A stereotype was a generalization about someone or something.
According to Tuvok, "To the trained Vulcan intellect, intense romantic love is nothing more than a set of stereotypical behaviors." (VOY: "Alter Ego")
In 2375, The Doctor was surprised by B'Elanna Torres dismissal of his consultant, "Crell Moset", saying he never thought she would make a generalization based on race. (VOY: "Nothing Human")
In 2377, Cardassian hologram Kejal was surprised to find that B'Elanna Torres didn't look "ferocious or bloodthirsty", as Klingons were said to be. Torres explained that it was a stereotype, much like that of Cardassians being "arrogant and cruel". She questioned what Kejal and her fellow holograms would do if they gained the ability to move freely, giving the example of taking somebody else's home from them if they liked it. Kejal asked why she would do that, and Torres explained that the Cardassians had done that. Kejal said she was a hologram, not a Cardassian, but Torres reminded her that she had been programmed to share traits with their species. Kejal asked if that included the stereotypes she had previously mentioned, arrogance and cruelty. (VOY: "Flesh and Blood")