Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The USS Endeavour (NCC-39222) was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet.

In 2364, Captain Maria Mann was the commanding officer of this ship. In that year, on stardate 41601.3, Gregory Quinn of the Starfleet Operational Support Services sent a mission order about revised patrol assignments. Later that year, this order was read by Lieutenant Commander Data during an investigation into an alleged conspiracy in the highest levels of Starfleet Command. (TNG: "Conspiracy" okudagram)

This starship was only mentioned in writing.

The star chart seen on this mission order was seen again on the mission order for both the USS Sherlock Holmes and USS Unicorn. This chart was first seen in "Heart of Glory" aboard the Talarian freighter Batris. It was seen again in "Symbiosis" aboard the Ornaran freighter Sanction.

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