed by Dukat (controlled by a Pah-wraith) DS9: "Tears of the Prophets"
Gordon (KIA 2374) Gordon Human Engineer,

It is unclear if Gordon was assigned to the Defiant or Starbase 375.

Killed by the Jem'Hadar DS9: "Rocks and Shoals"
Petty officerOperationsPetty officer
Brott (KIA 2375) Brott, Zim Bolian Enlisted,
Deep Space 9
Killed by Chu'lak DS9: "Field of Fire"
Lieutenant junior gradeOperationsLieutenant junior grade
Ilario (KIA 2375) Ilario, Hector


Deep Space 9
Killed by Chu'lak DS9: "Field of Fire"
Lieutenant commanderSciencesLieutenant commander
Vanderweg (KIA 2375) Vanderweg, Greta Human Science officer,
Deep Space 9
Killed by Chu'lak DS9: "Field of Fire"
Sisko (MIA 2375) Sisko, Benjamin Human Commanding officer,
Deep Space 9
Fell with Dukat in the Fire Caves on Bajor; listed as MIA DS9: "What You Leave Behind"

USS Exeter (NCC-26531)[]

The following casualties served aboard USS Exeter in 2374:

USS Valiant (NCC-74210)[]

The following casualties served aboard USS Valiant while it was in service (2372 – 2374):

In addition to those listed below:

  • Thirty unnamed Red Squad crewmembers were killed in the destruction of the Valiant.
Date Rank Image Name Species Position Cause of Death Reference
  Ramirez   Commanding officer Died due to a punctured lung DS9: "Valiant"


Farris (KIA 2374) Farris, Karen Human XO
Red Squad cadet
Died in the destruction of the USS Valiant DS9: "Valiant"
Parton (KIA 2374) Parton Human Engineer
Red Squad cadet
Died in the destruction of the USS Valiant DS9: "Valiant"
Shepard (KIA 2374) Shepard, Riley Human Helmsman
Red Squad cadet
Died in the destruction of the USS Valiant DS9: "Valiant"
Watters (KIA 2374) Watters, Tim Human CO
Red Squad cadet
Died in the destruction of the USS Valiant DS9: "Valiant"


In addition to those listed below:

Most of the 150 crewpeople died in the five months the contingent was under siege at AR-558 in 2375.
Date Rank Image Name Species Position Cause of Death Reference
Larkin (KIA 2375) Larkin, Nadia Human   Killed in battle against Jem'Hadar troops DS9: "The Siege of AR-558"
  Loomis   Commanding officer Killed in battle against Jem'Hadar troops DS9: "The Siege of AR-558"
Kellin (KIA 2375) Kellin Human   Killed in battle against Jem'Hadar troops DS9: "The Siege of AR-558"
Unknown rankSciencesUnknown rank
  McGreevey     Killed in battle against Jem'Hadar troops DS9: "The Siege of AR-558"
CommanderUnknown divisionCommander
  Parker     Killed in battle against Jem'Hadar troops DS9: "The Siege of AR-558"
Vargas (KIA 2375) Vargas Human   Killed in battle against Jem'Hadar troops

DS9: "The Siege of AR-558"

USS Voyager (NCC-74656)[]

The following casualties served aboard USS Voyager while it was in the Delta Quadrant (23712378):

Date Rank Image Name Species Position Cause of Death Reference
Lieutenant commanderCommandLieutenant commander
Cavit (KIA 2371) Cavit Human


