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Picard confronts a deadly secret from the past!

The Forgotten War is a Pocket TNG novel – #57 in the numbered series – written by William R. Forstchen (and Elizabeth Kitsteiner Salzer). Published by Pocket Books, it was first released in September 1999.


From the book jacket
The legendary Starfleet Captain Lucien Murat, a contemporary of Christopher Pike, disappeared during a battle with the alien Tarn. Now, generations later, Captain Picard is conducting delicate diplomatic negotiations with the Tarn when the Starship Enterprise discovers the descendants of Murat and his crew stranded on a desolate planet, still fighting a war that ended decades ago.
The Human castaways face destruction, but more than these precious lives are at stake. Unless Picard can find a solution, a lost hero's legacy may ignite a new era of interstellar war!

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.

Background information[]

  • Although Forstchen is listed on the cover as sole author, he has credited Elizabeth Kitsteiner Salzer, a student of his, as his co-author and the person who convinced him to accept the offer to write the novel. He notes that, despite Salzer being "a major force behind the story", Pocket made the decision for her not to be credited. (Voyages of Imagination, pp. 200-201)
  • The novel contains Chapter Two of the serialized novel Starfleet: Year One.


Jean-Luc Picard
Harna Karish (β)
Member of the royal family on the home planet of the Tarn
Lucian Murat (β)
Captain of the USS Verdun
Mr. Eddies
Janice Hardman


USS Verdun (β)
A 23rd century starship, under the command of Lucien Murat when it crashed on one of the planets in the Torgu-Va system while in combat with a Tarn vessel.

External link[]

Previous novel: Series Next novel:
#56: Double Helix: The First Virtue Pocket TNG
Numbered novels
#58: Gemworld, Book One