Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

The following is a list of unnamed USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) personnel.

For the full list of named personnel, see USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) personnel.

Command division[]

Operations division[]

Sciences division[]

Dual branches[]

Elderly science / command division officer []

Enterprise-D elderly science officer, 2370

A science division officer

Enterprise-D elderly command in Ten Forward

A command division officer

Enterprise-D elderly sci cmd officer

Off duty in Ten Forward

This elderly science division officer had a drink in Ten Forward while Ensign Ro Laren came aboard and when the ship hit a quantum filament and lost its power. (TNG: "Ensign Ro", "Disaster")

He passed Data and Berlinghoff Rasmussen in a corridor when the android brought the time-traveler to his quarters. (TNG: "A Matter Of Time")

He talked to a woman in Ten Forward when Commander Riker interrogated the Ullian Jev. (TNG: "Violations")

He was wearing a command division uniform when he attended the wedding ceremony of Lwaxana Troi and Minister Campio in Ten Forward in 2368. (TNG: "Cost Of Living")

His duties aboard the Enterprise-D also included working as gardener in the arboretum. (TNG: "Imaginary Friend")

He had a drink in Ten Forward while the Enterprise-D was in orbit of Devidia II and investigated the disappearance of the USS Yosemite in the Igo sector. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II", "Realm Of Fear")

He passed Counselor Troi in front of the transporter room shortly before she welcomed Ves Alkar and Sev Maylor aboard the ship. (TNG: "Man Of The People")

He had a drink off duty in Ten Forward on board the Enterprise-D in 2369, when Scott entered the room and walked behind him. (TNG: "Relics")

Together with a female companion he passed Geordi La Forge in front of Ten Forward while in orbit of Tyrus VII. (TNG: "The Quality of Life")

A holographic duplicate of him had off duty a drink in Ten Forward in the holographic program created by Professor James Moriarty. (TNG: "Ship In A Bottle")

He joined several crewmembers in Ten Forward while the Enterprise-D investigated at Relay Station 47. (TNG: "Aquiel")

He passed Counselor Troi in a corridor during her puzzle search through the ship. (TNG: "Second Chances")

He attended the banquet held for the Cairn in Ten Forward, also in civilian. Later that day he visited Ten Forward again, this time in uniform. (TNG: "Dark Page")

Off duty he visited Ten Forward when Commander Riker and Admiral Erik Pressman shared a drink. (TNG: "The Pegasus")

He passed Captain Picard and Beverly Crusher in a corridor shortly after the funeral of Crusher's grandmother, Felisa Howard. (TNG: "Sub Rosa")

He had a drink with a fellow officer in Ten Forward shortly before the Enterprise-D went for a secret mission to the Cardassian border. (TNG: "Lower Decks")

He left a turbolift with another science division officer shortly before Deanna Troi and Lieutenant Worf used the lift. (TNG: "Eye of the Beholder")

Off duty he had a drink in Ten Forward while the Enterprise-D crew protected Jason Vigo from the Ferengi Bok. (TNG: "Bloodlines")

The same year he was a guest at the welcome back party for Ro Laren in Ten Forward. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")

This Starfleet officer was played by regular background actor John Copage, who received no credit for his appearances.

Copage also appeared as a regular background actor on Star Trek: Voyager and made his first Trek appearance in 1967 in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The Doomsday Machine".

Command division officer / technician []

Command division officer in corridor, 2368

A command division officer

Technician in cargo bay 4, 2369

Working as a technician

This command division officer passed Berlinghoff Rasmussen in a corridor shortly before the time-traveler visited Data's quarters. (TNG: "A Matter Of Time")

He passed Lieutenant Worf and his son Alexander when the two entered Miss Kyle's office. (TNG: "New Ground")

He had a drink in Ten Forward with a fellow officer when Counselor Troi talked to the only survivor of the SS Vico, Timothy and when Data talked with Guinan while watching the FGC-47 nebula. (TNG: "Hero Worship", "Imaginary Friend")

In late 2368 he attended the memorial service for Ro Laren and Geordi La Forge in Ten Forward and witnessed the reappearance of the two officers. (TNG: "The Next Phase")

He had a drink in Ten Forward when the Enterprise-D was in orbit of Devidia II and while the ship investigated the disappearance of the USS Yosemite in the Igo sector. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II", "Realm Of Fear")

He also shared a drink with a woman at the bar in Ten Forward when Captain Montgomery Scott sat down next to him and talked with Data about a green drink. (TNG: "Relics")

He was working as a technician in cargo bay 4 when a malfunction alerted the security and a medical emergency team. (TNG: "Schisms")

He had a drink in Ten Forward when Amanda Rogers witnessed Commander Riker having a date. (TNG: "True Q")

He passed the young Ro Laren and Guinan in a corridor shortly after the two left sickbay and Commander Riker and Geordi La Forge when they talked about their new Captain Edward Jellico. (TNG: "Rascals", "Chain Of Command, Part I")

A holographic duplicate of him was present on the bridge when Professor James Moriarty told Captain Picard his terms. (TNG: "Ship In A Bottle")

This Starfleet officer was played by recurring background actor Victor Sein who received no credit for his appearances.

Engineer / Command officer []

This female Starfleet officer served in the operations and command division on board the Enterprise-D in the 2360s and 2370s.

She had a drink in Ten Forward when Vash met Commander Riker for the first time. (TNG: "Qpid")

She had a red drink in Ten Forward and was seated opposite another crewmember at the three-dimensional chess when Dr. Crusher told Deanna Troi about her feelings for Odan. (TNG: "The Host")

She was one of the crewmembers waiting outside of the transporter room to bid farewell to Worf when he left the Enterprise-D to fight in the Klingon Civil War. (TNG: "Redemption")

She was among the wounded crewmembers in Ten Forward who suffered from injuries following the ships hit with a series of quantum filaments. (TNG: "Disaster")

She was working on the aft bridge when Commander Riker returned from his trip to Risa and during Etana's try to take over the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Game")

She was talking to a male civilian in Ten Forward when Berlinghoff Rasmussen visited the bar (TNG: "A Matter Of Time") and ordered a drink in Ten Forward when Data and Timothy had some ice cream. (TNG: "Hero Worship")

Sometime between 2366 and 2368 she was one of the engineering crewmembers who were evacuated from the main engineering due to a warp core breach. Commander Riker experienced this event during a telepathic memory invasion by the Ullian Jev and remembered the death of Ensign Keller. (TNG: "Violations")

She was also working in main engineering when Geordi La Forge and Hannah Bates worked on a solution to move the stellar core fragment away from Moab IV. (TNG: "The Masterpiece Society")

She was in Ten Forward when the Satarran Kieran MacDuff wiped out the memories of the Enterprise-D crew to destroy the Lysian Central Command. (TNG: "Conundrum")

In 2368 she passed Doctor Beverly Crusher and Doctor Toby Russell in a corridor. (TNG: "Ethics")

She was talking to an alien miner in Ten Forward when Data and the empathic metamorph Kamala entered the bar. (TNG: "The Perfect Mate")

She was working in main engineering when the Enterprise-D assisted a Romulan science ship and lost Ro Laren and Geordi La Forge due to a transporter accident. (TNG: "The Next Phase")

Together with a command division officer, she had a drink in Ten Forward shortly before an away team beamed down to Devidia II. (TNG: "Time's Arrow")

She was on duty in main engineering in early 2369 when Dr. Crusher and Geordi La Forge studied the biofilter readings of Sev Maylor. (TNG: "Man Of The People")

