The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume Two is a Pocket TOS novel – the second novel in The Eugenics Wars series – written by Greg Cox. Published by Pocket Books, it was first released in April 2002.
- From the book jacket
- "A strange, violent period in your history." – Spock
- Many unanswered questions remain about the terrible Eugenics Wars that raged on Earth during the 1990s, an apocalyptic conflict that brought civilization to the brink of a new dark age. Centuries later, as Capt. James T. Kirk and the crew of the Starship Enterprise are forced to defend a colony of genetically enhanced Humans against Klingon aggression and sabotage, Kirk must probe deeper into the past – and into the glory days of one of the greatest adversaries he has ever faced.
- 1992. Almost twenty years ago, Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln, undercover operatives for an unknown alien civilization, failed to prevent the Chrysalis Project from creating an entire generation of supermen and women, genetically engineered to be stronger, smarter, and more resourceful than ordinary Human beings. Now, at last, the children of Chrysalis have grown to adulthood, and are rapidly demonstrating that superior abilities spawn superior ambition.
- Perhaps the most formidable of this new breed of supermen is the charismatic Khan Noonien Singh. Working behind the scenes of history as head of a vast global conspiracy, Khan's power soon stretches across a quarter of the planet, but that is only the beginning of his grand design. Determined to unite Humanity beneath the enlightened rule of a genetic elite, Khan dreams of leading his fellow superhumans to complete and total domination of the world.
- But several of his gene-engineered brothers and sisters have equally grandiose visions for the future, visions that recognize no one but themselves as supreme ruler. Gary Seven and Roberta watch in horror as the children of Chrysalis wage a covert war against one another, threatening the safety of millions and the future of the entire world!
- The Eugenics Wars: Volume Two is an earth-shattering thriller that reveals the secret history of the twentieth century – and the ultimate destiny of the tyrant known as Khan.
- Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.
Captain's log, stardate 7004.1
Chapter One[]
Tuamoto Islands, French Polynesia, June 14, 1992
Chapter Two[]
Palace of the Great Khan, Chandigarh, The Punjab, India, July 10, 1992
Chapter Three[]
Aegis Fine Books, Ltd., Charing Cross Road, London, United Kingdom, November 5, 1992
Chapter Four[]
Palace of the Great Khan, Chandigarh, India, November 6, 1992
Chapter Five[]
Plexicorp Inc., San Francisco, California, United States of America, March 15, 1993
Chapter Six[]
Palace of the Great Khan, Chandigarh, India, June 14, 1993
Chapter Seven[]
Captain's log, stardate 7004.2
Chapter Eight[]
Palace of the Great Khan, Chandigarh, India, June 14, 1993
Chapter Nine[]
Isle of Arran, off the coast of Scotland, September 10, 1993
Chapter Ten[]
Ajorra Caves, Maharashtra State, Central India, September 30, 1993
Chapter Eleven[]
Vic's Lounge, Dunes Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, October 1, 1993
Chapter Twelve[]
Somewhere beneath the Mediterranean sea, February 7, 1994
Chapter Thirteen[]
Isle of Arran, February 7, 1994
Chapter Fourteen[]
Palace of the Great Khan, Chandigarh, India, April 21, 1994
Chapter Fifteen[]
Fort Cochise, Southeast Arizona, United States, August 16, 1994
Chapter Sixteen[]
Palais des Nations, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, August 29, 1994
Chapter Seventeen[]
Fort Cochise, Southeast Arizona, United States, August 29, 1994
Chapter Eighteen[]
Chrysalis Island, October 2, 1994
Chapter Nineteen[]
Waterloo International Train Terminal, London, United Kingdom, November 14, 1994
Chapter Twenty[]
Fort Cochise, Southeast Arizona, United States, November 14, 1994
Chapter Twenty-One[]
Palace of the Great Khan, Chandigarh, March 17, 1995
Chapter Twenty-Two[]
Chrysalis Island, September 5, 1995
Chapter Twenty-Three[]
Isle of Arran, September 7, 1995
Chapter Twenty-Four[]
Area 51, Nevada, United States, January 5, 1996
Chapter Twenty-Five[]
Palace of the Great Khan, Chandigarh, India, January 10, 1996
Chapter Twenty-Six[]
Hibernation Deck Alpha, DY-100 Prototype Sleeper Ship, High Earth Orbit, January 11, 1996
Chapter Twenty-Seven[]
Area 51, Nevada, United States, January 20, 1996
Chapter Twenty-Eight[]
Isle of Arran, February 2, 1996
Captain's log, stardate 7004.2
Memorable quotes[]
"'Tis not too late to seek a new world… to strive, to seek, to find… and not to yield."
