Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

List of unnamed Vidiians.

Adulteress []

Vidiian adulteress


This adulteress was contacted by the USS Voyager, in 2377, when the ship's crew were trying to find the whereabouts of Gar who had stolen The Doctor's matrix.

The adulteress had previously recommended that her husband take Gar on as a partner in a trading deal, against her husband's better judgment.

She later told Janeway that her husband was boring and that Gar was exciting. At first, she was not going to help Janeway locate him, because she thought Janeway wanted him for herself. Only after Janeway pretended that she and Tuvok were lovers did the adulteress help them. (VOY: "Critical Care")

The adulteress was played by Debi A. Monahan.

Though described in the script as "a forty-ish, flamboyant, somewhat tacky-looking alien adultress (of yet another humanoid race)," her prosthetics were, in fact, a re-use of those of a healthy Viidian.

Boarding party []

These two individuals belonged to the boarding party that boarded Voyager in 2371. They were shot by one of the security officers sent to stop them. (VOY: "Fury")

Borg drone []

Assimilated Vidiian

A Vidiian assimilated by the Borg

This assimilated Vidiian was a personality that Seven of Nine assumed when she developed a multiple personality disorder due to the discovery of a Borg vinculum. (VOY: "Infinite Regress")

Played by an unknown actor.

Captain []

Vidiian captain 1

Vidiian captain

In an alternate timeline this captain was contacted by Kes after she had time traveled back to 2371 to seek revenge on the crew of Voyager, who she blamed for keeping her away from her people. The Vidiian captain was offered information necessary to capture Voyager by Kes in exchange for transport back to the Ocampan homeworld. (VOY: "Fury")

The Vidiian captain was played by Vaughn Armstrong.

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives his name as Drenol.

Children []

These children, like Mala, were afraid of Danara Pel's appearance. Pel's mother explained this to 9-year-old Danara when she asked why they didn't want to play with her anymore. (VOY: "Lifesigns")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Commander []

Vidiian commander 1

Vidiian commander

This commander served as the commanding officer of a Vidiian ship that came upon the USS Voyager and was puzzled by the sensor readings that suggested that Voyager was trapped in some sort of spatial flux. When told that although Voyager had detected them, it unable to raise shields and was disrupting their weapons systems, he decided to take advantage of the situation. He ordered his ship to fire a hyper-thermic charge at Voyager, and after being informed that they had destroyed Voyager's weapons array, he ordered that the ship be maneuvered within grappling range.

The commander then lead the boarding party, consisting of himself, the surgeon and a third crewman. After shooting Tuvok and a security guard, he informed the surgeon to start harvesting their organs.

The three later passed by sickbay, not seeing Harry Kim who had ducked in to avoid them.

He, the surgeon and the third crewman entered the bridge, where they were greeted by Captain Janeway, when moments later Voyager's auto-destruct sequence concludes, and both ships were both destroyed. (VOY: "Deadlock")

The commander was played by Ray Proscia.

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives his name as Nadirum.

Crewman 1 []

Vidiian crewman 1

A crewman

This crewman was part of a boarding party that attacked Voyager while it was caught in a spatial anomaly.

He was in Voyager's sickbay, along with a second crewman, when he scanned Kes, noting that she had "an extremely high rate of tissue regeneration." He thereafter removed her pelvic region at the behest of the second crewman.

As they began harvesting Samantha Wildman, Harry Kim burst into sickbay, shooting both crewman with a phaser. (VOY: "Deadlock")

Chakotay's Vidiian mask was re-used for this Vidiian. He was played by Chris Johnston and was credited as "Vidiian #1".

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives his name as Nirata.

Crewman 2 []

Vidiian crewman 2

A crewman

This crewman was part of a boarding party that attacked Voyager while it was caught in a spatial anomaly.

He was in Voyager's sickbay, along with a second crewman who scanned Kes, and who he instructed to remove her pelvic region and analyze her bone marrow for phage resistance.

Following the procedure, he noted to the first crewman that the rest of the crew in sickbay were Humans and that their "pancreatic tissues were well-suited for transplant." The first crewman concurred, and told him to being the extractions.

When he next encountered Samantha Wildman, he determined her hemo-uterine levels were "far above normal", indicating that she had just given birth, prompting him to search for the infant.

As they began harvesting Wildman, Harry Kim burst into sickbay, shooting both crewman with a phaser. (VOY: "Deadlock")

Dereth's mask was re-used for this Vidiian. He was played by Keythe Farley and was credited as "Vidiian #2".

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives his name as Telari. Another card named Sinaren shows the same character but with a digitally altered face.

Crewman 3 []

Vidiian crewman 3

A Vidiian crewman

This crewman was part of a boarding party that attacked Voyager while it was caught in a spatial anomaly. He joined the commander and surgeon, where during, he shot and killed a duplicate Tuvok whose organs were then harvested by the surgeon.

The three later passed by sickbay, not seeing Harry Kim who had ducked in to avoid them.

He, the surgeon and the commander entered the bridge, where they were greeted by Captain Janeway, when moments later Voyager's auto-destruct sequence concludes, and both ships were destroyed. (VOY: "Deadlock")

This Vidiian was played by regular background actor Louis Ortiz.

Guard 1 []

Vidiian guard 1

A Vidiian guard

This guard was in charge of a work group that included Tom Paris and Pete Durst. They were being held in a Vidiian mine that also served as a medical experimentation camp. Later, the guard told Durst that the prefect of the camp wanted to discuss Durst's request to contact his ship. Paris tried to intercede and go in his place, but the Vidiian guard took Durst. Durst was killed by Sulan, a Vidiian surgeon, who grafted Durst's face over his own.

When B'Elanna Torres tried to get access to the computer console in the sleeping place, the two guards surprised her and tried to bring her away but were knocked unconscious by Torres' Klingon half.

When Chakotay, surgically altered as a Vidiian, tried to save Paris, the guard was suspicious that he had no information about the transfer but allowed it. (VOY: "Faces")

This Vidiian was played by actor Barton Tinapp and his stunt double Chris Doyle.

Tinapp filmed his scenes between Monday 6 March 1995 and Thursday 9 March 1995 on Paramount Stage 16 and 18.

The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., p. 146 and the Star Trek: Voyager Companion, p. 41 mistakenly credit Rob LaBelle for this role. The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives his name as Sorum. Another card named Dilanum shows the same character but with a digitally altered face.

Guard 2 []

Vidiian guard 2

A Vidiian guard

This guard worked in a Vidiian mine that also served as a medical experimentation camp.

He guarded the prisoners and later was also part of a patrol which encountered an away team of Voyager in a cave. Following this, he accompanied the first guard to take Pete Durst from his sleeping quarters and bring him to the scientist Sulan. (VOY: "Faces")

This Vidiian was played by background actor Louis Ortiz who received no credit for his appearance.

Ortiz filmed his scenes on Friday 3 March 1995, Monday 6 March 1995, Tuesday 7 March 1995, and Wednesday 8 March 1995 on Paramount Stage 16 and 18 and is listed as "Vidiian Guard (B)" on the call sheets. He later re-filmed the cave scene along Brian Donofrio on 2nd unit on Tuesday 11 April 1995 on Paramount Stage 16. Here, he is listed as "Viddian N.D." on the call sheet.

Dereth's mask was re-used for this Vidiian.

Guard 3 []

Vidiian guard 3

A Vidian guard

This guard and the second guard were a patrol when they encountered the away team from Voyager in a cave. (VOY: "Faces")

This Vidiian was played by background actor Brian Donofrio who received no credit for this appearance. He filmed his scene on Friday 3 March 1995 on Paramount Stage 18 and again on 2nd unit on Tuesday 11 April 1995 on Paramount Stage 16.

Guard 4 []

Vidiian guard 4

A Vidiian guard

This guard and the first guard surprised B'Elanna Torres when she tried to get access to a computer console in the sleeping barracks and tried to bring her away but were stopped by Torres' Klingon half.

Later, inside Sulan's lab, he tried to stop the two Torres' when they activated a security alert during their try to break out of the complex, but was shot by the Klingon half. (VOY: "Faces")

This Vidiian guard was played by Stunt Coordinator Dennis Madalone who received no credit for this appearance.

He filmed his scenes between Wednesday 8 March 1995 and Monday 13 March 1995 on Paramount Stage 9 and 16 and is listed as "N.D. Stunt Vidiian Guard" on the call sheets.

Pel's mother[]

The mother of Danara Pel was asked by her daughter why Mala, her friend, didn't want to play with her anymore. She told Danara it was because the other children were afraid of her. (VOY: "Lifesigns")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Surgeon []

Vidiian surgeon 1

Vidiian surgeon

This surgeon was on the bridge of the Vidiian ship that came upon Voyager while it was in a state of flux due to a spatial anomaly, causing two Voyager's to appear. He informed his commander that the weapons systems and shields were down on Voyager, prompting the commander to order an attack. After informing the commander that they had destroyed Voyager's weapons array, he maneuvered the ship within grappling range.

The surgeon, carrying a medical kit, was part of the boarding party, consisting of himself, the commander and a third crewman. After shooting Tuvok and a security guard, he was instructed by the commander to start harvesting their organs.

The three later passed by sickbay, not seeing Harry Kim who had ducked in to avoid them.

As the surgeon, commander and third crewman enter the bridge, they are greeted by Captain Janeway, just as the surgeon noticed final countdown of the auto-destruct sequence, when moments later Voyager and the Vidiian ship were both destroyed. (VOY: "Deadlock")

The surgeon was played by Bob Clendenin.

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives his name as Thaden.