Killed when Voyager was pulled into the Delta Quadrant VOY: "Caretaker"
Durst (KIA 2371) Durst, Pete Human Security officer Killed by Sulan VOY: "Faces"
Stadi (KIA 2371) Stadi Betazoid Chief conn officer Killed when Voyager was pulled into the Delta Quadrant VOY: "Caretaker"
Lieutenant junior gradeOperationsLieutenant jg
Torres (KIA 2371) Torres, B'Elanna Klingon Chief engineer Fully Klingon version killed by Sulan VOY: "Faces"
Lieutenant commanderSciencesLieutenant commander
CMO (KIA 2371) Unidentified Human CMO Killed when Voyager was pulled into the Delta Quadrant VOY: "Caretaker"
Unknown rankSciencesUnknown rank
Nurse (KIA 2371) Unidentified Vulcan Nurse Killed when Voyager was pulled into the Delta Quadrant VOY: "Caretaker"
Bendera (KIA 2372) Bendera, Kurt Human Engineer A console exploded in his face during a Kazon attack VOY: "Alliances"
Bennet (KIA 2371) Bennet Human Shuttle pilot Killed in a shuttle crash VOY: "Innocence"
Darwin (KIA 2372) Darwin, Frank Human Engineer Killed by Lon Suder VOY: "Meld"
Kim (KIA 2372) Kim, Harry Human Operations officer Killed after being blown through a hull breach; replaced by duplicate VOY: "Deadlock"
Jonas, Michael (KIA 2372) Jonas, Michael Human Engineer Killed when he fell into a plasma fire, near Voyager's warp core VOY: "Investigations"
Tuvix (KIA 2372) Tuvix

Vulcan/Talaxian hybrid

Tactical officer, chef "Murdered" by Kathryn Janeway to restore Tuvok and Neelix VOY: "Tuvix"
Unknown rankOperationsUnknown rank
Unidentified (KIA 2372) Unidentified Human Security officer Killed when Teirna committed suicide bombing VOY: "Basics, Part I"
Unknown rankOperationsUnknown rank
Unidentified (KIA 2372) Unidentified Human Crewman Killed by the invading Kazon-Nistrim VOY: "Basics, Part I"
Hogan (KIA 2373) Hogan Human Engineer Killed by a Hanonian land eel VOY: "Basics, Part II"
Jetal (KIA 2373) Jetal, Ahni Human Shuttle pilot Killed on an away mission by massive synaptic failure VOY: "Latent Image"
Kaplan (KIA 2373) Kaplan, Marie Human Shuttle pilot Killed by former Borg drones on a planet in the Nekrit Expanse VOY: "Unity"
Martin (KIA 2373) Martin Human Transporter operator Killed by Kes while she was possessed by Tieran VOY: "Warlord"
Seska (KIA 2373) Seska Cardassian Crewman Killed when Voyager was retaken from the Kazon-Nistrim VOY: "Basics, Part II"
Suder (KIA 2373) Suder, Lon Betazoid Crewman Killed while helping retake Voyager from the Kazon-Nistrim VOY: "Basics, Part II"
Unknown rankSciencesUnknown rank
Science officer (KIA 2373) Unidentified Human Crewman Killed by a Hanonian land eel in a cave on Hanon IV VOY: "Basics, Part II"
Unknown rankOperationsUnknown rank
Unidentified (KIA 2373) Unidentified Human Crewman Killed by a Swarm species alien VOY: "The Swarm"
Ballard (KIA 2374) Ballard, Lyndsay Human Engineer Killed by a Hirogen neural disruptor; later reanimated as Jhet'leya VOY: "Ashes to Ashes"
Crewman (KIA 2374) Unidentified Human   Killed by a Srivani experiment VOY: "Scientific Method"
Ensign (KIA 2374) Unidentified Human   Burned to death as a result of exposure of subnucleonic radiation VOY: "One"
Carey (KIA 2377) Carey, Joe Human Assistant chief engineer Murdered by Verin VOY: "Friendship One"

In addition to those listed above:

See casualty report.

Some of the names above could be the unnamed crewmembers on this list.


In addition to those listed below:

  • Quinn accidentally made the entire male complement of Voyager disappear, until Q restored them. (2372, VOY: "Death Wish")
Date Rank Image Name Species Cause of Death Cause of Revival Date Death Reference Revival Reference
Kim (KIA 2371) Kim, Harry Human Euthanized by a cenotaph Revived by The Doctor 2371 VOY: "Emanations" VOY: "Emanations"
Lieutenant junior gradeCommandLieutenant junior grade
Paris (KIA 2372) Paris, Tom Human Died as a result of hyper-evolution Returned to life due to the same reason 2372 VOY: "Threshold" VOY: "Threshold"
Tuvok (KIA 2372) Tuvok Vulcan Killed in a transporter accident Revived by Kathryn Janeway VOY: "Tuvix" VOY: "Tuvix"
Lieutenant commanderOperationsLieutenant commander
Tuvok (KIA 2377) Tuvok Vulcan Assimilated by the Borg Revived by The Doctor 2377 VOY: "Unimatrix Zero, Part II" VOY: "Unimatrix Zero, Part II"

USS Prometheus[]

The following casualties served aboard USS Prometheus while it still was as a prototype in service (2374). The entire crew was killed by Romulans.

