Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Vagra II was the second planet of the Vagra system, in the Zed Lapis sector. The atmosphere was minimal for Human needs, and the surface was barren and nearly devoid of vegetation.

A race of "titans" once brought out from within themselves all evil and negative attributes that had bound them to destructiveness. As a by-product of this procedure, the unwanted substance spread and coalesced into a dank and vile second skin, Armus, a "skin of evil". The race rejected this malevolent sentient substance and abandoned it on Vagra II.

In 2364, Armus threatened the crew of a USS Enterprise-D shuttlecraft that had crash-landed on the surface. It also killed Lieutenant Natasha Yar, who was part of the away team assigned to recover them. After the crew of the Enterprise escaped, they destroyed the shuttle wreckage to trap Armus on the planet. Vagra II was subsequently placed under quarantine. (TNG: "Skin of Evil")

According to Star Trek Encyclopedia the race that created Armus was native to Vagra II.