A transporter scrambler (also called a transport scrambler or pattern scrambler) was a device designed to discourage transporter use in a certain area by interfering with rematerialization. Transport scramblers could be programmed to recognize particular signals and only interfere with enemy transporter systems.
During the Klingon invasion of Ajilon Prime in early 2373, they used transport scramblers in ground battles to prevent the enemy from deploying troops effectively. (DS9: "Nor the Battle to the Strong")
A transporter scrambler was part of the security system installed aboard Deep Space 9. In 2373, Lupaza found a way to re-tune the scrambler and beam into Kira Nerys' quarters. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")
The Cardassians routinely booby trapped their abandoned facilities, such as Empok Nor, with pattern scramblers rigged to activate if they detect a non-Cardassian transporter signal. Miles O'Brien remarked in 2373 that these devices could be "messy". (DS9: "Empok Nor")
Soukara was protected by transporter scramblers in 2374, making transport to any area of the planet impossible. (DS9: "Change of Heart")
In 2385, Asencia initiated planet-wide transport scramblers on Solum so that the USS Protostar's crew couldn't simply be beamed out and nor could the USS Voyager-A simply beam in a rescue team. As a result, Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway, Captain Chakotay, The Doctor and Wesley Crusher were forced to travel to and from the surface using a Vau N'Akat ship created using the Protostar's vehicle replicator. Shortly thereafter, during the Battle of Solum, Chakotay found a gap in the scramblers to beam an away team to the surface from the Protostar after using an old Maquis trick of remodulating the shields in order to get close to the planet. Following Asencia's defeat, the scramblers were presumably deactivated as the team was able to beam back to the Protostar without any issues. (PRO: "Touch of Grey", "Ouroboros, Part I", "Ouroboros, Part II")
See also[]
External link[]
- Transporter scrambler at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works