Date Rank Image Name Species Position Cause of Death Reference
Chief petty officerOperationsChief petty officer
(KIA 2374) Unnamed Human   Killed by severe phaser burns from the Romulans VOY: "Message in a Bottle"
(KIA 2374) Unnamed Human   Killed by severe phaser burns from the Romulans VOY: "Message in a Bottle"

USS Equinox[]

The following casualties served aboard USS Equinox while it was in service (23702376):

In addition to those listed below:

Less then a third of Equinox crew survived the years in the Delta Quadrant before Voyager discovered them in 2376. (VOY: "Equinox", "Equinox, Part II")
Date Rank Image Name Species Position Cause of Death Reference
CrewmanUnknown divisionCrewman
  Amantes, David     Killed during an attack by nucleogenic lifeforms VOY: "Equinox"
EnsignUnknown divisionEnsign
  Chang, Dorothy     Killed during an attack by nucleogenic lifeforms VOY: "Equinox"
LieutenantUnknown divisionLieutenant
  Bowler, John     Killed during an attack by nucleogenic lifeforms VOY: "Equinox"
LieutenantUnknown divisionLieutenant
  Yates, William     Killed during an attack by nucleogenic lifeforms VOY: "Equinox"
EnsignUnknown divisionEnsign
  Regis, Edward     Killed during an attack by nucleogenic lifeforms VOY: "Equinox"
LieutenantCommand divisionLieutenant
Burke (KIA 2376) Burke, Maxwell Human XO Killed by nucleogenic lifeforms while trying to get to the Equinox's shuttlebay VOY: "Equinox, Part II"
Ransom (KIA 2376) Ransom, Rudolph Human Commanding officer Killed when the Equinox was destroyed VOY: "Equinox, Part II"
Thompson (KIA 2376) Thompson Human   Killed by nucleogenic lifeforms while trying to get to the Equinox's shuttlebay VOY: "Equinox, Part II"

USS Cerritos[]

The following casualties served aboard USS Cerritos while it was in service (2380):

Date Rank Image Name Species Position Cause of Death Reference
Shaxs (KIA 2380) Shaxs Bajoran USS Cerritos chief of security Killed after placing Ensign Sam Rutherford in the shuttle Sequoia and pushing it, by hand, free of an attacking Pakled ship LD: "No Small Parts"

Other posts[]

