Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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A synapse, or neural synapse, is a specialized structure elaborated by neurons that allows for the propagation of information within the nervous system and from the nervous system to target tissues.

In 2153, Doctor Phlox gave Captain Jonathan Archer a hypospray filled with a neural toxin and asked him to use it against Phlox when he turned into a cybernetic creature. This toxin would terminate his synaptic functions within seconds. (ENT: "Regeneration")

Doctor Richard Daystrom impressed his own synaptic "engrams" (patterns of synaptic connection hypothesized to encode memory) onto the circuits of the M-5 multitronic unit and compared the computer's electronic relays to synapses. (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer")

The officially recorded cause of death of Natasha Yar was heavy synaptic damage caused by Armus on Vagra II. (TNG: "Skin Of Evil")

A side-effect of the Ktarian game was very high synaptic activity. (TNG: "The Game")

After Deanna Troi, Miles O'Brien, and Data were taken over my Ux-Mal criminals, the biofilter scans showed that their nervous systems were generating high levels of synaptic and anionic energy. (TNG: "Power Play")

When it was attempted to free Captain Jean-Luc Picard from the influence of the Kataan probe, his synaptic responses were failing as a consequence of the interfering. (TNG: "The Inner Light")

In 2375, Julian Bashir managed to grow new synapses in Sarina Douglas' thalamus, reversing the defects created by genetic engineering. (DS9: "Chrysalis")

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