Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
For the mirror universe counterpart, please see ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) personnel.
"… Here's to ya', lads…"
Montgomery Scott, 2369 ("Relics")

The first Constitution-class and later Constitution II-class starship USS Enterprise was commissioned in 2245, and spent forty years in service until it was scuttled in 2285. Many different crews manned the ship of that time.

Crew manifest[]

Personnel under Captain Robert April's command[]

Name Rank (final) Position Division Dates Species Note
April, Robert Captain Commanding officer Command[1] 2245-2250 Human First CO of the Enterprise
April, Sarah   Chief medical officer Sciences[1] 2245 Human First CMO of the Enterprise
Chin-Riley, Una   Science officer Sciences 2240s–2250 Illyrian  
Pike, Christopher   First officer Command 2245–2250 Human later promoted to captain and given command of the Enterprise

Personnel under Captain Christopher Pike's command[]

Name Rank (final) Position Division Dates Species Note
Aberth, M. Crewman Operations division science specialist Operations division 2254 Human KIA
Amin Lieutenant Navigator Command 2258 Human  
Boyce, Phil   Chief medical officer Sciences 2254 Human  
Carter       2259 Human
Chia Cadet Sciences division officer Sciences 2259 Human KIA
Christina Ensign Communications officer Operations 2259 Human  
Chapel, Christine   Nurse Sciences 2259 Human Civilian exchange
Chin-Riley, Una Lieutenant commander First officer Command 2250 Illyrian Arrested for being an Augment after turning herself in for concealing her species; commission restored after a court martial led to her acquittal
Colt, J.M. Yeoman Yeoman Operations 2254 Human  
Colt Yeoman Yeoman Sciences 2258 unknown  
Connolly, Evan Lieutenant Science officer Sciences 2257 Human KIA
Duke Lieutenant Command division officer Command 2259 Human KIA
Fisher Crewman Geological technician Sciences 2254-2266 Human  
Garison Chief petty officer Communications officer Operations 2254 Human  
Hemmer Lieutenant Chief engineer Operations 2259 Aenar KIA
Kirk, George Samuel Lieutenant Science officer Sciences 2259 Human
Kroad Science officer Sciences 2258 Human
Kyle Transporter chief Operations 2259 Human
Lance Ensign Operations officer Operations 2259 Human
Louvier Chief engineer Operations c.2257–c.2259 Replaced by Hemmer
Lucero, Lynne Science officer Sciences[1] 2250s or 2260s promoted to captain and reassigned to the USS Cabot
Mann Lieutenant Tactical officer Operations 2258 Human  
M'Benga, Joseph Commander Chief medical officer Sciences 2259 Human  
Mitchell, Jenna Lieutenant Navigator Operations 2259 Human  
Nhan, D. Lieutenant commander Engineer Operations 2257 Barzan Transferred to the USS Discovery; falsely declared KIA in 2258
Nicola Lieutenant Communications officer Operations 2258 Human  
Noonien-Singh, La'an Lieutenant Chief of security
Acting first officer
Operations 2259 Human  
Nguyen, Zac Yeoman Yeoman Operations 2254 Human Presumed KIA but later found to be alive on Rigel VII
Parker Lieutenant Sciences division officer Sciences 2259 Human  
Pelia Commander Chief engineer Operations 2259 Lanthanite Transferred from Starfleet Operational Support Services
Pike, Christopher Captain Commanding officer Command 2250-2260s Human Later promoted to fleet captain
Pitcairn Unknown Transporter chief Operations 2254 Human
Plummer, C. Ensign Sciences division officer Sciences 2254 Human KIA
Probasco       2259 Human
Shankar Ensign Communications officer Operations 2259 Human  
Sidhu, Thira Cadet Engineer Operations 2250s Human
Spock Lieutenant Science officer Sciences 22532257; 2258–2260s Vulcan-Human hybrid
Taft Lieutenant     2259    
Todd Ensign Security officer Operations 2259 Human  
Tyler, José Lieutenant Navigator Command 2254 Human  
Uhura, Nyota Ensign Communications officer Operations 2259 Human  
Upjohn Engineer Operations 2254
Wheeler Lieutenant Science officer Sciences 2259 Human
Zier Ensign Junior officer Sciences 2259 Bolian  
Zuniga Crewman Communications officer/Tactical officer Operations 2259 Human  

Personnel under Captain James T. Kirk's command[]

