Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The USS Le Guin was a Mars-class Federation starship operated by Starfleet in the 32nd century.

In 3189, Fleet Admiral Charles Vance assigned the Le Guin, under the command of Captain Bandra, to a two-month supply run to Na'Seth. (DIS: "Scavengers")

In 3190, J'Vini stole a shipment of dilithium from the Le Guin, the third of four identical thefts she would commit. (DIS: "Choose to Live")

Concept art for DIS: "Erigah" depicted the Le Guin (NCC-325059) as one of the four warp signatures coming to aid Federation Headquarters against the Breen, though VFX changed the graphic by the final episode. [1]


Background information[]

DIS Season 3 Federation ships concept art 1

Concept art of the Le Guin and two other contemporaries

The Le Guin may be named for speculative fiction author Ursula K. Le Guin, a notion adopted in issue 14 of the Star Trek Universe: The Official Starships Collection (p. 5).

Concept art released on social media identified the Le Guin as Mars-class, suggesting a registry NCC-325060, though this wasn't confirmed on screen. [2]

The Eaglemoss Collections release for the Mars-class USS Liu Cixin (β) (likewise a speculative fiction author from China), as part of the Star Trek Universe: The Official Starships Collection, bore the same registry as the one given in the concept art for the Le Guin, and was the ship originally slated to be commanded by captain Bandra. (Issue 15, p. 5) A later Eaglemoss publication, Star Trek: Shipyards - Starfleet Ships 2294 to the Future (2nd Edition), listed a new registry for the Le Guin of NCC-325059.

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