Date Rank Image Name Species Position Cause of Death Reference
Lieutenant commanderCommandLieutenant commander
Crusher (KIA 2354) Crusher, Jack R. Human USS Stargazer Killed on an away mission in an accident TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint"
Lieutenant commanderCommandLieutenant commander
Rossa (KIA 2357) Rossa, Connor Human Galen IV Killed during a Talarian raid TNG: "Suddenly Human"
Jameson (KIA 2354) Jameson, Mark Human Admiralty
Starfleet Command
Died from side effects of a de-aging treatment from Cerberus II TNG: "Too Short A Season"
Paul Rice (KIA 2364) Rice, Paul Human Commanding officer, USS Drake Killed when his ship was destroyed by Minosian weaponry TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom"
Joshua Albert (KIA 2368) Albert, Joshua Human Nova Squadron
Starfleet Academy
Killed while attempting to perform the banned Kolvoord Starburst maneuver TNG: "The First Duty"
Captain Kirk (KIA 2371) Kirk, James T. Human Inactive (retired) Crushed under a bridge after saving the Veridian system Star Trek Generations
Vice admiralCommandVice Admiral
Les Buenamigo (KIA 2381) Buenamigo, Les Human Admiralty
Douglas Station
Murdered by the USS Aledo while attempting to rescind its autonomy LD: "The Stars At Night"
Spock (MIA 2387) Spock Human/Vulcan hybrid Commanding officer,
Jellyfish pulled into black hole; listed as MIA Star Trek
47 people from the Adelphi were killed on Ghorusda, including Darson.
219 fatalities over three days.
Many other Starfleet personnel and civilians, including Connor's wife Moira, were killed in the Talarian attack.
Seventy-one members of the crew were killed when the ship was lost.
All eighty members of the crew were killed.
The entire crew of the Horatio was lost when the power struggle between Captain Keel and officers possessed by parasitic beings destroyed the ship.
Remmick was the host body for the mother creature of the parasitic beings which infiltrated Starfleet. Numerous other officers were killed as part of the creatures' conspiracy.
The entire crew of the Lantree was killed by premature aging.
Captain Varley's entire crew of over one thousand was killed by the computer failure.
The Yosemite was later recovered, but the crew was all listed as MIA except Kelly and four survivors.
Captain La Forge's entire crew and ship were reported missing, with no trace ever found of them.
All 274 crewmembers were killed or assimilated.
All seven members of the crew were KIA.
The Odyssey was lost with all hands except the non-essential personnel, who were left at Deep Space 9.
The entire crew of Olympia perished in the breakup of their vessel.
Burke's entire squad died defending Ajilon Prime.
Around thirty ships destroyed; USS Lexington reported ninety-six casualties and twenty-two wounded.
The Honshu was destroyed with almost all hands by a Cardassian attack wing; at least three of the starship's escape pods and a shuttlecraft managed to escape.
Most or all of Captain Swofford's crew were assumed to be lost with their vessel.
Most or all of Captain Wong's crew were assumed to be lost with their vessel.
Ninety-eight starships of the Seventh Fleet destroyed
USS Sitak and USS Majestic among the destroyed.
Heavy casualties in the Federation / Klingon / Romulan fleet including USS Valley Forge and USS ShirKahr
USS Grissom destroyed; 1,244 crewmembers KIA
311 ships destroyed in the combined Federation / Klingon / Romulan fleet.
(The survivors' escape pods were allowed to flee.)
Approximately four hundred ships were destroyed in the combined Federation / Klingon / Romulan / Cardassian fleet, including an Excelsior-class starship.

Dominion War casualties[]

See casualty report.

During the Dominion War, Starfleet's battle-related casualties became so numerous that they were released on a weekly, or even daily, basis. Scrolling the readouts of wounded and killed became a regular activity for Starfleet officers on the front line bases. The names below are excerpted from known lists, received on or around stardate 51721, in 2374, from the starships and starbases:

(DS9: "Image in the Sand", "The Siege of AR-558", "In the Pale Moonlight", "What You Leave Behind")

The names associated with the above starships and starbases were displayed by an okudagram-style screens on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Many of the officers listed are actually the names of Star Trek staffers. These names are also confusingly listed under more than one ship, so their assignments have been left blank.

Alternate timelines and parallel universes[]

See: alternate timelines and parallel universes.
This article or section is incompleteThis page is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)[]

Energy vortex alternate timeline[]

In addition to those listed below:

Entire crew of the USS Enterprise-D except Jean-Luc Picard. (2365, TNG: "Time Squared")

Temporal rift alternate timeline[]

It is likely that many more crewmembers died than just Riker.

Temporal casualty loop timelines[]

The ship was lost with all hands several times before the temporal causality loop was broken. It is likely the USS Bozeman was destroyed as well each time.

Quantum fissure timelines[]

Captain Jean-Luc Picard was killed as Locutus of Borg in at least two of these universes. (2367)
At least a William T. Riker and Worf are killed when their Enterprise is destroyed by another Enterprise.

Nexus timeline[]

USS Voyager[]

Date Rank Image Name Species Position Cause of Death Reference
Unknown rankOperationsUnknown rank
Emmanuel (KIA 2374) Emmanuel Human   Killed during the explosion of deck 5 in an alternate timeline VOY: "Year of Hell"
Strickler (KIA 2374) Strickler Human   Killed during the explosion of deck 5 in an alternate timeline VOY: "Year of Hell"
Unknown rankSciencesUnknown rank
Bridge officer (KIA 2374) Unidentified Human Bridge officer Killed during an attack of a Krenim warship, died on the bridge VOY: "Year of Hell"
Janeway (KIA 2374) Janeway, Kathryn Human Commanding officer,
USS Voyager
Died in the explosion when she set a collision course into the Krenim weapon ship VOY: "Year of Hell, Part II"

External link[]