Name Rank (final) Position Division Dates Species Note
Alden Lieutenant Communications officer Sciences[2] 2265 Human  
Arex Lieutenant Navigator Command 2269-2270 Edosian  
Atkins Yeoman Yeoman Operations 2267 Human  
Bailey, Dave Lieutenant Navigator Command 2266 Human Detached duty as cultural envoy to First Federation
Bardoli   Security officer Operations[1] 2268 Human  
Barnhart Crewman     2266 Human KIA by the M-113 creature
Barrows, Tonia Yeoman Yeoman Operations 2267 Human  
Bates     Command 2269 Human Existed in an alternate timeline where Spock perished in 2237
Bell   Security guard Command[3] 2269 Human  
Bem, Ari bn Honorary commander Observer   2270 Pandronian  
Berkley Lieutenant[4] Transporter chief Operations 2266 Human  
Bobby Lieutenant Multiple Command/Operations/Sciences 2266-2267 Human  
Boma Lieutenant Astrophysicist Sciences 2267 Human  
Breil   Mess officer Operations[1] 2269 Human  
Brenner   Phaser specialist Command[3] 2266 Human  
Brent Lieutenant Medical assistant Sciences 2266-2269 Human  
Carlisle Lieutenant Security officer Operations 2267 Human KIA by Nomad
Carstairs   Geologist Sciences[1] 2268 Human  
Carver Lieutenant Security officer Operations 2269 Human  
Chapel, Christine Lieutenant Nurse Sciences 2266-2270s Human  
Chekov, Pavel Lieutenant Navigator/Chief of security Command/Operations 2267-2270s Human  
Clayton Lieutenant Aqua-shuttle pilot Operations 2269 Human  
Compton Crewman Security officer Operations 2268 Human KIA by hyper-acceleration
Connors   Medical assistant Sciences 2266 Human  
D'Amato Lieutenant Senior geologist Sciences 2268 Human KIA by Losira
Darnell Crewman   Sciences 2266 Human KIA by the M-113 creature
Davison   Security officer Operations[1] 2269 Human  
Dehner, Elizabeth   Psychiatrist Sciences 2265 Human KIA by Gary Mitchell
DePaul Lieutenant Helmsman Command 2267 Human  
DeSalle Lieutenant Multiple Command 2267 Human  
Dickerson Lieutenant[5] Security officer Operations 2269 Human  
Elliott Lieutenant Engineer Command[3] 2267 Human  
Erickson Lieutenant Historian Operations[6] 2269 Human  
Evans Lieutenant Security officer Operations 2268 Human  
Farrell, John Lieutenant Navigator/Communications officer Command 2266 Human  
Fields Crewman Multiple Command/Operations 2266-2267 Human  
Finney, Benjamin Lieutenant commander[7] Records officer Command 2267 Human  
Fisher Crewman Geological technician Sciences 2254-2266 Human  
Foster Lieutenant junior grade   Trainee 2285 Human  
Freeman Lieutenant Security officer Command[3] 2268 Human  
Gabler Lieutenant Multiple Operations 2269 Human  
Gaetano Lieutenant Radiation specialist Command[8] 2267 Human KIA by a Taurus II anthropoid
Galloway Lieutenant Multiple Operations 2266-2269 Human  
Galway, Arlene Lieutenant   Sciences 2267 Human KIA by radiation sickness
Garrovick, David Ensign Security officer Operations 2268 Human  
Giotto Lieutenant commander[7] Security chief Operations 2267 Human  
Grant Lieutenant Security officer Operations 2267 Human KIA by a Capellan
Green Crewman   Command 2266 Human KIA by the M-113 creature
Hadley Lieutenant Multiple Command/Operations 2266-2269 Human  
Haines, Jana Ensign Navigator Command 2268 Human  
Hansen Lieutenant Helmsman Command 2267 Human  
Harper Ensign Engineer Operations 2266-2268 Human KIA by M-5 multitronic unit
Harrison Lieutenant Multiple Command/Operations/Sciences 2266-2267 Human  
Hendorff   Security officer Operations 2267 Human KIA by a pod plant
Immamura Lieutenant     2267 Human  
Jackson Lieutenant   Command 2267 Human KIA by Sylvia
Jaeger, Carl Lieutenant Meteorologist Sciences 2267 Human  
James Lieutenant Bridge officer Operations/Command 2266-2267 Human  
Johnson Lieutenant Security officer Operations[1] 2268 Human  
Jordan Ensign   Command 2268 Human  
Josephs Lieutenant Security officer Operations 2267 Human  
Kaplan Lieutenant Security officer Operations 2267 Human KIA by Vaal
Kelly   Security officer Operations 2267 Human KIA by the Mother Horta
Kelowitz Lieutenant Tactical officer Sciences[2] 2267 Human  
Kelso, Lee Lieutenant Navigator Operations[9] 2265 Human KIA by Gary Mitchell
Kirk, James T. Rear Admiral Commanding officer Command 2265-2270s Human Later took command of the USS Enterprise-A
Kyle Lieutenant Multiple Command/Operations 2267-2269 Human Later transferred to USS Reliant
Landon, Martha Yeoman Yeoman Operations 2267 Human  
Lang Lieutenant commander Tactical officer Command[3] 2267 Human KIA by the Gorn
Latimer Lieutenant Navigator Command 2267 Human KIA by a Taurus II anthropoid
Lawton, Tina Yeoman third class Yeoman Sciences[2] 2266 Human  
Lemli, Roger   Multiple Operations 2267-2269 Human  
Leslie Lieutenant Multiple Command/Operations/Sciences 2265-2268 Human  
Lester, Janice Captain Commanding officer Command 2269 Human Switched bodies with, and claimed to be, Captain Kirk (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder")
Lewis Lieutenant Security officer Operations 2267 Human  
Lindstrom Lieutenant Sociologist Sciences 2267 Human Later assigned to help restore Beta III culture
