The following is a list of unnamed Bandi.
Gary Mitchell's telepathic contacts[]
Several 'telepaths communed with Gary Mitchell, including a woman he called "Nova". James T. Kirk had been worried about him ever since this incident. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")
These telepaths were mentioned in dialogue and writing.
Citizens []
Several Bandi were present at Farpoint Station in 2364 when crewmembers of the Enterprise-D visited the station. Some of them were merchants and others were just visiting the station. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")
Shopkeeper []
The shopkeeper had a fabric stand on Farpoint Station. While waiting for the USS Enterprise-D, Doctor Beverly Crusher visited his stand. She wanted a certain colored fabric, which the shopkeeper did not have. Suddenly the fabric she wanted appeared, and she asked that it be sent to the ship. A shapeshifting space vessel lifeform, captured by the Bandi to take the form of the starbase, created the fabric she wanted. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")
The shopkeeper was played by actor David Erskine.