Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Alternate reality

The USS Farragut was a 23rd century Federation starship operated by Starfleet.

In 2258, the Farragut was part of a Federation fleet sent to investigate Vulcan while it was being attacked by the Romulan mining vessel Narada. Nyota Uhura was assigned to the Farragut; however, she was able to convince Spock to have her transferred to the USS Enterprise, which would ultimately spare her life. Cadet Gerace was also assigned to the Farragut.

The Farragut present when the shuttlecraft Gilliam flew over Starbase 1 to the Enterprise. A short time later, upon arrival at Vulcan, the Farragut, along with the rest of the fleet, save for the Enterprise, was destroyed by the Narada. (Star Trek)


Background information[]

Screenwriter Roberto Orci opined that James T. Kirk served a semester on the Farragut, just as his prime reality counterpart did in the same timeframe. (Star Trek Magazine issue 171, p. 33)

According to the Star Trek Into Darkness' iTunes app, Kirk spent two academic quarters onboard the Farragut under Captain Stephen Garrovick (β), and was awarded the Palm Leaf of Axanar Peace Mission of valor in 2256, just like his prime reality counterpart.


The Star Trek: Starfleet Academy novel The Gemini Agent has Kirk briefly assigned to the Farragut as first officer and head of security during the Zeta Fleet Training Exercise. The Farragut was also classified as a Constitution-class vessel.

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