Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Taibak was a Romulan officer who served in the Romulan Star Empire in the late 24th century.

In 2367, Taibak was part of a mission to kidnap and brainwash Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge. After La Forge was captured from the shuttlecraft Onizuka, he was taken aboard a Romulan Warbird. There, Taibak brainwashed La Forge and modified his VISOR to receive E-band emissions. During a holographic simulation, La Forge was forced by Taibak to kill Chief Miles O'Brien on several occasions to ensure that the mind control was functioning.

After Taibak was satisfied that Commander La Forge was ready, he was sent back to the USS Enterprise-D. There, La Forge received E-band emissions through his VISOR from a transmitter used by Kell, a Klingon ambassador and traitor to the Klingon Empire. The E-band emissions subconsciously directed La Forge to kill Vagh, a Klingon governor, and destroy the Federation-Klingon Treaty. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye")

Taibak was played by John Fleck in his first Star Trek role, he would later portray another high ranking Romulan, Koval. "It was kind of fun," he recalled, regarding the role. (Star Trek Monthly issue 91, p. 31)

The name Taibak originated from the source's script.

Taibak was described in the script as both a "Romulan doctor" and "a high ranking Romulan officer". It was further noted of the character, "[...]it is important to note he is not sinister, but a scientist and Geordi is a test subject. Taibak has no delight in making Geordi go through what he's about to go through, it's just a job. He is quite casual about it, though a certain pride in his work may peek through." [1]
