A subspace frequency was a specific frequency used for subspace communication.
In 2266, Harcourt Fenton Mudd used subspace frequency three-nine to contact Rigel XII with a communicator aboard the USS Enterprise. (TOS: "Mudd's Women")
In the final draft script of "Mudd's Women", this frequency was instead called "sub-space B three nine".
The next year, Captain James T. Kirk asked Lieutenant Uhura to contact a private transmitter designated GSK-783 on subspace frequency three. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")
When Captain Picard told Commander Riker to send a message to Starfleet to obtain more information about a particular group of three renegade Klingons led by Captain Korris, Riker told Picard that the message would need forty-eight hours from their current position on subspace frequency. (TNG: "Heart of Glory")
When an initial test of the wormhole relay station produced no results, a team who were trying it conducted a second test using a different subspace frequency. (DS9: "Destiny")
In 2374, Tuvok detected a power surge in the subspace frequency range after Kathryn Janeway initialized a level four induction relay overload of the computer. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")
Subspace communication |
amplifier • antenna • bandwidth • beacon • frequency • hyper- • interference • interplexing beacon • link • log • monitor • neural transceiver • relay • relay network • relay station • signal • static • transceiver • transmission • transmitter • transponder • wide-band |