Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Warp engine relays, also called warp relays, were primary components of the warp engines aboard a starship.

In an attempt to reconfigure the power matrix of a Suliban cell ship, in order to operate the ship's cloaking generator, Chief engineer Trip Tucker attempted to route more power from warp relays. Later as he and Travis Mayweather piloted the ship to the surface of a planet, it was discovered that there was a power drain in the cloaking generator, causing the ship to decloak, caused by both the primary and backup warp relays going offline. (ENT: "The Communicator")

As the USS Enterprise-D was caught in the tractor beam of a Dyson sphere discovered in 2369, Data noted that the beam's resonance frequency was incompatible with the Enterprise's power systems, and as such, both the warp and impulse engine relays had been overloaded. (TNG: "Relics")