- - Khan Noonien Singh, his last thoughts as he goes into stasis aboard the SS Botany Bay
Background information[]
- In determining how to tackle the question of the nature of the Eugenics Wars, and, particularly, how to reconcile it with real-world history, author Greg Cox knew that there were two options: "[i]gnore history as we know it, and describe an all-out, apocalyptic conflict […] or […] depict the EW as this huge global conspiracy, the true nature of which did not become known to the general public until generations later." With both Cox and Pocket editor John Ordover agreeing that the second was the better option, Cox noted that this also helped explain the depiction of Los Angeles in VOY: "Future's End", and worked to his strengths: "There are authors out there who could write a great Clancy-esque, all-out global war novel, but I'm not sure I'm one of them. The whole secret war idea appealed to me more.. (Voyages of Imagination, p. 134)
- The audiobook version was abridged by George Truett.
- This novel features 20th century characters introduced in Star Trek: The Original Series (Khan Noonien Singh, Gary Seven, Roberta Lincoln, Isis and Joaquin), Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Dr. Nichols and Madelaine), Star Trek: The Next Generation (Clare Raymond and Sonny Clemonds), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Jeff), and Star Trek: Voyager (Shannon O'Donnel, Rain Robinson, Porter, Butch, and Dunbar).
Cover gallery[]
- Khan Noonien Singh
- Gary Seven
- Roberta Lincoln
- Dr. Walter Nichols
- Joaquin
- Jeff
- Shannon O'Donnel
- Jackson Roykirk
- Lt. Shaun Christopher
- Vasily Hunyadi
- Dr. Alberto Gomez
- Elijah Jugurtha Amin
- General Randall "Hawkeye" Morrison
- Brother Arcturus
- Chen Tiejun
- Suzette Ling
- Vishwa Patil
- Ament
- Clare Raymond
- Dr. Phoolan Dhasal
- Dr. Donald Williams
- Guinan
- Madelaine
- Butch
- Porter
- James T. Kirk
- Spock
- Leonard McCoy
- Montgomery Scott
- Hikaru Sulu
- Nyota Uhura
- Pavel Chekov
- Lieutenant Seth Lerner
- USS Enterprise security officer
- Martha Landon
- Koloth
- Korax
- Lieutenant K'rad
- Krevorr
- Lieutenant Macck
- Masako Clarke
- genetically engineered Regent of the Paragon colony
- Paragon colony
- a colony of genetically engineered Humans
- Sycorax
- a class K planet
- genetic engineering
- DY-100-class
- SS Botany Bay
- Roswell, New Mexico
- Project F
- Chrysalis Project
- Area 51
- Groom Lake
- Plexicorp, Inc.
- Panspermic Church of First Contact
- IKS Gr'oth
- Morning Star
- Army of Eternal Vigilance
- The personal militia of General "Hawkeye" Morrison
- Chateau Picard
- A fine champagne enjoyed by Carlson
- Isis
- Jonathan Archer
- someone who Kirk remembers for his disparaging remarks about the Vulcans, early in his career
External link[]
- The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2 at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
Previous novel: | Series | Next novel: |
Gateways: One Small Step | Pocket TOS Unnumbered novels |
The Janus Gate: Present Tense |
The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume One | The Eugenics Wars | To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh |