MA 2009警告!

Seven of Nine, 2399
性别: 女性
种族: 人类
隶属于: 星际舰队
军衔: 船员
职务: 科学家
状态: 活跃 (2399年)
出生: 星历25479(2350年


父亲: 马格努斯·汉森
母亲: 艾琳·汉森
婚姻状况: 未婚


其他亲戚: 爱琳·汉森(姑妈)
演员 洁蕊·瑞恩
Seven of Nine as Borg, 2374
——九之七贝拉娜·朵芮丝2377年 (《阿七的眼泪》)

九之七完整博格编号:零一联合矩阵第三附属的九之七),是一名人类女性,同时也是前博格个体。生于星历25479。出生时的名字是安妮卡·汉森Annika Hansen), 是外层空间生物学家马格努斯·汉森艾琳·汉森的女儿。(航海家号:《暗黑前线》)她于2356年,8岁时同其父母一起被博格人同化。后被联邦星舰航海家号的船员于2374年解救出来。随后,她加入了航海家号,并在2378年与航海家号一起回到了阿尔法象限


安妮卡于2348年星历25479出生于星际联邦Tendara殖民地。她童年从未去过地球。(航海家号:《猎杀者》)她最喜欢的颜色是红色(航海家号:《天赋》) 。当她还是个孩子时,安妮卡经常和她的姑妈爱琳·汉森住在一起。 她很喜欢草莓馅饼,一次安妮卡把自己锁在房间里,爱琳用它把安妮卡哄了出来。可安妮卡很肯定并且毫不犹豫地指出馅饼里的草莓还没全熟。(航海家号:《一代文豪》)在她童年时,她还梦想过成为一名芭蕾舞演员。(航海家号:《先驱》)


Annika Hansen, 2356-0


马格努斯·汉森艾琳·汉森,安妮卡的父母, 是外层空间生物学家。他们经过各种努力,终于说服星际联邦将联邦星舰渡鸦号,一艘小型深空长距离科考舰分配给他们,以帮助他们更好地进行科考任务。

2353年,他们带着6岁的安妮卡一起,开始了在 渡鸦号 上的生活——寻找所谓的博格人。安妮卡在渡鸦号上过了两次生日。最终,汉森夫妇遇到了博格方块,并利用它的超曲速通道进入了德尔塔象限——博格人的老家。他们收集了大量关于博格个体的生物特性和博格集合体运作的科学数据。马格努斯·汉森发明了一种可以让渡鸦号不被博格人探测到的多重适应性护盾。 他们曾经登上过博格方块,用生物信号衰减器让自己不被探测到。然而,他们的研究由于2356年渡鸦号 遭遇的一场离子风暴而结束了。渡鸦号因此受到持续的损伤,最重要的多重适应性护盾也严重受损,并下线了13.2秒。这足以让博格人探测到它,并把它作为同化的目标。汉森夫妇努力屏蔽渡鸦号的曲速信号以不让博格人发现,但是博格人还是找到了他们。汉森夫妇和他们的女儿随后被抓住并被同化。(航海家号:《渡鸦号》,《暗黑前线》)


Seven of Nine speaks for the Borg


安妮卡·汉森在接下来的18年作为博格个体存在,博格编号为九之七。她参与了著名的天狼星359战役 。当她还是博格个体时,她协助同化了上百万个有着独立思维的生物甚至是种族。她自己也同化了许多来自不同种族的种族,包括人类克林贡人佛瑞吉人贝久人波利安人克莱尼姆人卡达西人。(航海家号:《无限沉沦》,《集合体》)有证据显示战争结束后,博格人带着在Wolf 359星战役被同化的个体回到了德尔塔象限。




Seven of Nine severed from Collective


在博格集合体与被他们标记为8472种族战争中,位于德尔塔象限的联邦星舰航海家号被迫卷入了这场战争.。为了保护船员不被8472种族伤害,以及不让8472种族控制银河系凯瑟琳·珍妮薇上校决定利用博格的纳米探针来改装光子鱼雷,从而战胜他们共同的敌人。作为交换,博格人将确保航海家号安全通过博格星域。集合体让九之七到航海家号上,作为博格与他们的“对话人”。当她的博格方块为了保护航海家号,被一艘8472生化船摧毁时,数名博格人传送到了航海家号上,以继续帮助研发工作。珍妮薇为此而感到愧疚,并让大副查可泰中校指挥。九之七想让航海家号与最近的一个博格方块会合,但查可泰拒绝这么做。博格人开始尝试控制航海家号,查可泰打开气炸,将博格人都排到了太空里。然而九之七却正好没有被排出去。在集合体的授意下,九之七将航海家号带入了8472种族的空间,以强迫航海家号用新型鱼雷防御8472种族的攻击。珍妮薇重新指挥航海家号,并尝试恢复与博格人的同盟关系。鱼雷被证明有效,8472种族被迫撤退。然而博格人背信弃义,让九之七同化航海家号。 但这是预料之中的事情,航海家号启动应急预案,并切断了九之七与集合体的联系。珍妮薇决定把九之七留在航海家号上。(航海家号:《与蝎谋皮(上)》,《与蝎谋皮(下)》)

Seven of Nine confronts Janeway




作为一名前博格个体,她在身体机能上拥有许多优势。比如,她的视觉植入物可以大大提高她的视力,而她的记忆力也很好,力量也不亚于她这个年龄的人类健康女性。(航海家号:《天赋》,《偷龙转凤》,《生死角斗》,《所谓科学》,《相对时间》)她对身体伤害以及疾病的抵抗能力更强,而且能够抵抗多种辐射,包括chroniton和subnucleonic射线。(航海家号:《Year of Hell》)这两种射线对正常人都是致命的。(航海家号:《One》)



Seven of Nine, 2376



九之七和哈里·金少尉一同设计并构建了飞船的 天体实验室,并利用博格技术测绘出了航海家号自身传感器所无法达到距离的星图和航线。天体实验室很快成为了航海家号最重要的设施之一,也为九之七寻找合适的返回阿尔法象限的航线提供了便利。(航海家号:《歧视》,《黑暗一年(上)》)在天体实验室开始使用后,九之七发现了希罗珍通信网络,这让航海家号暂时接收到了一些来自阿尔法象限的信息。(航海家号:《猎杀者》)如果能定期进行这样的数据流信息链接,不久之后就可以进行稳定的通信。九之七帮助航海家号增强了变流碟。(航海家号:《生命线》,《一代文豪》)


2374年,一个由九之七领导的外遣队使用了博格设计,来制造适合摧毁在德尔塔象限被发现的奥米加粒子(Omega molecules)的容器。就在粒子被摧毁前的最后一刻,那些分子短暂地稳定聚集,只有九之七看到了它们那一瞬间的完美形态。她第一次体会到了她一直在追求的“完美”。 (航海家号:《奥米加指令》)

2375年,九之七成为德尔塔飞艇(Delta Flyer)的设计小组成员。(航海家号:《极度危险》)



在2376年,九之七改进了她的再生槽,使她在再生时能够在那里处理信息,并与船上发生的其他事件建立联系。这使得九之七推断出某种光子跳蚤(photonic fleas)降低了传感器的效率。但在这时,一个名叫塔什(Tash)的外星人建造的重力弹射器使用了一个类似守护者阵列的tetryon反应堆。然而,过量的信息使她的皮质植入物过载,她开始对航海家号的任务和船员得出疯狂的结论。她让查可泰相信,航海家号出现在德尔塔象限是故意的,是星际联邦和卡达西人联合入侵的前奏,后来她告诉珍妮薇舰长,查可泰正在组织一场马奇船员的叛乱,并利用该弹射器,对联邦和卡达西人的目标发动袭击。最后,她开始相信,航海家号被送到德尔塔象限,是为了顺便将她从博格集合体中带回 ,在返回到阿尔法象限时,她将被分析和解剖。九之七乘坐德尔塔飞艇打算逃离,但珍妮薇说服了她,告诉她这一“阴谋”只是她的错觉,是由她的再生槽增强引起的。她回到了航海家号,并移除了再生槽上的增强配件。(航海家号:《航海家号上的阴谋》)

雷金纳德·巴克利的全息程序在2377年初被传输到航海家号上,程序给航海家号带来了使用Geodesic fold将航海家号送回阿尔法象限的信息。事实上,全息程序在此之前已经被佛瑞吉人截取并重新编程,他们想提取九之七的纳米探针,从而牟取暴利。尽管全息程序提供了让航海家号穿越Geodesic fold时免受损伤的方法,但九之七最终还是发现他们被骗了。(航海家号:《返乡计划》)




Harmonic resonance chamber


航海家号在德尔塔象限发现了奥米加粒子(Omega particles),它们对九之七有着某种吸引力,因为博格人认为这种粒子是完美的,并曾多次试图稳定分子,但都没有成功。但她相信博格人已经掌握了稳定粒子的关键,并利用博格技术来稳定粒子。然而,珍妮薇认为这太危险了,并决定销毁粒子。它们在被航海家号摧毁前不久自动稳定下来。阿七见证了这一刻,并经历了她的第一个精神时刻(spiritual moments)。(航海家号:《奥米加指令》)


In 2376, Voyager docked at a Markonian outpost. While there, Seven of Nine encountered the group of drones which she had linked together eight years prior. They had since been liberated from the Collective, but were permanently linked due to Seven's modifications. They attacked Seven in order to find out what she had done to them, but were stopped by Voyager security. Seven later voluntarily linked with the drones to retrieve the memories of the crash, but further damage was caused when the link was broken. Even though the drones were no longer connected to one another, all but Seven were left comatose. They needed their neural implants removed, but it would only give them a month to live. They could be saved if reassimilated into the Borg Collective, but Seven decided that a brief life as an individual was much more valuable than eternal life as a drone, and she ordered the Doctor to remove the implants. The former drones were still upset about the decision made by Seven eight years prior, but understood her reasons and were grateful for their newfound freedom, however short. (航海家号:《Survival Instinct》)

Also that year, Seven was part of an away team which discovered the Vaadwaur race, placed in stasis centuries prior. Seven was excited at the prospect of helping to rebuild a society in order to atone for the destruction she participated in while a member of the Collective, and worked with the Vaadwaur to find them a new home. It was later determined that the Vaadwaur were warlike and hostile, and their awakening placed the region of space near their homeworld in great danger. Seven was upset that her intention to help may have caused further suffering. (航海家号:《Dragon's Teeth》)

Again during the same year, Seven and an injured Tuvok were captured by Penk, a Norcadian who organized the spectator sport Tsunkatse, and Seven was forced to fight in the ring. After rescue, Tuvok thanked her for taking his place in a red match and asked if she had recovered. Seven said that her victory only came from her loss of control, and worried that the three years she had spent regaining her Humanity were lost in the ring. However, Tuvok pointed out that her feelings of guilt, shame and remorse meant that her Humanity had been reaffirmed, not lost. (航海家号:《Tsunkatse》)


While transporting back to Voyager in 2375, a malfunction caused 纳米探针s from Seven's Bloodstream to merge with the Doctor's mobile emitter. The nanoprobes quickly assimilated the advanced 29th century technology, and used genetic material from Mulcahey to create an advanced Borg drone, with the emitter at its core. The drone lacked Borg programming, giving Seven the opportunity to communicate with him. She attempted to teach him to be an individual, and he was even given the name One by Seven of Nine, but he wished to learn more about the Borg. Attempts to prevent the Borg from detecting One failed and his attempts to modify Voyager's weapons to fight them proved insufficient. He transported aboard the Borg vessel, destroying it from within. His built-in shielding allowed him to survive the explosion badly injured, but he refused treatment and died in Voyager's sickbay to keep the crew safe from constant assimilation threats. Seven mourned him as if she had lost a son. (航海家号:《Drone》)

Later in 2375, Voyager's crew prepared for a daring raid on a damaged 博格 球 in order to steal a transwarp coil and substantially shorten their journey home. Seven was contacted by the 博格 女王, who revealed that she had set a trap for Voyager and its crew would be assimilated if she did not return to the Collective. Seven reluctantly agreed, learning that she was deliberately granted her freedom as part of a larger plan to assimilate Humanity. Seven resisted the Queen's attempts to convince her to develop a nanoprobe virus and was eventually rescued by Voyager's crew. (航海家号:《Dark Frontier》)

In late 2376 she discovered that she was one of a few Borg with a certain genetic mutation that allowed them to retain their individuality while regenerating inside of an artificial construct known as Unimatrix Zero. Freed from the Collective, she was once again contacted by the others inside. They were on the verge of being discovered and needed her help. With some assistance from Voyager's crew, the drones were given the ability to retain their individuality outside of the construct. This allowed them to launch an open revolt against the Collective, plunging the Collective into civil war. (航海家号:《Unimatrix Zero》,《Unimatrix Zero, Part II》)


When the Hirogen overtook Voyager in 2374 and used its crew and holodecks to conduct hunts, Seven was assigned the identity of Mademoiselle de Neuf (literally "Miss of Nine") in the French Resistance simulation. The Doctor was able to modify her Borg implants and restore her real identity without the Hirogen knowing. She worked with the Doctor and Ensign Kim to stage a counterstrike against the Hirogen and restore the identities of the rest of the crew. (航海家号:《The Killing Game》) Seven later developed a photonic grenade which disabled holographic activity on part of the ship, a crucial event which allowed Captain Janeway to defeat the leader of the Hirogen and return control of the ship to the Starfleet crew. (航海家号:《The Killing Game, Part II》)

Seven was stricken with something akin to a multiple-personality disorder in 2375 when Voyager neared a vinculum infected with a synthetic pathogen by Species 6339. Several personalities, including Starfleet officers, a Klingon warrior, a Vulcan official, a Krenim scientist, a Ferengi trader, a woman trying to find her son aboard the USS Melbourne at the Battle of Wolf 359, and a frightened young child emerged. These turned out to be personalities of individuals assimilated by Seven, and it was soon made clear the malfunctions in her implants were precisely what Species 6339 wished to inflict on the rest of the Collective. The personalities began to take over Seven, and her own individuality was lost. Tuvok was able to use a Vulcan mind meld to retrieve Seven's conciousness and the vinculum was deactivated. (航海家号:《Infinite Regress》)

In 2377, Voyager's crew was forced to abandon ship after hitting a subspace mine. They were rescued by rogue elements of the Quarren, and had their identities reassigned in order to supply labor and fill a shortage on the Quarren homeworld. The entire crew, except Chakotay, Kim, and Neelix, who were away on the Delta Flyer, had their memories of Voyager erased and false memories of terrible conditions on their homeworlds implanted. Seven started to use her real name, Annika Hansen, and was given a job as an efficiency monitor in a power distribution plant, working with several other Voyager crewmembers including Captain Janeway, Tuvok, and B'Elanna Torres. Her Borg desire for perfection made her perfectly suited for the job, and she was often overzealous in chastising workers. The identity reassignment did not completely work on Tuvok, though, and he began to remember his former life, including Seven of Nine. He mind-melded with her, causing memories of her life on Voyager and as a drone to resurface. (航海家号:《Workforce》) As the flashbacks continued, Annika investigated Tuvok's records. She believed there was a connection to the disappearance of Torres, who had been rescued by the remaining Voyager crew, and Annika later learned that Tuvok had accessed files of most of the Voyager crew, including Janeway, Torres, and herself. This led her to the inconsistency that many new workers from the same species began work on the same day, which was unusual during a labor shortage. Additionally, they were all brought through the Neuropathology division, although none of the workers remembered this. Her suspicions were dismissed and explained as an outbreak of Dysphoria Syndrome. Annika was undaunted, and later visited the neuropathology division complaining of the flashbacks in order to access their computer system. While there, she discovered the Dysphoria Syndrome outbreak was actually a cover-up masterminded by a Quarren doctor called Kadan, to hide the fact that Voyager's crew and many others had been abducted. This confirmed the story Chakotay had told to Captain Janeway, and Annika and a Quarren official, Yerid, went to the hospital in order to prevent Kadan from using the reassignment technique on Chakotay and Tuvok. They succeed, and the entire Voyager crew was transported back to the ship. The Doctor was successful in restoring the identities of the entire crew. (航海家号:《Workforce, Part II》)


Although she began to accept her Humanity, Seven was still not completely eager to return to the Alpha Quadrant, and became apprehensive when opportunities presented themselves. (航海家号:《Hope and Fear》) Her reluctance actually proved lifesaving for the Voyager crew in 2375 when the ship was nearly ingested by a bioplasmic organism known as the telepathic pitcher plant. She was one of only two crewmembers (the other being Naomi Wildman who, like Seven, had no emotional links to Earth and the Alpha Quadrant) not affected by its illusion of a wormhole back to the Alpha Quadrant. Despite the crew's attempts to place her into stasis, she was able to join forces with the Doctor and an alien named Qatai to free Voyager. (航海家号:《Bliss》)

At first, Seven found holodecks a pointless endeavor, fulfilling a Human desire to fantasize which she did not share. (航海家号:《One》) She reluctantly took part in Janeway's Leonardo da Vinci simulation, but believed it to be a waste of time. (航海家号:《The Raven》) Later, however, she visited many of Tom Paris's programs, including The Adventures of Captain Proton in which she played Constance Goodheart to Paris's Captain Proton. She still saw the program as frivolous, and quickly disabled Satan's Robot instead of playing along with the storyline of the program. (航海家号:《Night》) In 2376, she visited the Fair Haven program. By this time, she engaged the holographic characters in conversation and participated in the fantasy. (航海家号:《Fair Haven》) She and the Doctor attended a screening of Attack of the Lobster People in a recreation of the Palace Theater in 2377. (航海家号:《Repression》) Also 2377, Seven created a holographic simulation of Voyager in order to improve her social abilities. In the program, her Borg implants had been permanently removed, she was given a Starfleet science uniform, and also crew quarters. She also explored a romantic relationship with Chakotay while running the program. She began to use the program excessively, interfering with her duties. (航海家号:《Human Error》)


最初,在九之七从博格集合体被解救出来后,九之七保留了许多她博格的个性。她与其它船员很难相处,她经常违抗那些她认为不正确的命令,即使那是珍妮薇舰长的命令。然而随着时间的推移,她渐渐融入到了这个新的“集合体”中。 (航海家号:《The Gift》)

在她的“博格”时期,她习惯了那些有无数个声音组成的集合体,在她从博格集合体中分离出来后,她发现孤独是非常痛苦的,尤其是当航海家号穿越一片放射性的 Mutara 级 星云 时,只有九之七、EMH两人维持着空荡荡地航海家号。连EMH也因为故障掉线后,就只剩下了九之七。她的植入物开始出现故障,九之七开始产生可怕的幻觉——一个名为 Trajis Lo-Tarik 的外星人和被这片星云辐射严重烧伤的航海家号船员们。她努力抛开这些影像对自己的影响,最终修复了受到辐射干扰的飞船系统、解救了船员们。经历过这一切之后,九之七第一次在 餐厅 享受她的美食。 (航海家号:《One》)


Seven began to read her parents' journals from their mission aboard the Raven, as these were her only link to her parents. She encountered the drone which was originally her father while held captive by the Borg in 2375. He most likely was destroyed along with the Borg Queen's diamond. (航海家号:《Dark Frontier》)

She had an ancestor, Sven "Buttercup" Hansen, who was a 22nd century prize boxer. (航海家号:《11:59》)

Seven was present for some of the conversations the Voyager crew had with families after two-way communication was established in 2377. She was reluctant to contact her aunt, but the experiences of the crew convinced her it would be worthwhile. Irene was overjoyed to speak with her, but Seven was slightly uncomfortable when Irene used her real name, Annika. (航海家号:《Author, Author》)

Seven's recognition of her father and the fear and hatred she felt because of his dehumanization is thought to be one of the reasons her opinion about the Borg changed from near admiration to loathing the Borg more than most characters.


在 synthehol (一种酒精)的影响下,九之七告诉EMH医生和一些航海家号船员,自己和他们都是“非常好的朋友”。(航海家号:《Timeless》)

Kathryn Janeway[]

Captain Janeway made the decision to sever Seven of Nine from the Collective. She helped her through the difficult transition to Humanity in 2374, trying to force memories of her life as Annika Hansen to surface. (航海家号:《The Gift》) Janeway also tried to tutor Seven in the arts and further cultivate her Humanity. (航海家号:《The Raven》) Seven was not hesitant to question Captain Janeway's decisions, sometimes publicly. She thought Janeway placed the crew in unnecessary danger by exploring the Delta Quadrant and contacting civilizations such as the Mari, rather than setting a course for home. (航海家号:《Random Thoughts》)

When Voyager believed that Starfleet had sent the USS Dauntless to bring the crew home in late 2374, Seven did not want to return with the crew. She requested to remain in the Delta Quadrant, possibly returning to the Borg Collective. Janeway was dismayed that Seven had not found an appreciation for her new life in the year she spent aboard Voyager. Later, the ship was found to be a fake created by Arturis in order to deliver the Voyager crew to the Borg. While trapped aboard the ship, Seven confessed to Captain Janeway that she was thankful for her individuality and was not eager to return to the Collective. (航海家号:《Hope and Fear》)

In 2375, Seven inadvertently helped the Doctor recover memories of Ensign Ahni Jetal, erased from his database when they caused problems with his ethical subroutines. Captain Janeway intended to erase the memories once again, but Seven voiced concern. She felt that erasing the Doctor's memories would essentially mean turning a blind eye to his development as an individual. Seven admitted that she saw Janeway as a role model, but began to question that image after her treatment of the Doctor. This gave Janeway more to think about, and she decided to restore the memories to the Doctor. (航海家号:《Latent Image》)

Seven of Nine often had the ear of the Captain, coming to her whenever she needed moral guidance, or wanted to express something she had learned about Humanity. One such occasion occurred in 2377, when Seven dropped a barrier protecting the Ventu from cultural contamination. Before making any command decisions, Janeway asked Seven what she thought of the Ventu; Seven found them antiquated, but resourceful. She believed that if the Ledosians were allowed to contaminate them more, "something unique would be lost." (航海家号:《Natural Law》)

B'Elanna Torres[]

Voyager engineer B'Elanna Torres was distrustful of Seven, and the two came to blows several times during Seven's early days on Voyager. Torres was stunned that Seven experienced no remorse over the fate of civilizations such as the Caatati, splintered by the Borg. (航海家号:《Day of Honor》) Torres believed Seven was cold, rude, and acted like the crew of Voyager were Borg drones. She told Chakotay that she did not want to be held responsible if she and Seven got into a physical altercation. Seven earned some of Torres's respect when she used a feedback pulse to disable a Hirogen who threatened the ship's use of the communications network in 2374. (航海家号:《Message in a Bottle》) Seven studied Torres and future husband Tom Paris during their courtship, even noting the times when the two had sexual relations. Upon discovering this in 2375, Torres was quite incensed. (航海家号:《Someone to Watch Over Me》)

By 2377, the two had grown more comfortable with each other. Torres comforted Seven when she was faced with death after her cortical node malfunctioned, telling her that she made valuable contributions to the crew of Voyager. (航海家号:《Imperfection》) Torres talked to Seven about Paris shortly before their marriage in 2377. Seven suggested that Torres try to particpate in some of Paris's interests in order to improve their relationship, which led to Torres's participation in the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally. (航海家号:《Drive》) To Torres's shock, Seven presented her with a baby shower present and complimented her on her hair later that year. (航海家号:《Human Error》)

Naomi Wildman[]

Naomi Wildman, the first child born aboard Voyager, was fascinated with Seven, and began following her in early 2375. Seven was initially annoyed with her, and disapproved of Naomi's study of Borg species designations. While Seven was experiencing problems due to contact with the infected vinculum, one of the personalities to emerge was that of a small child. She played kadis-kot with Naomi, to Naomi's delight. After the crisis was resolved, Seven decided to instruct Naomi in astrometrics, giving her several star charts and species information to study. Seven also requested a game of kadis-kot with Naomi. (航海家号:《Infinite Regress》) They became friends, going to lunch or playing games of kadis-kot. They had in common that they often couldn't understand the crew's determination to return to Earth. This fact proved helpful when Voyager was confronted by the telepathic pitcher plant, which made the rest of the crew see it as a wormhole to Earth. Seven and Naomi were unaffected due to their indifference about returning home and, aided by Qatai, who had hunted the creature for years, and the Doctor, they were able to trick the creature into expelling Voyager. (航海家号:《Bliss》) Seven once stated that she thought of Naomi as her family on board Voyager. (航海家号:《Survival Instinct》,《The Voyager Conspiracy》)


Seven Children Identities

Seven interacts with the Borg children

In 2376, Seven became a temporary mother figure to a group of children whom Voyager had discovered aboard a derelict Borg vessel. She cared for the children, named Icheb, Mezoti, Rebi and Azan, until the latter three were returned to their own people in 2377. (航海家号:《Collective》,《Child's Play》,《Imperfection》) Seven was frustrated with her initial attempts to tutor the children. She designed a rigid schedule for their activities, enacting serious punishment when they failed to adhere to the schedule. They rebelled against the restrictions, and an exasperated Seven told Chakotay she no longer wished to supervise them. He made her realize that while consistency is important, children also need spontaneity. Her efforts were much more successful once she made allowances for that. (航海家号:《Ashes to Ashes》)


