Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A statute of limitations was a law that disallowed the preferral of criminal charges after a certain period of time had elapsed between the commission of the crime and the present day.

By 2259, the statute of limitations had long since passed on Pelia's possession of paintings belonging to the Louvre, something she had already determined. Una Chin-Riley then noted that she wasn't aware there was a statute of limitations for "plundering antiquities". (SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")

On the planet Lissepia, bank robbery carried a statute of limitations of nine Earth years. That statute was the reason the conspirators of the Lissepian Mother's Day Heist Larell, Hain, Nahsk, and Krit did not attempt to recover the proceeds of the heist from fellow conspirator Morn, who had hidden them, until 2374, at which point the statute of limitations had since expired. (DS9: "Who Mourns for Morn?")

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