Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Iconian gateway on Vandros IV

Iconian gateway on Vandros IV

Vandros IV was the fourth planet in its star system. This planet, located in the Gamma Quadrant on the fringe of Dominion space, was inhabited by the Iconians 200,000 years ago.

In 2372, Dominion scientists discovered an intact Iconian gateway in the ruins of an ancient Iconian city. The gateway was seized by a company of rogue Jem'Hadar, who hoped to use it to launch a coup d'état within the Dominion. The gateway was subsequently destroyed by a combined team of Starfleet officers led by Captain Benjamin Sisko, and Jem'Hadar soldiers led by First Omet'iklan. After killing his Vorta field supervisor Weyoun 4, Omet'iklan and his troops elected to stay behind on the planet to hunt down the remaining enemy Jem'Hadar. (DS9: "To the Death")

According to Star Trek: Star Charts (pp. 71, 74), the planet Vandros IV was M-class. This planet was annexed by the Dominion in 2372. The primary of the Vandros system was an M-class star.

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