She had a drink in Ten Forward when Captain Montgomery Scott visited the bar in early 2369 and was working in main engineering when solanogen-based lifeforms abducted crewmembers of the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Relics", "Schisms")

Engineering hostages

Being held hostage by the Ferengi

She was working in the shuttlebay and scanning the debris of the shuttlecraft Fermi. Later, she was one of the engineers who were transported to the surface of Ligos VII by the renegade Ferengi who took over control of the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Rascals")

She was one of the crewmembers in engineering when Lieutenant Commander Data discovered that the exocomps were considered lifeforms. (TNG: "The Quality of Life")

She was among the personnel who was evacuated from the Enterprise-D in 2369 because of the planned baryon sweep. She passed Captain Picard in a corridor. (TNG: "Starship Mine")

Off duty she listened to the concert by Data, Cheney, and Nella Daren in Ten Forward. (TNG: "Lessons")

She was also off duty and shared a drink in Ten Forward when the Klingon Captain Nu'Daq challenged Data. (TNG: "The Chase")

In late 2369 she was part of one of the away teams beamed down to the surface of the planet where Data and the Borg Crosis had escaped to. (TNG: "Descent")

She was working in main engineering when Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge activated the newly integrated warp core and later checked Data. (TNG: "Phantasms")

She was on duty in main engineering when Pran Tainer and Juliana Tainer came aboard and was later in the audience of the violin concert by Data and Juliana Tainer in Ten Forward. (TNG: "Inheritance")

She was off duty, when she visited Ten Forward in 2370 while Jason Vigo told Sandra Rhodes that he needed more room. (TNG: "Bloodlines")

She was on duty in main engineering when the Enterprise-D created the emergent lifeform and the crew lost control of the ship. (TNG: "Emergence")

The same year she attended the welcome back party for Ro Laren in Ten Forward. When she left, she passed Captain Picard and Lieutenant Ro Laren outside Ten Forward. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")

Transferred to the command division, she was on duty on the bridge when the ship approached the Amargosa observatory. She manned a side station on the bridge. (Star Trek Generations)

This recurring officer was played by regular background actress Grace Harrell who received no credit for her appearances.

Engineer / science officer (2364) []

This Starfleet officer was wearing a skanted operations division uniform when he visited the mall on Farpoint Station in 2364. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

Wearing a sciences division uniform and a mustache he was among the group of crewmembers in engineering who were affected by the polywater intoxication and was watching Wesley Crusher behind his force field. (TNG: "The Naked Now")

Back in the operations division he was on duty on the bridge when the Enterprise-D received the USS Stargazer as a gift from the Ferengi. (TNG: "The Battle")

This recurring officer was played by background actor Michael Bailous.

Female operations / science division officer (2364-2365) []

This female Starfleet officer served aboard the Enterprise-D between 2364 and 2365.

She was working on the bridge during the rescue mission for Counselor Troi on Vagra II. (TNG: "Skin Of Evil")

She was on duty on the aft section of the bridge when the Enterprise-D took Thadiun Okona aboard and had to handle the differences between Straleb and Atlec. (TNG: "The Outrageous Okona")

She was working in sickbay when Dr. Pulaski treated Geordi La Forge and told him about a surgery to bring back his eyesight. (TNG: "Loud As A Whisper")

She was treating several patients in the sickbay following several system malfunctions caused by an Iconian probe. (TNG: "Contagion")

This Starfleet officer was played by recurring background actress Juliet Cesario who received no credit for her appearances.

According to the IMDb, Wikipedia, and Cesario herself this character was named Lt. Baji. [1]

Female science division/command division ensign []

Female science division ensign, 2364

In the sciences division in 2364

Female command division ensign, 2365

In the command division in 2365

This female Starfleet ensign served aboard the Enterprise-D since 2364.

She served on an aft station on the bridge when the Enterprise-D had to face Q. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

She passed Commander Riker and Counselor Troi in a corridor moments before Riker carried Troi into sickbay. She was also working on the bridge before the crew became infected by the polywater intoxication. (TNG: "The Naked Now")

She was working on the bridge when Tasha Yar returned from her fight with Yareena on Ligon II and the ship left orbit of Ligon II. (TNG: "Code of Honor")

She was waiting outside the transporter room and welcomed Victoria, Steven, and Wyatt Miller aboard the ship before she guided them to their quarters. Later she served on the bridge when the Enterprise-D left the orbit of Haven. (TNG: "Haven")

She was also on duty on the bridge when the Traveler brought the Enterprise-D into a far galaxy. (TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before")

She was on duty on the bridge when the Enterprise-D had to transport Antican and Selay delegations to the planet Parliament. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us")

She regularly manned the science aft station on the bridge (TNG: "Justice", "Too Short A Season")

She passed a fellow science division officer in a corridor while the medical personnel prepared for the wounded colonists on Quadra Sigma III. (TNG: "Hide And Q")

Carrying a case, she passed Data and Geordi La Forge in a corridor while Data was on his way to sickbay. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

She assisted Dr. Crusher in sickbay when it was overcrowded due to the people infected by the Quazulu VIII virus. (TNG: "Angel One")

She was among the Enterprise-D personnel who left the ship over an airlock and docking port to Starbase 74 after the Bynars created a false warp core breach. (TNG: "11001001")

She was again passing a corridor when the senior staff left the science laboratory where the "microbrain" increased. (TNG: "Home Soil")

Following the return of the children aboard the Enterprise-D, she passed Harry Bernard and his his father in a corridor. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks")

She passed Jake Kurland twice in a corridor; first when he talked to Wesley Crusher shortly before Crusher's leave to absolve the Starfleet Academy entrance exam and second when he was talking to Captain Picard after Kurland returned to the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Coming of Age")

She and Darien Wallace passed Captain Picard and Data in a corridor, moments before Data beamed down to Vandor IV. (TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris")

Female officer in civilian attire during evacuation

During the evacuation in 2371

Later that year she passed Captain Picard, Commander Riker and Admiral Gregory Quinn in a corridor while the ship was in orbit of Earth. (TNG: "Conspiracy")

She passed Commander Riker and Data in a corridor shortly after the two met the 20th century Humans Ralph Offenhouse, Clare Raymond, and L.Q. Clemonds. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")

In 2365 she was transferred to the command division. She passed Deanna Troi and Doctor Pulaski in a corridor when the ship was in orbit of Gagarin IV. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection")

She passed Commander Riker and Lieutenant Worf in the corridor in front of the transporter room shortly before Riker beamed aboard the IKS Pagh. (TNG: "A Matter Of Honor")

In 2371, she was off duty when all personnel and civilians were evacuated into the saucer section. She walked down the corridor, hand in hand with a command officer. (Star Trek Generations)

This Starfleet ensign was played by Marina Sirtis' stand-in and regular background actress Nora Leonhardt who received no credit for her appearances.

According to Leonhardt, she wore a wig in several season one episodes, most prominently seen in "Hide And Q", "The Big Goodbye", and "Angel One".

Flight controllers[]

Operations station officers[]

Science / operations officer (2364) []

This Starfleet officer served aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364.

Working in the sciences division, she was present on the bridge when the Edo God probe entered Data. Later she passed Captain Picard and the Edo Rivan in a corridor. (TNG: "Justice")

Wearing the operations division uniform, she assisted Chief Engineer Argyle in assembling Lore in sickbay. Later she was roaming the corridors, carrying a PADD. (TNG: "Datalore")

This Starfleet officer was played by an unknown actress.

