Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed 32nd century Starfleet Headquarters personnel.

Ckaptir sciences officer []

Ckaptir officer 3189

Ckaptir sciences officer

This Ckaptir sciences division officer was at Federation Headquarters in 3189. (DIS: "Die Trying")

This officer was played by an unknown actor.

Doctor []

This doctor... (DIS: "Die Trying")

This doctor was portrayed by Derek Chen, who received no credit for his appearance.

Holographic officers []

These holographic officers were assigned to interrogate Paul Stamets, D. Nhan, Sylvia Tilly, Hugh Culber, and Jett Reno upon the arrival of the USS Discovery to Federation Headquarters in 3189. (DIS: "Die Trying")

A third officer was portrayed by Daniel Woodrow.

Holographic security officers []

In 3189, these holographic security officers were assigned to assist Kovich with the interrogation of Philippa Georgiou. (DIS: "Die Trying")

Human officers []

These Human officers... (DIS: "Die Trying")

This article is a stub about a character. You can help Memory Alpha by fixing it.

Operations officer []

Human operations officer, 3189

An operations officer

This operations officer... (DIS: "Die Trying")

This operations officer was played by an unknown actor.

Officers []

These officers... (DIS: "Die Trying")

Sciences officer []

Human science officer, 3189

A sciences officer

This sciences officer was at Federation Headquarters in 3189. (DIS: "Die Trying")

This sciences officer was played by an unknown performer.
