Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Yridian homeworld was an inhabited planet. This was the homeworld for the warp-capable humanoid species, the Yridians, and the Yridian yaks. (DS9: "Melora", "Accession")

The treasured Rings of Paltriss were removed from the planet many years prior to 2370. (DS9: "Melora")


Background information[]

This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.

This might be connected to Yridia, Yridia I, or Yridia Prime.

According to the reference book Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 60), Yridia Prime was located in the Yridia star system. This system's primary was a G-type star. Yridia was located in the Beta Quadrant.


According to Decipher's Aliens sourcebook, the Yridian homeworld is called "Yrda".

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