Science / security officer []

This Starfleet officer was among the crewmembers who welcomed Captain Jean-Luc Picard on board the Enterprise-D, when he took over the command in 2364. Later he was working on an aft station on the bridge, when the Enterprise-D investigated the temporal anomaly in the Devron system. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

In an alternate quantum reality, he was on duty in engineering. Later he prepared the shuttle Curie to send Worf back in his reality. (TNG: "Parallels")

In 2370, he was part of the security team which accompanied Worf to deck 10 after Data found the source for the power drain there. He was ordered by Worf to scan the deck for the malfunction. (TNG: "Homeward")

He was on duty in the nacelle tube control room with Lieutenant Nara and had later a drink in Ten Forward, while the crew investigated the death of Daniel Kwan. (TNG: "Eye of the Beholder")

He was talking to a command division officer when he walked past Captain Picard and Jason Vigo in a corridor. (TNG: "Bloodlines")

This Starfleet officer was played by recurring background actor Bill Hagy, who received no credit for his appearances.

Security / bridge officer []

This female Starfleet officer served in security on the Enterprise-D in 2368. She accompanied Worf and another security officer to stop the Ux-Mal terrorists, who took over control of several crewmembers and took hostages in Ten Forward. She was stunned by Data in Ten Forward and hit a wall. (TNG: "Power Play")

She later served in the command division and was working on the bridge, behind the tactical console, when the Enterprise crash-landed on Veridian III. (Star Trek Generations)

This officer was played by stunt actress Patricia Tallman. It's possible that she later became the unnamed Defiant weapons officer, also played by Tallman.

Security ensign / medical officer []

This Starfleet ensign served aboard the Enterprise-D between 2366 and 2369.

As a member of the sciences division he was involved in a brawl in Ten Forward caused by Ambassador Sarek, who was suffering from Bendii Syndrome. An operations division officer threw him onto a table. (TNG: "Sarek")

In 2367 he was again involved in a brawl, off duty in civilian clothing, in Ten Forward while the crew experienced the lack of REM sleep. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

In 2369 he was assigned to an away team including Captain Picard, Geordi La Forge, and Counselor Troi, which searched for Data on an unnamed planet in the Delta Quadrant. His team entered a compound and was surprised by a group of renegade Borg. He was shot by one of the Borg and died. (TNG: "Descent")

This ensign was played by stunt actor Ken Lesco, who received no credit for his appearances.

Transporter technician / command division officer []

Transporter technician, 2364

A transporter technician

Male command division officer in ten forward, late 2366

A command division officer

This Starfleet officer served in the operations division and later in the command division aboard the Enterprise-D between 2364 and 2367.

He assisted Wesley Crusher repairing the holodeck when Captain Picard, Dr. Crusher, Whalen, and Data were trapped in there. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

The same year he operated the transporter console and beamed the away team including Commander Riker, Data, Tasha, and Deanna Troi to the surface of Angel I. Later, he was working in sickbay when Dr. Crusher treated her patients who suffered from a virus. (TNG: "Angel One")

Wearing the jumpsuit of an engineering technician, he was present in main engineering when the "microbrain" increased its seize and started to threaten the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Home Soil")

He went through a corridor when Harry Bernard bumped into Commander Riker. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks")

He was part of a security detachment led by Natasha Yar that was sent to apprehend the two Klingon renegades Korris and Konmel, rescued by the crew from the Talarian freighter Batris, and guarded them to the brig. (TNG: "Heart of Glory")

He had a drink in Ten Forward while Romulan defector Alidar Jarok was aboard the ship (TNG: "The Defector") and when a powerless Q was attacked by the Calamarain. (TNG: "Deja Q")

When the Enterprise-C traveled forward in time and created a new timeline, he was working on the aft bridge of the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

Wearing a command division red uniform, he had a drink in Ten Forward in late 2366 when Worf and his brother Kurn had a discussion. (TNG: "Sins of The Father")

He attended the concert held for Ambassador Sarek the same year. (TNG: "Sarek")

He visited Ten Forward and ordered a drink when Miles O'Brien talked to Glinn Daro. (TNG: "The Wounded")

He left Ten Forward when Miles O'Brien came into the bar while the crew investigated the death of the Brattain crewmembers. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

This Starfleet officer was portrayed by recurring background actor James McElroy.

He filmed his scenes in the transporter room in "Angel One" on Thursday, 12 November 1987 on Paramount Stage 9.

Unknown division[]

Affected security officer (2364) []

This security officer was heard over com when Captain Picard called security chief Tasha Yar. Yar was affected by polywater intoxication and was very close with this officer who joked about Captain Picard. (TNG: "The Naked Now")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This Starfleet officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Away team officers (2369) []

A male and a female officer responded to orders from Lieutenant Commander Nella Daren while on an away mission on the surface of Bersallis III. The male officer acknowledged with "Standing by." and the female officer, part of away team three, responded with "Yes, Sir.". (TNG: "Lessons")

These officers were

Both voices were provided by unknown performers.

Bridge officer (2365) []

This Starfleet officer was on duty on the bridge of the Enterprise-D when he contacted Commander Riker in 2365. He informed him about the class 11 emergency signal from Starfleet Command. (TNG: "The Emissary")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This Starfleet officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Bridge officer (2369) []

This Starfleet officer acknowledged Captain Picard's contact to the bridge and his orders during the investigation of the solanogen-based lifeforms. (TNG: "Schisms")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This Starfleet officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Bridge officer (mid 2369) []

This Starfleet officer responded to Captain Picard's orders following the transport of Worf and the other Klingons aboard the Enterprise-D and acknowledged. (TNG: "Birthright, Part II")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This Starfleet officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Bridge officer (2370) []

This Starfleet officer acknowledged Captain Picard's order to set a course for Camor V to search for Jason Vigo. (TNG: "Bloodlines")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This Starfleet officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Bridge officer (2371) []

This bridge officer informed Commander Riker on the holodeck about a picked up distress call from the Amargosa observatory which told about the attack on the observatory. Riker started the red alert and ordered Captain Picard to the bridge. (Star Trek Generations)

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This Starfleet officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Com officer (2365) []

This Starfleet officer informed security chief Lieutenant Worf about a fire in cargo bay 7 following an audio alert signal. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This com officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Com officers (2369) []

A female and a male Starfleet officer used the ship wide communication system during the evacuation of the Enterprise-D personnel to the Arkaria Base in 2369. The female officer informed that the transporter assignment has changed and the personnel should report to transporter room 3. The male officer informed the beta shift engineering personnel to report to engineering prior to their disembarkment. (TNG: "Starship Mine")

These officers wereBoth officers were voiced by unknown performers.

Communications officer (2371) []

This communications officer informed Captain Jean-Luc Picard about his personal message he received from Earth in 2371. At orders from Picard he sent the message to a holodeck arch. (Star Trek Generations)

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This Starfleet officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Cook []

While transporting the Selay and Anticans to Parliament aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2364, Lieutenant Natasha Yar informed Commander William T. Riker that "one of the cooks has just been asked to broil reptile for the Anticans, and it looks like the Selay delegate." (TNG: "Lonely Among Us")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Crewmember in engineering (2364) []

This crewmember was on duty in main engineering and responded to a call from Captain Picard who asked if the engines were back on line. The crewmember was puzzled and answered that they were never off. (TNG: "Hide And Q")

The same year he contacted the bridge while in orbit of Angel I. He informed commanding officer Geordi La Forge that the ships computer had problems accepting the variant climate controls. (TNG: "Angel One")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This crewmember was voiced by an unknown actor.

Crewmember in engineering (2366) []

This crewmember was on duty in main engineering in 2366 when the Koinonians came aboard the Enterprise-D. He responded to orders from chief engineer Geordi La Forge with "Aye Aye, Sir.". (TNG: "The Bonding")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This crewmember was voiced by an unknown actor.

Crewmember in sickbay (2365) []

This male crewmember was on duty in sickbay in 2365 when Captain Picard tried to contact Dr. Katherine Pulaski who hadn't been reported to the bridge following her arrival aboard the Enterprise-D. He told Captain Picard that Dr. Pulaski was not in sickbay but in Ten Forward. (TNG: "The Child")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This crewmember was voiced by an unknown actor.

Deck 39 ensigns []

According to William T. Riker, two ensigns on deck 39 were unaware of what Jean-Luc Picard described as "this little scheme to send me off on holiday". (TNG: "Captain's Holiday")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Detention cell officer []

This male security officer informed Captain Picard that the Borg drone Hugh regained consciousness while held in the detention cell. (TNG: "I Borg")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This security officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

The episode's fourth draft script gave him the name Diaz.

Docking officer []

This Starfleet officer was on duty in the shuttlebay in 2364 when the shuttlecraft Galileo piloted by Tasha Yar brought Captain Picard on board. He informed Yar, that the shuttle was clear for arrival in shuttlebay 2. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This Starfleet officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Female bridge officer (2368) []

This female Starfleet officer contacted Ensign Ro Laren and told her that a subspace communication for her came in. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This Starfleet officer was voiced by an unknown actress.

Female com officer (2366) []

This female Starfleet officer responded to a call from Beverly Crusher on the surface of Mintaka III. Crusher ordered a medical emergency transport for herself and Liko and she replied "Aye Doctor.". (TNG: "Who Watches The Watchers")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This female officer was voiced by an unknown actress.

Female com officer (2367) []

This female Starfleet officer contacted Doctor Leah Brahms and told her about an incoming message for her. (TNG: "Galaxy's Child")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This female officer was voiced by an unknown actress.

Female com officer (2368) []

This female Starfleet officer contacted Lieutenant Worf in main engineering in 2368 and informed him about an incoming subspace communication from the Federation transport Milan. (TNG: "New Ground")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This officer was voiced by an unknown actress.

Female com officer (alternate timeline) []

This female Starfleet officer served aboard the Enterprise-D in 2366 of an alternate timeline, created when the Enterprise-C was brought into 2366 by a spatial anomaly. She made a call through the com, asking "Lt. Barrett to communications and a triage team to main shuttlebay.". (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This officer was voiced by an unknown actress.

Flight controller[]

Male bridge officer (2370) []

This Starfleet officer was on duty on the bridge when the ship approached the Neutral Zone in 2370. He informed Captain Picard over com. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This Starfleet officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Male com officer (alternate timeline) []

This Starfleet officer served aboard the Enterprise-D in 2366 of an alternate timeline. He informed the crew via com with the words "Now hear this. Fleet formation briefing in main war room at 1500 hrs. Dr. Joshua Kim report to station ops. Ensign Thomas please forward combat information. Ensign Thomas to CIC." (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Male officer in cargo bay (2366) []

This Starfleet officer contacted Lieutenant Barclay over com and ordered him to report to cargo bay 5 immediately. (TNG: "Hollow Pursuits")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Male transporter operator (2369) []

This Starfleet officer operated the transporter and acknowledged Commander Riker's order to beam Lieutenant Worf and Thomas Riker aboard the ship. (TNG: "Second Chances")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This Starfleet officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Security officer (2364) []

This security officer informed Captain Picard over com about a perimeter alert and that the ship's sensors had detected the presence of a vessel approaching Deneb IV. He also told that no ship was scheduled to visit Deneb IV. When Picard asked him if this could be the USS Hood he answered that the vessel did not match the Hood's configurations or ID. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This security officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Security officer (2366) []

This security officer acknowledged Captain Picard's order to seal off all decks when the Angosian soldier Roga Danar escaped from his transport. He also acknowledged Picard's order to seal off Jefferies tube J-4, deck 15 later. (TNG: "The Hunted")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This security officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Security officer (2368) []

This security officer acknowledged orders from Captain Picard over com in 2368 when his security team was up to stop three Ux-Mal criminals possessing the bodies of Deanna Troi, Miles O'Brien, and Data. (TNG: "Power Play")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This security officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Security officer (2369) []

This security officer acknowledged Commander Riker's order to let a security team meet with him in the corridor in front of Worf's quarters. (TNG: "Rightful Heir")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This security officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Shuttle bay officer []

This Starfleet officer acknowledged the order to stand by from Captain Picard in 2366 while working in the main shuttle bay aboard the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Price")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter chief (2367) []

This transporter chief was instructed by Captain Picard to beam Doctor Howard Clark and the other three scientists on board. He reported that he was only able to beam Dr. Clark aboard. (TNG: "Devil's Due")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter chief was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter chief (2369) []

This transporter chief ... (TNG: "Lessons")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter chief was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter chief (2370) []

This transporter chief operated the transporter in transporter room 2 in early 2370. He informed Commander Riker that he was unable to beam them aboard due to too much interferences. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter chief was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter officer (2364) []

This Starfleet officer contacted the bridge to inform Captain Picard that Commander Riker and Mr. Data were beamed back aboard the ship after they visited the old Bandi town on Deneb IV. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This Starfleet officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter officer (late 2364) []

This Starfleet officer operated the transporter console in one of the ships transporter rooms in 2364. He beamed several crewmembers and civilians to Starbase 74 after Lieutenant Commander Data gave the order to evacuate the ship immediately. He gave orders to the people he beamed over, including Wesley Crusher; "Hold your positions, please.", "Prepare to energize", "and energize". (TNG: "11001001")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter officer was voiced by an unknown actor. It is most likely that a background actor stood behind the transporter console during this scene but out of camera focus.

Transporter officer (2365) []

This Starfleet officer operated the transporter console in 2365 when the Enterprise-D followed a distress call from the Pakled ship Mondor. He was ordered to beam Lieutenant Geordi La Forge back aboard the Enterprise-D by Commander Riker but was unable due to the shielding of the transport. He reported a "Negative response" to Riker. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

The German version of the episode used the German synchronization voice of Colm Meaney (Miles O'Brien).

Transporter officer (2366) []

This Starfleet officer was on duty in transporter room 3 in 2366. He was ordered by Captain Picard to lock on the away team down on the surface of Rutia IV following a bomb explosion on the Rutian plaza. He acknowledged this order. Following a conversation with Dr. Crusher who refused to beam back aboard the ship Picard asked him if he still had a lock on the team and he answered "Aye, Sir. shall I transport them?" When Ansata terrorists beamed aboard the Enterprise-D and Picard ordered him to lock on the intruders he responded "Intruders singnals unstable. I cannot lock on." He was also not able to get a lock on the bomb placed on the warp core, reporting "It is scrambling the sensors, captain. I can't pinpoint it." (TNG: "The High Ground")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter officer (mid-2366) []

This Starfleet officer worked as transporter operator in 2366 in transporter room 3. When Q took a shuttlecraft to face the Calamarain, Captain Picard ordered this transporter operator to beam the shuttle back to the hangar. He reported, "Captain, unable to transport. For some reason I cannot lock onto the shuttlecraft." (TNG: "Deja Q")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter officer (2367) []

This Starfleet officer operated the transporter in early 2367 when an away team of the Enterprise-D beamed aboard a drifting Talarian observation craft. He responded to a call from Dr. Crusher and informed her that the transporter was ready and locked in. (TNG: "Suddenly Human")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter officer (2368) []

This Starfleet officer operated the transporter in 2368. He acknowledged Commander Riker's order to beam him aboard from the Genome colony on Moab IV. (TNG: "The Masterpiece Society")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter officer (late 2368) []

This Starfleet officer operated the transporter in transporter room 1 in 2368 and informed Captain Picard over com that Minister Campio was ready to beam aboard. (TNG: "Cost Of Living")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter operator was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter officer (2369) []

This Starfleet officer acknowledged the order of Captain Picard to lock on the signals of Geordi La Forge and Captain Montgomery Scott aboard the USS Jenolan and beam them aboard when they were in transporter range. (TNG: "Relics")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter operator was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter officer (late 2369) []

This Starfleet officer worked as transporter chief in late 2369 and acknowledged Captain Picard's order to beam Professor Galen aboard after he was attacked by an Yridian destroyer. (TNG: "The Chase")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter chief was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter officer (2370) []

This Starfleet officer worked as transporter chief in 2370 and acknowledged the order to beam the Cardassian Joret Dal directly into sickbay. (TNG: "Lower Decks")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter operator was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter officer (alternate timeline) []

This transporter officer served aboard the Enterprise-D in an alternate timeline created by the Enterprise-C. He told Dr. Crusher and her patient, Captain Rachel Garrett, to "Stand by for transport." (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter operator (2368) []

This male transporter operator acknowledged Commander Riker's orders while he locked on the signals of the away team from transporter room 3. (TNG: "I Borg")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter operator was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter operator (late 2368) []

This male transporter operator acknowledged Lieutenant Worf's orders to beam the security chief back aboard the Enterprise-D from the surface of Devidia II. (TNG: "Time's Arrow")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter operator was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter operator (2369) []

This male transporter operator from transporter room 4 informed sickbay about the incoming of the away team including the wounded Captain Picard. (TNG: "Tapestry")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter operator was voiced by an unknown actor.

Transporter operator (2370) []

This male transporter operator was ready to beam Beverly Crusher down to the surface of Caldos in 2370 after she resigned her command. He acknowledged the order of Captain Picard to belay that order but beamed her later down. He was also on duty when Data and Geordi La Forge asked to beam the coffin of Felisa Howard up from underground and acknowledged the order. (TNG: "Sub Rosa")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This transporter operator was voiced by an unknown actor.

Anti-time future[]

Crewmembers []

These Starfleet crewmembers served on the Enterprise-D in an anti-time future, circa 2395, created by a temporal anomaly in the Devron system. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

One of the bridge officers said "Aye, Sir." This was voiced by an unknown actor.

The command division officer might be actor Tom Odom. [2]

Ensign []

Enterprise-D ensign, alternate future

A command division ensign

In an alternate future of the early 25th century, this command division ensign served on board the USS Enterprise-D after its refit. Jean-Luc Picard ran into him on his search for Ten Forward. The ensign explained him the way. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

This ensign was played by Stephen Matthew Garvin.


Alien evacuee []

Alien with two lines of pimples

Alien evacuee

This member of Pomet's species was an evacuee aboard the USS Enterprise-D when it crashed on Veridian III in 2371. (Star Trek Generations)

This alien was played by an unknown actor.

Alien musician []

Alien musician, 2369

An alien musician

This alien musician was playing the keyboard during a jazz concert in Ten Forward in 2369. Commander Riker played the trombone. (TNG: "Second Chances")

This alien musician was played by an unknown actor.

Art class model []

Art class model

A female model

This woman posed nude for a figure drawing class attended by Jean-Luc Picard, Lieutenant Wright and Ensign Williams in 2366. (TNG: "A Matter of Perspective")

This woman was played by real life art model Parker McPhinney.

It is unknown if she was actually a civilian or a member of Starfleet due to her lack of clothing.

Barber (2367) []

Enterprise-D barber, 2367

A barber

This barber was working in the barbershop aboard the Enterprise-D in 2367. He dyed the hair of an alien command officer while Geordi La Forge got a hair cut by V'Sal. (TNG: "Data's Day")

The following year he gave a Vulcan a haircut at the barbershop while Mot handled Captain Picard's hair. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")

This barber was played by background actor Matt Tufo, who received no credit for his appearances.

Bass musician []

Bass-like instrument, 2369

A musician

A bass musician was part of a jazz band along with Commander Riker in 2369. (TNG: "Second Chances")

This musician was played by an unknown actress.

It is unknown if she was actually a civilian or a member of Starfleet due to her civilian clothing.

Beauty attendant []

Beauty attendant

A beauty attendant

This woman was working as a beauty attendant in the barber and beauty shop aboard the Enterprise-D in 2367 during a visit of Beverly Crusher and Deanna Troi. (TNG: "The Host")

This beauty attendant was played by recurring background actress and stand-in Vanessa Grayson, who received no credit for her appearance.

Grayson filmed her scene on Friday 15 March 1991 on Paramount Stage 9.

Bolian barber []

Bolian barber

A Bolian barber on the Enterprise-D

Apart from Mot and V'Sal another Bolian hairdresser worked in the barbershop aboard the Enterprise-D. While Deanna Troi and Beverly Crusher were relaxing in the barbershop, he gave a haircut to a male crewmember of the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Host")

This Bolian was played by background actor Buddy Daniels Friedman who received no credit for his part.

Friedman filmed his scene on Friday 15 March 1991 on Paramount Stage 9 and was named "Blue Barber" on the call sheet for this day.

Bolian boy []

Bolian boy, 2371

A Bolian boy

This Bolian boy was among the civilians aboard the Enterprise-D which were evacuated into the saucer section following the attack of the Duras sisters in 2371. (Star Trek Generations)

Tom and Eddie Berman, Generations

The two Berman brothers on set

This Bolian boy was played by extra Eddie Berman, son of Rick Berman, who received no credit for this appearance.

Bolian man []

Bolian leaving the turbolift

A Bolian on the Enterprise-D

A Bolian man exited a turbolift and passed by Deanna Troi and Samuel Clemens when she was showing him the ship in early 2369. Coming from the 19th century, Clemens assumed the Bolian to be some sort of indentured servant, though Troi explained to him that such oppression did not exist in the Federation, and that his presence aboard the ship was quite voluntary. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II")

This Bolian was played by background actor Leonard Jones, who received no credit for this appearance.

He wore the same uniform as the other Bolians working as barbers on the Enterprise-D, so he might have been another member of the Bolian staff of barbers aboard the ship.

Jones' Bolian makeup was given a step-by-step outline in the Star Trek: The Next Generation Makeup FX Journal, p. 64.

Bolian woman []

Bolian woman in ten forward 2371

A Bolian woman in Ten Forward

A Bolian woman was present in Ten Forward in 2371, while the Enterprise tended to the Amargosa observatory. After Captain Picard entered, looking for Dr. Tolian Soran, the captain passed this Bolian woman having a conversation. (Star Trek Generations)

She was uncredited and played by Mary Meinel-Newport. This may actually be Lysia Arlin.

Boy in replicating center []

Boy in replicating center

A boy

This boy visited the ship's replicating center with his parents, two science division officers, in 2367 and got a stuffed rabbit. (TNG: "Data's Day")

This boy was played by an unknown actor.

Boy in sickbay []

Boy in sickbay, 2368

A boy in sickbay

This boy was treated by a nurse in sickbay when Berlinghoff Rasmussen visited Doctor Crusher at work. (TNG: "A Matter Of Time")

This boy was played by Reuel Kim, who received no credit for his appearance.

The call sheet for Thursday 3 October 1991 listed him as "1 Minor Boy, scene 31".

Boy in Ten Forward []

Boy in Ten Forward

A boy

This boy was sitting at the bar in Ten Forward in 2366, had a cup of ice cream and was chatting with Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge. (TNG: "Sarek")

This boy was played by an unknown actor.

He is one of a handful of exceptions as children are usually not allowed to visit Ten Forward.

Calculus teacher []

In 2364, this teacher taught calculus to Harry Bernard. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Children in arboretum []

These two children were playing with a ball in the arboretum in 2370 when Deanna Troi and the Cairn delegation visited the place. (TNG: "Dark Page")

Christy Henshaw's friend []

Christy Henshaw's friend

Christy's friend

This civilian woman was a friend of Christy Henshaw.

She shared a drink in Ten Forward with a man when the Picard doppelgänger started to sing with the crew. (TNG: "Allegiance")

She listened to Christy in late 2366 in Ten Forward while Geordi La Forge eyed them. (TNG: "Transfigurations")

This civilian woman was played by an unknown actress.

Civilian in Ten Forward []

Civilian in ten forward, 2368

A civilian man

This civilian had a drink in Ten Forward in early 2368 when the Enterprise-D hit a quantum filament and lost its power. (TNG: "Disaster")

The same year he visited Ten Forward again and had a conversation with an operations division officer while Berlinghoff Rasmussen was aboard. (TNG: "A Matter Of Time")

This civilian was played by Michael Echols who received no credit for his appearances.

Civilians (2364) []

These civilians were aboard the Enterprise-D during its first year of service in 2364. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint", "The Naked Now", "Where No One Has Gone Before", "The Last Outpost", "Lonely Among Us", "Too Short A Season", "The Big Goodbye", "Datalore", "Angel One", "11001001", "When The Bough Breaks", "Coming of Age", "Heart of Glory", "Symbiosis", "The Neutral Zone")

The fabric worn by the unknown actress on the first picture in "Encounter at Farpoint" was also worn by her in the episode "11001001" and by another unknown actress in "Datalore". Another unknown actress wore it again in "The Neutral Zone".

Footage of the two background performers seen in the corridor close-ups of "Where No One Has Gone Before" were also used for the episode "11001001" though different shots were used.

Clay students []

These six students and Eric Burton were in Mrs. Narsu's course in clay sculpting in 2370. The course was visited by Counselor Deanna Troi. (TNG: "Masks")

Concert attendee (2366) []

Concert attendee, 2366

A civilian man

This civilian attended the concert held for Ambassador Sarek aboard the Enterprise-D in late 2366. He was seated behind Counselor Troi. (TNG: "Sarek")

This civilian was played by an unknown actor.

Drummer []

Drummer, 2369

A drummer

A drummer was part of the jazz band that gave a concert in Ten Forward in 2369. Commander Riker was also part of the band playing the trombone. (TNG: "Second Chances")

This drummer was played by an unknown actor.

Female chess player []

Female chess player, 2365

A female civilian

This civilian woman participated in a game of three-dimensional chess with a fellow Starfleet officer in 2365. (TNG: "Pen Pals")

This woman was played by an unknown actress.

Female civilian in Ten Forward (2365) []

Female civilian in Ten Forward, 2365

A female civilian

This female civilian shared a drink with a male Starfleet officer in Ten Forward while Kyle Riker was aboard the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Icarus Factor")

The same year she was watching a game of strategema between Commander Riker as Sirna Kolrami in Ten Forward. (TNG: "Peak Performance")

This woman was played by an unknown actress.

Female patient (2366) []

Female patient, 2366

A female patient

This civilian woman was treated in sickbay together with other crewmembers and Doctor Paul Stubbs following a series of shakes aboard the ship. (TNG: "Evolution")

This woman was played by an unknown actress.

Female teacher (2364) []

Female teacher, 2364

A teacher

This woman worked as teacher in the school aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364. She witnessed the disappearance of her students Rose, Harry Bernard, and Tara who were kidnapped by the Aldeans. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks")

This teacher was played by an unknown actress.

Female Ten Forward patrons (2366) []

These civilian women visited Ten Forward in 2366. (TNG: "Booby Trap", "The Offspring", "Sins of The Father", "Hollow Pursuits", "Transfigurations")

The second pictured woman previously appeared as a Tau Cygna V colonist in the third season episode "The Ensigns of Command".

Female Ten Forward patrons (2367) []

These civilian women visited Ten Forward in 2367. (TNG: "Future Imperfect", "First Contact", "Galaxy's Child", "Night Terrors", "Identity Crisis", "The Nth Degree", "Half a Life", "The Mind's Eye")

Fencing opponent (2365) []

Fencing opponent

A fencing opponent

This male civilian battled Captain Jean-Luc Picard in a fencing match in 2365. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man", extended edition)

This civilian was played by stuntman Victor Paul.

The character did not appear in the original edition of the episode.

Field trip boys []

These six boys and their fathers went on a field trip with their teacher Miss Kyle in 2368. They visited the biolab aboard the ship including two Corvan gilvos. (TNG: "New Ground")

The call sheet listed them as "6 sons". The last names of the actors are Chapman, Murphy, Holmes, Dickinson, Ricksecker, and O'Leary.

Field trip father []

Field trip father

A father

This civilian father accompanied his son to a field trip into the biolab aboard the Enterprise-D in 2368 led by the teacher Miss Kyle. (TNG: "New Ground")

This civilian father was played by an unknown actor.

Fighting couple in Ten Forward []

These two civilians were fighting in Ten Forward in 2366 and suffered from uncontrolled emotions projected by Ambassador Sarek. (TNG: "Sarek")

"Frame of Mind" attendant []

Enterprise-D play attendant 2

A civilian attendant

This male civilian was in the audience of the play "Frame of Mind" in late 2369. (TNG: "Frame of Mind")

This civilian was played by an unknown actor.

French horn player []

French horn

A French horn player

This civilian was part of a woodwind quintet on the Enterprise-D in which he played the French horn. The quintet gave a concert in Ten Forward in 2367. (TNG: "In Theory")

The French horn player was played by musician Phil Mallory.

On the call sheet of Thursday 4 April 1991 he is listed as "sideline musician".

Garvey's company []

Garvey's company

Garvey's company

This civilian woman was living aboard the Enterprise-D in 2366.

She passed Wesley Crusher, Counselor Troi and Geordi La Forge in a corridor when the three prepared to visit Data in the laboratory. Later, she had a drink in Ten Forward when Data's daughter Lal observed the Human behavior. (TNG: "The Offspring")

She accompanied Crewman Garvey to a concert held for Ambassador Sarek. The two sat in the first row. (TNG: "Sarek")

This woman was played by an unknown actress.