Lisa Lieutenant Communications officer Operation 2269 Human
Louvier Chief engineer Operations 2257
M'Benga, Joseph   Physician Sciences 2268 Human  
M'Ress Lieutenant Communications officer Operations 2269-2270 Caitian  
Mallory Lieutenant Security officer Operations 2267 Human KIA by explosives
Marple Lieutenant Security officer Operations 2267 Human  
Martine, Angela Lieutenant Phaser gun crewmember Command 2266-2267 Human  
Masters, Charlene Lieutenant[4] Engineer Sciences[2] 2267 Human  
Matson, Larry Lieutenant   Command 2266 Human  
Mathews   Security officer Operations 2266 Human KIA by Ruk
McCoy, Leonard Commander Chief medical officer Sciences 2266-2285 Human Later served aboard the USS Enterprise-A
McGivers, Marla Lieutenant[4] Historian Operations[6] 2267 Human Exiled to Ceti Alpha V
Mears Yeoman Yeoman Operations 2267 Human  
Mitchell, Gary Lieutenant commander Helmsman Operations[9] 2265 Human KIA by James T. Kirk
Montgomery   Security officer Operations 2267 Human  
Moody     Command 2266 Human  
Moreau, Marlena Lieutenant Chemist Sciences 2267 Human  
Mulhall, Ann Lieutenant commander Astrobiologist Operations[6] 2268 Human  
Noel, Helen   Psychiatrist Sciences 2265-2266 Human  
Nored, Anne Lieutenant Security officer Operations 2269 Human  
Norman Lieutenant   Sciences 2268 Android Infiltrator from the planet Mudd
O'Herlihy Ensign Tactical officer Operations 2267 Human KIA by the Gorn
O'Neil Lieutenant Transporter chief Operations 2267-2268 Human  
O'Neill Ensign Security officer Operations[1] 2267 Human KIA by a Taurus II anthropoid
Osborne Lieutenant Navigator/Security officer Command/Operations 2267 Human  
Painter Lieutenant Navigator Command 2267 Human  
Palamas, Carolyn Lieutenant Archaeology and anthropology officer Sciences 2267 Human  
Palmer Lieutenant Communications officer Operations 2267 Human  
Phillips   Astrobiologist Sciences[1] 2268 Human  
Piper, Mark   Chief medical officer Sciences 2265 Human  
Pitcairn Lieutenant Security chief Operations 2267 Human  
Preston, Peter Midshipman First Class Engineer's mate Trainee 2285 Human KIA during the Battle of the Mutara Nebula
Rand, Janice Yeoman Yeoman Operations 2266 Human  
Rawlins Crewman Chief geologist Sciences[1] 2268 Human  
Rayburn   Security officer Operations 2266 Human KIA by Ruk
Rahda Lieutenant Helmsman Command 2268 Human  
Riley, Kevin Lieutenant Navigator Command 2266 Human  
Rizzo Ensign Security officer Operations 2268 Human KIA by the dikironium cloud creature
Rodriguez, Esteban Lieutenant   Sciences 2267 Human  
Romaine, Mira Lieutenant Specialist Sciences 2269 Human Later transferred to Memory Alpha
Ross, Teresa Yeoman Yeoman Operations 2267 Human  
Rowe Lieutenant Security officer Operations 2268 Human  
Russ Lieutenant Engineer Command[3] 2267 Human  
Saavik Lieutenant junior grade Navigator Trainee 2285 Vulcan  
Sam       2266 Human "Disposed" of by Charles Evans
Sanchez   Physician Sciences 2268 Human  
Scott, Montgomery Commander Chief engineer Operations 2265-2285 Human Later served aboard the USS Enterprise-A
Shea Lieutenant Security officer Operations 2268 Human  
Singh Lieutenant Engineer Operations 2267 Human  
Smith Yeoman Yeoman Command 2265 Human  
Spinelli Lieutenant Helmsman Command 2267 Human  
Spock Captain First officer/Science officer/Commanding officer Command/Sciences 2254-2285 Vulcan-Human hybrid KIA after the Battle of the Mutara Nebula; later reassigned to USS Enterprise-A
Stiles Lieutenant Navigator Command 2266 Human  
Sturgeon Crewman   Sciences 2266 Human KIA by the M-113 creature
Sulu, Hikaru Commander Astrosciences/Helmsman Command/Sciences) 2265-2285 Human Later served aboard the USS Enterprise-A
Swenson   Security officer Operations[1] 2268 Human  
Tamura Yeoman Yeoman Operations 2267 Human  
Tankris Yeoman Yeoman Operations 2267 Human  
Thelin Commander First officer Sciences 2264-2269 Andorian Existed in an alternate universe in which Spock perished in 2237
Thompson, Leslie Yeoman Yeoman Operations 2268 Human KIA by Rojan
Thule Technician first class     2267 Human  
Tomlinson, Robert Lieutenant Weapons specialist Command[3] 2266 Human KIA by a phaser coolant leak
Tormolen, Joe Lieutenant junior grade   Sciences 2266 Human KIA by polywater intoxication
Tracy, Karen Lieutenant Medical technician Sciences 2267 Human KIA by Redjac
Uhura, Nyota Lieutenant commander Communications officer multiple (Command,[3] Operations) 2266-2270s Human Later assigned to Starfleet Command
Vinci Crewman Security officer Operations 2266-2268 Human  
Walking Bear Ensign Helmsman Operations[9] 2270 Human  
Washburn Lieutenant Engineer Sciences[2] 2267 Human  
Watkins, John B. Technician Engineer Operations 2268 Human KIA by Losira
Watley Lieutenant   Sciences 2268 Human  
Watson   Engineer Operations 2268 Human KIA by Kryton
Wilson Technician Transporter chief Operations 2266 Human  
Wyatt Ensign Transporter chief Operations 2268 Human KIA by Losira
Zahra Yeoman Yeoman Operations 2267 Human  

