The volt was a unit of electric potential, or more specifically, voltage.
While formulating an escape after becoming trapped in a turbolift with Lwaxana Troi in 2369, Troi caught Odo glancing at an exposed circuit in the corner of the lift's floor, wondering to himself how many volts were running through it. (DS9: "The Forsaken")
Comparative list of electromotive force[]
- Microvolt
- 1,000,000 microvolts = 1 volt
- After Lieutenant Natasha Yar was attacked by Armus on the planet Vagra II on Stardate 41601 in the year 2364, Doctor Beverly Crusher used direct reticular stimulation to try to revive her. The charge was increased to 70, 85, and finally 90 microvolts before Dr. Crusher declared Yar deceased. (TNG: "Skin Of Evil")
- Millivolt
- 1,000 millivolts = 1 volt
- While in their natural state, Changelings would not respond to any sort of electrical charge less than six millivolts. (DS9: "The Begotten")
- In an attempt to coerce a infant Changeling, discovered in 2372, into moving to the center of its sample dish, Dr. Mora Pol suggested that Odo administer a six millivolt shock through the electrostatic bottom to teach it to avoid the outer edge of the dish. He added that such a charge would not harm the infant. (DS9: "The Begotten")
- After performing surgery and placing the neurogenic stimulators on Bareil Antos, Dr. Julian Bashir ordered his nurse to give Bareil a 50 millivolt burst, in an attempt to revive him. This unfortunately failed, forcing Bashir to increase the voltage by increments of ten. (DS9: "Life Support")
- A normal humanoid brain could withstand a maximum of a 65 millivolt burst through the use of a neurogenic stimulator. (DS9: "Life Support")
- A burst of 70 millivolts would burn out the cerebral cortex of a normal humanoid brain. This, however, could be cheated with an injection of an inoprovaline drug, which provided additional resistance against such excessive electro-stimulation. (DS9: "Life Support")
- In 2369, Doctor Bashir exposed a sample of the aphasia virus, grown on triagar solution, to a delta ray field at 120 millivolts. (DS9: "Babel")
- Volt
- The Capellan power-cat from Capella IV was capable of discharging an electric charge of 2,000 volts when angered. (TAS: "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth")
- The large marine lifeform encountered by the Delta Flyer in "The Waters", that Harry Kim likened to "some kind of electric eel," gave off biothermic discharges of over 500,000 volts, enough to fry the Flyer's shields. (VOY: "Thirty Days")