Hostage []

Female hostage in 10 Forward 2


This hostage enjoyed a drink in Ten Forward when Chief O'Brien, Counselor Troi, and Data, all three possessed by the spirits of Ux-Mal terrorists, entered the bar and took all crewmembers and civilians as hostages. During the following shootout with Worf and two security officers she, and a second woman, were sitting next to a table on which one of the security officers crashed. Later she was lying on the ground next to Diana Giddings and received medical attention when the terrorists allowed medical personnel to bring the wounded into the sickbay. (TNG: "Power Play")

This civilian woman was played by stunt performer Rosine "Ace" Hatem. She was later replaced by a background actress, Melba Gonzalez, who was listed as "Photo Double ND Stunt Crew" on the call sheet. Her name was misspelled on the call sheets as Ace Haydon.

Hostage girl and mother []

This young girl came out of a turbolift with her mother in 2364 and ran directly into the arm of the Klingon renegade Korris who picked her up. Up for arresting the Klingons security chief Natasha Yar reported a hostage situation to Captain Picard but Korris gave the child to Worf who gave her to her mother. The two left the scenario immediately. (TNG: "Heart of Glory")

The dress worn by the girl was previously worn by a school girl in the first season episode "When The Bough Breaks". [3]

Human girl with teddy bear []

Enterprise-D Human girl with teddy bear

A young girl with a teddy bear on the Enterprise-D

This civilian child aboard the Enterprise-D was separated from her parents during the evacuation to the saucer module in 2371, and was taken by Commander La Forge and Lieutenant Farrell to safety. Her teddy bear fell and was lost during the chaos. (Star Trek Generations)

This girl was played by Brittany Parkyn.

Human Ten Forward Guest []

Human woman in Ten Forward 2371

A Human woman in Ten Forward

This Human woman was present in Ten Forward in 2371, while the Enterprise tended to the Amargosa observatory. She left the bar when Captain Picard entered, but was seen in the establishment again, a little later. (Star Trek Generations)

The guest was uncredited and played by staff member Penny L. Juday.

Interrogation bystander []

Interrogation bystander

A civilian woman

This civilian woman was in the audience in the interrogation room when Norah Satie questioned Captain Picard's loyalty. (TNG: "The Drumhead")

This woman was played by an unknown actress.

Kissing civilian []

Kissing civilian, 2366

A male civilian

This male civilian accompanied a female Starfleet officer to the bar Ten Forward in 2366. When the couple shared a kiss, the android Lal shouted at them because she thought he was biting the woman. The couple left Ten Forward a short time later. (TNG: "The Offspring")

This man was played by Hayne Bayle, who was credited as "Ten Forward Crew" in the end credits of the episode.

Male civilians (2371) []

These male civilians were among the civilians aboard the Enterprise-D who were evacuated into the saucer section in 2371. The first walked along the corridor past the group of children and the second was standing in the corridor when La Forge directed the group of children into safety. (Star Trek Generations)

Male patient []

Enterprise-D male patient, 2365

A patient

This Human male contracted a flu virus from Nasreldine sometime during 2365. (TNG: "The Icarus Factor")

This man was played by an unknown actor.

Memorial service musicians []

These two musicians played at the memorial service held for Geordi La Forge and Ro Laren in Ten Forward in late 2368. (TNG: "The Next Phase")

Mother (2364) []

Mother, 2364

A mother

This woman was the mother of one of the abducted children, kidnapped by the Aldeans in 2364. She took part in a meeting in the observation lounge, led by Captain Picard and Dr. Crusher. Prior to this incident she passed Commander Riker and entered a turbolift shortly before Harry Bernard bumped into Riker. When the children returned onto the Enterprise-D she passed Harry and his father in a corridor. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks")

This mother was played by an unknown actress.

It is unknown if she is the mother of Tara, Katie, or Rose.

Multiplications teacher []

In 2368, this teacher taught multiplications to Alexander Rozhenko. They told Alexander that he was the fastest student in his class. (TNG: "Ethics")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Parrises squares player []

Female parrises squares player

A female player

This woman was part of the Parrises squares team aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364. Together with Tasha Yar, Worf, and Longo she prepared to play a match against the team of Starbase 74. (TNG: "11001001")

This woman was played by an unknown actress.

It is unknown if she is a civilian or a Starfleet officer.

Powell's "date" []

This woman was seen by Beverly Crusher at Ten Forward in 2370, talking with Andrew Powell in a way that made her question whether something might be going on between them. When she discussed this with Deanna Troi briefly at the senior staff poker game, Troi expressed her belief that he ought to tell Alyssa Ogawa, his girlfriend, about the relationship. Troi felt it would be better to hurt her now with the truth than have her find out later. (TNG: "Lower Decks")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Primary school children (2365) []

These five children were in the primary school aboard the Enterprise-D when Ian Troi, the offspring of Counselor Deanna Troi, joined them. Supervised by their teacher Miss Gladstone, they played with toys and a litter of puppies. (TNG: "The Child")

The costume worn by the first pictured girl was later sold off via auction. [4]

Primary school children (2367) []

These children were in the primary school aboard the Enterprise-D in 2367 when Worf and K'Ehleyr brought Alexander into the school. The children were frightened of Alexander because of his behavior. (TNG: "Reunion")

Riker's date []

Riker's date, 2369

Riker's date

This Human woman had a date with Commander Riker in Ten Forward in 2369.

Amanda Rogers, who had a crush on Riker, teleportated Riker and herself away from Ten Forward, because she wouldn't let him have this date. (TNG: "True Q")

Riker's date was portrayed by marriage therapist Shannon Fox, who received no credit for her appearance.

School children (2364) []

These seven children, four girls and two boys, witnessed the disappearance of Rose, Tara, and Harry Bernard from their class room in 2364. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks")

The dress worn by the girl sitting at the desk in the first picture was later reused by the little hostage girl in the first season episode "Heart of Glory". [5]

School children (2366) []

School children, 2366

Eight school children

These eight school children were in the class of Lieutenant Ballard in 2366. They laughed at Lal because she was different. (TNG: "The Offspring")

These children were played by unknown performers.

School children (2368) []

These six school children attended the class with Timothy in 2368 aboard the Enterprise-D. They listened to the mythology story of the teacher and later sang "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". (TNG: "Hero Worship")

The children were played by performers with the last names Buchanan, Kanter, Kanter, Haeffmeier, Handy, and Rivera.

They filmed their scenes on Thursday 24 October 1991 on Paramount Stage 9.

School children (late 2368) []

Beside a Vulcan student and Alexander Rozhenko, these five Human children attended the clay sculpting class in late 2368 aboard the Enterprise-D. They witnessed how Alexander accused Clara Sutter of lying. (TNG: "Imaginary Friend")

These children were played by background performers with the last names Bjork, Bjork, Jacob, Myles, and Watts.

They filmed their scenes on Monday 2 March 1992 at the "Daycare Center" set on Paramount Stage 9.

School children (2369) []

These school children were held hostages in their classroom aboard the Enterprise-D in early 2369 when a group of renegade Ferengi took control of the Enterprise-D. They supported the young Jean-Luc Picard, Ro Laren, Keiko O'Brien, and Guinan in their plans to retake the control of the ship. (TNG: "Rascals")

Ski instructor []

This individual instructed a group of children, including Wesley Crusher, in skiing in 2364. They scheduled a field trip to the Denubian Alps in the holodeck. (TNG: "Angel One")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Sleeping man []

Sleeping man, 2365

A sleeping man

This man was sleeping in his quarters aboard the Enterprise-D in 2365 when an alien energy lifeform came aboard the ship. The lifeform passed him and impregnated Counselor Deanna Troi. (TNG: "The Child")

This man was played by an unknown actor.

