Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Yuuto Hoshide was a 23rd century Human.

He was born on November 5, 2248, in Misawa, Aomori, Japan.

In 2266, he was a Starfleet Academy cadet assigned to a cadet vessel. During an inspection tour of this vessel by Fleet Captain Christopher Pike, there was an accident in engineering during which a baffle plate ruptured. After surviving the initial event, he and four other cadets were rescued by Pike who was permanently disfigured by the delta radiation. Years earlier, Pike had a vision of these events on Boreth, which traumatized him so much that a year later he could relive the moment and could name the five cadets in a conversation he had with his first officer Una Chin-Riley. Later that day, he asked the computer to perform a search for Hoshide in the United Federation of Planets Citizen Database. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I"; DIS: "Through the Valley of Shadows"; SNW: "Children of the Comet")

Yuuto Hoshide was played by an unknown actor.

This character was not identified by name in "The Menagerie, Part I". He was given a name in "Children of the Comet", along with his date of birth (DOB) and place of birth which were seen in a file from the UFPCD.
