Vrek's starship was a Romulan starship operated by the Romulan military in the late 24th century. The ship was equipped with a cloaking device, disruptors, and shields.
In 2381, under the command of Sub-Commander Vrek, this vessel was confronted by a small ship of unknown design, Nova One. Puzzled as to how they had been detected, Vrek accused his subordinate Malok of sabotage, which Malok denied. Vrek ordered that the "crumb" in his path be destroyed, only to find all of his systems suddenly shutting down. (LD: "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee") Nova One then pacified Vrek's vessel to be stolen. (LD: "A Few Badgeys More") The ship's captain and a bridge officer were later marooned on Sherbal V. (LD: "The Inner Fight")
Under the command of Malok, the vessel joined Nova Fleet and ultimately ended up in the Detrion system. When Beckett Mariner disrupted Nick Locarno's announcement of Nova Fleet and fled with a Genesis Device Locarno had intended to use as a deterrent, the vessel pursued the USS Passaro, which Mariner had commandeered to escape. The vessel ambushed the Passaro near a level 7 ion storm before it was joined by the rest of Nova Fleet, forcing Mariner into the ion storm. Recognizing that it was too dangerous, Malok did not follow the Passaro in and was shocked when Locarno did just that. When the USS Cerritos managed to breach the trynar shield protecting the Detrion system, Malok, fed up with Locarno's erratic and controlling behavior, allowed the Bynars serving on Nova One to beam aboard his vessel and abandoned Locarno with the rest of Nova Fleet. (LD: "Old Friends, New Planets")
- LD:
- "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee"
- "A Few Badgeys More" (display graphic)
- "The Inner Fight" (display graphic)
- "Old Friends, New Planets"
Background information[]
This ship's design was based on Andrew Probert's original concept for the D'deridex-class warbird, combined with elements of the Romulan shuttle. According to Brad Winters, it was intended to be larger than a shuttle but much smaller than a warbird. [1][2]