Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
You may also be looking for the Episode with the same name.

A warlord is a term used to describe a person who has assumed power over an area, and arbitrarely controls this area trough armed force.

An unnamed warlord existed on Kelis' homeworld in the late 24th century.

In 2374, Major Kira Nerys called the Female Changeling an "intergalactic warlord" and claimed that she was trying to turn Odo into one. (DS9: "Behind the Lines")

Given the name of the episode Ilari former Autarch Tieran can most likely also be considdered a warlord. The possition of First maje in Kazon Society is in many ways an instituted version of the position of warlord.


Kitumba, a planned episode for the never realised Star Trek: Phase II tv series, would have introduced the title of warlord as the official title for the political leader of the klingon Empire. However, this was never filmed and later overruled when in The Next Generation the empire turned out to be ruled by a high council headed by a Chancellor

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