Water skiing was a sport and a recreational activity.
Ash Tyler enjoyed water skiing on his boat on Earth. After Tyler was spliced into "Ash Tyler," he reminded Michael Burnham that he still enjoyed water skiing, as a statement that he was still the original Ash Tyler. Tyler also noted that the Klingons found a Human speaking Klingonese as entertaining as a "dog on water skis." (DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?")
Jennifer Sisko taught her son, Jake, how to water ski on Itamish III. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar")
In 2373, Lieutenants Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres made a date to go water skiing in Tahiti on the holodeck on a Friday, as they both had that day off. (VOY: "Waking Moments")
External links[]
- Water ski at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
- Water skiing at Wikipedia