Spectator []

Enterprise-D female civilian spectator

A civilian

This civilian watched a game of Strategema between Data and Sirna Kolrami. (TNG: "Peak Performance")

This civilian was played by an unknown actress.

Teacher []

Teacher, 2368

A teacher

This teacher was aboard the Enterprise-D at the same time Timothy was after he had been rescued from the SS Vico. During the class, the teacher was reading a mythology story, but Timothy refused to pay attention and continued to work on sculpting. Even when the teacher admonished him, Timothy refused to listen. Later, the teacher sang the song "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" with the children. (TNG: "Hero Worship")

The teacher was played by Steven Einspahr.

Ten Forward civilian (2367) []

Male ten forward civilian, 2367

A civilian

This civilian aboard the Enterprise-D visited Ten Forward in 2367 when several crewmembers and civilians gathered at this place. Due to the lack of REM sleep they started a brawl but were calmed down by Guinan. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

This civilian was played by Ampy Koran, who received no credit for this appearance.

Ten Forward civilian (2369) []

Female ten forward civilian, 2369

A civilian

This civilian woman was a frequent visitor of the Ten Forward bar aboard the Enterprise-D in 2369.

She was present when Reginald Barclay experienced physical problems due to a transporter accident (TNG: "Realm Of Fear") and was listening to Data's poetry reading. (TNG: "Schisms")

She was also in Ten Forward when the bar was visited by Professor James Moriarty, (TNG: "Ship In A Bottle") the Klingon Captain Nu'Daq, (TNG: "The Chase") and when Deanna Troi had a conversation with Commander Riker. (TNG: "Frame of Mind")

This civilian woman was played by an unknown actress.

Ten Forward civilian (early 2370) []

Female ten forward civilian, early 2370

A civilian

This female civilian attended the concert of Data and Juliana O'Donnell in Ten Forward in early 2370. (TNG: "Inheritance")

She was also in Ten Forward when Commander Riker and Admiral Erik Pressman talked about their past and the USS Pegasus. (TNG: "The Pegasus")

This civilian woman was played by an unknown actress.

Ten Forward civilian (2370) []

Female ten forward civilian, 2370

A civilian

This female civilian passed the quarters of Data when Deanna Troi brought him a cake with his appearance. (TNG: "Phantasms")

She was talking to a female science officer in Ten Forward when Commander Riker and Admiral Erik Pressman shared a drink at the bar. (TNG: "The Pegasus")

Late in 2370, she attended the welcome party held for Lieutenant Ro Laren in Ten Forward. She talked to Ensign Russell while Captain Picard left Ten Forward. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")

This civilian was played by an unknown actress.

Ten Forward civilians (2370) []

These civilians were in Ten Forward when the Boralaan Vorin accidentally left the holodeck and came into the bar. (TNG: "Homeward")

Ten Forward patron (2369) []

Male ten forward patron, 2369

A male civilian

In an alternate future created by Q for Jean-Luc Picard, this male civilian visited Ten Forward and had a drink. (TNG: "Tapestry")

He attended the jazz concert in Ten Forward, performed by Commander Riker later that year. (TNG: "Second Chances")

In 2370, he attended the banquet in Ten Forward held for the Iyaaran ambassadors. (TNG: "Liaisons")

This male civilian was played by an unknown actor.

Theater group member []

Theater group member

A female civilian

This civilian was part of Beverly Crusher's theater group in early 2369 when their text disappeared and was replaced by Data's poem Ode to Spot. (TNG: "A Fistful of Datas")

This woman was played by an unknown actress.

Tyrellian crewmen []

Five Tyrellians served aboard USS Enterprise-D in 2369. Data mentioned them in a conversation with Calvin Hutchinson that year. (TNG: "Starship Mine")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Vulcan boy (2364) []

Vulcan boy, 2364

A Vulcan boy

A Vulcan boy was evacuated from the stardrive section, together with a Vulcan science division officer and many others, when the saucer section was engaging Q. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

This Vulcan boy was portrayed by an unknown actor.

Vulcan boy (2368) []

Vulcan boy, 2368

A Vulcan boy

A Vulcan boy was one of the children in the schoolroom working with clay in late 2368 when Clara Sutter joined the class. (TNG: "Imaginary Friend")

This Vulcan was played by a background actor with the last name Dickinson.

He filmed his scenes on Monday 2 March 1992 on Paramount Stage 9 and had a make-up call time at 6:00 am.

Vulcan boy (2371) []

Vulcan boy, 2371

A Vulcan boy

This Vulcan boy was among the civilians aboard the Enterprise-D which were evacuated into the saucer section following the attack of the Duras sisters in 2371. (Star Trek Generations)

Tom and Eddie Berman, Generations

The two Berman brothers on set

This Vulcan boy was played by extra Tom Berman, son of Rick Berman, who received no credit for this appearance.

Vulcan viola player []

Vulcan violinist

A Vulcan viola player

A male Vulcan viola player was among the musicians at a recital in Ten Forward in 2366, in which Lieutenant Commander Data and Chief Miles O'Brien also took part. Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Doctor Crusher were in the audience. (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command")

This Vulcan was played by an unknown actor.

It was not shown if he was an officer or a civilian, but he wore civilian clothing during the recital.

Vulcan at barbershop []

Vulcan at barbershop

A Vulcan patron

A Vulcan man was getting a haircut at Mot's barbershop while Captain Picard was getting a haircut by Mot himself in 2368. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")

This Vulcan was played by background actor B.K. Byron who received no credit for this appearance.

Vulcan man []

Male Vulcan, 2371

A male Vulcan

This Vulcan civilian approached a table in Ten Forward in 2371 while Captain Picard was talking to Dr. Tolian Soran. Later, during the evacuation into the saucer section he was running through a corridor. (Star Trek Generations)

This Vulcan was played by background actor Gary Hunter who received no credit for this appearance.

Vulcan woman []

Female Vulcan, 2371

A female Vulcan

This Vulcan civilian was present in Ten Forward in 2371, while the Enterprise-D tended to the Amargosa observatory. After Captain Picard entered, looking for Dr. Tolian Soran, the captain passed her having a conversation. (Star Trek Generations)

This Vulcan was played by an unknown actress.

Wesley's friend []

Wesley's friend

Wesley's buddy

This Human boy accompanied Wesley Crusher on a skiing trip to a holographic representation of the Denubian Alps in 2364. Like Wesley, he contracted a respiratory ailment caused by the Quazulu VIII virus and was treated by Doctor Crusher in sickbay. (TNG: "Angel One")

He was played by Chris Hall, who received no credit for his appearance.

Hall filmed his scenes on Thursday, 12 November 1987 on Paramount Stage 9.

The actor's name is derived from the name tag on his costume, which was sold off in the It's A Wrap! sale and auction. [6](X)

Wesley's friends []

Wesley's friends

Four of Wesley's friends

These teenagers were Wesley Crusher's friends. The three girls and the boy and Eric met Wesley and Annette in Ten Forward in early 2366 where they were eyed by Wesley's mother. (TNG: "Evolution")

The three girls and the boy were played by unknown performers.

Youngblood's flirt []

Youngblood's flirt

A woman in Ten Forward

This civilian woman in a red dress was sitting in Ten Forward and flirting with Ensigns Youngblood, Bennett, and Darien Wallace. Later, Youngblood went to her table and the couple flirted and shared a kiss, observed by Data's daughter Lal. (TNG: "The Offspring")

This woman was played by Maria Leone, who was credited as "Ten Forward Crew" in the end credits of the episode.


See also[]

Background information[]

Buck-toothed alien []