Personnel under Captain Will Decker's command[]

Name Rank (final) Position Division Dates Species Note
Chapel, Christine Commander Chief medical officer Sciences 2270s Human  
Cleary Lieutenant Engineer Operations 2270s Human  
Decker, Will Captain Commanding officer/Executive officer/science officer Command 2270s Human Declared MIA during encounter with V'ger
DiFalco Chief petty officer Navigator Command 2270s Human  
Ilia Lieutenant Navigator Command 2270s Deltan Declared MIA following the V'ger incident
Perez Ensign Security officer Operations 2270s Human  
Rand, Janice Chief petty officer Transporter chief Operations 2270s Human  
Ross Chief petty officer Engineering technician Operations 2270s Human  
Sonak Commander Science officer Sciences 2270s Vulcan KIA during a transporter accident
Worene       2270s unknown  


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 This officer was not seen either at all or in uniform, and their division is inferred by their position.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 This officer was shown wearing a sciences division uniform while their position indicated they should be in the operations division.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 This officer was shown wearing a command division uniform while their position indicated they should be in the operations division.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 This officer was identified as a lieutenant, but did not wear any rank stripe.
  5. This officer was identified as a lieutenant, but was wearing the uniform of a lieutenant commander.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 This officer was shown wearing an operations division uniform while their position indicated they should be in the sciences division.
  7. 7.0 7.1 This officer was identified as a lieutenant commander, but was wearing the uniform of a commander.
  8. This officer was shown wearing a command division uniform while their position indicated they should be in the sciences division.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 This officer was shown wearing an operations division uniform while his position indicated he should be in the command division.

Unnamed crewmembers[]

External link[]
