Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Yeln was a resident of the Elemspur Detention Center during the Cardassian Occupation.

He claimed to remember sharing a cell with Kira Nerys and two others at Elemspur, although this later proved to be false. Shortly thereafter, he disappeared, making it likely he was a Cardassian agent. He was suspected of changing the records of the detention center, making it look like Kira had once been an inmate. (DS9: "Second Skin")

Yeln was played by Tony Papenfuss. The name Yeln originated from the source's script.

Yeln's given name was revealed to be "Arvam" in the DS9 novel Fearful Symmetry. In the novel Ro Laren discovers that the real Yeln had died in 2361 and Kira confirmed this in an orb experience.

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