UNO FANDOM: STAR TREK: The Original Series is a card game produced by Mattel in 2023. It was the third such Star Trek: The Original Series-themed UNO game produced under Mattel's license, and the second directly released by Mattel (the other set was released by Fundex; see SEE ALSO below). It was released under their Mattel Creations imprint as part of their UNO FANDOM series of themed UNO editions, which included versions themed on other licensed fiction properties and many NFL football teams. [1]
Game Components[]
- 113 game cards
- Instruction sheet
The game is played much the same as the standard UNO card game, with the cards featuring various images of characters and scenes from the Original Series, including an image of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) in the lower left corner of most cards. The set also includes five additional special "Wild Cards" called "Wild Mirror Mirror Cards". These cards (with images from the episode after which they are named) forced any opponent of the player's choice to draw as many cards as necessary to bring their hand to the same number of cards as the player holding the most cards. As with regular Wild Cards, it also allowed the player who played it to call the color that would continue play. Four of the cards featured a center image of "Mirror" Uhura flirting with Mirror Sulu on the bridge, while the fifth was a special foil-printed card featuring an image of the "Mirror" Kirk and Mirror Spock. This latter could be used to replace one of the other four in game play or saved and put aside as a "collector card". (Only four of these were meant to be used for play at any time.)