After discovering that he had been genetically engineered as a weapon against the Borg, the eldest of the children, Icheb, remained with Voyager and he and Seven formed a close relationship. (航海家号:《Child's Play》) Icheb expressed a desire to apply for Starfleet Academy admission, and hoped Seven would speak to the captain about having Commander Tuvok teach him preliminary courses. Around this time, Icheb donated his own cortical node when the failure of Seven's jeopardized her life. She initially refused to accept his help, placing his safety above her own despite his research showing that he was far more likely to survive the loss of the node than she was. (航海家号:《Imperfection》)


Harry Kim became physically attracted to Seven shortly after she joined Voyager. She misinterpreted his overtures, asking him if he desired to "copulate", thereby embarrassing him. (航海家号:《Revulsion》) The attraction was also painfully obvious to the rest of the Voyager crew. (航海家号:《Revulsion》,《Hunters》) She seduced him in a dream caused by aliens encountered in 2374. (航海家号:《Waking Moments》)

Under the Doctor's tutelage, Seven first explored true romance in 2375. She chose engineering crewmember William Chapman after determining that their interests were compatible. However, Seven's directness was too overbearing for Chapman, and the date ended up in disaster when Seven accidently tore a ligament in his arm while dancing. (航海家号:《Someone to Watch Over Me》)

In 2377, Seven was distressed to discover that the Borg had deliberately programmed the implants of their drones to shut down in the event that the drone began to experience strong emotion, thus killing the drone. The Doctor believed he could remove the affected implant, but Seven refused treatment. By early 2378, she changed her mind, and she underwent the surgery. (航海家号:《Human Error》,《Endgame》)


While Seven was assisting the drones of Unimatrix Zero, she mainly dealt with a man named Axum, who she had had a romantic relationship with within Unimatrix Zero while she was still a drone. The relationship sparked again, strengthening her resolve to help those within the Unimatrix. However, Axum was physically aboard a scout vessel at the border of fluidic space in a remote sector of the Beta Quadrant, making it impossible to contact him again once Unimatrix Zero was destroyed. (航海家号:《Unimatrix Zero》,《Unimatrix Zero, Part II》)

Seven's suspicions


The Doctor was responsible for the removal of Seven's implants, and also conducted her weekly maintenance sessions. He also took it upon himself to teach Seven social behavior, using the same interpersonal relationship exercises Kes once practiced with him. (航海家号:《Prey》) Later, he created a holodeck simulation of Voyager for her to become more comfortable with large social gatherings. (航海家号:《One》)

The Doctor encouraged Seven to explore romantic relationships in 2375, coaching her in the basics of dating and grooming. He also discovered her singing voice, and the two sang a duet of "You Are My Sunshine." He was partially motivated by a wager made with Ensign Paris, who believed that Seven would not be able to bring a date to a reception planned aboard Voyager without making a scene. Although Seven's date with Lieutenant Chapman ended up in disaster, she attended the reception with the Doctor, and charmed the guests with a toast to individuality. However, she was hurt to discover that the Doctor's help was due to the bet. At this point, the Doctor found himself falling in love with Seven, but refused to admit it to her. He tried to apologize to her, but she came to him first and said she no longer needed the lessons in romance because there were no suitable mates aboard. The Doctor was very disappointed that Seven did not reciprocate his feelings. (航海家号:《Someone to Watch Over Me》)

In 2376, the Doctor was stranded aboard the USS Equinox along with Seven, and the crew disengaged his morality subroutines to extract activation codes for their warp drive from Seven's cranial implants, which would leave her mentally disabled. The Doctor almost went through with the procedure, but Captain Rudolph Ransom stopped him. He apologized to Seven for the incident, and she held no ill-will towards him. (航海家号:《Equinox, Part II》)

The Doctor created a subroutine for daydreaming in early 2376. Seven featured prominently in several fantasies, either serving as a damsel in distress or competing with other female Voyager crewmembers for the Doctor's affections. He even fantasized about painting her in the nude. When the fantasies began to overrun his program, his mental activity was tied into the holodeck, allowing Seven to see what he had been daydreaming. She did not take offense, but after she kissed him following Captain Janeway's announcement that the Emergency Command Hologram subroutines would be developed, she made it clear that it was simply a platonic gesture. (航海家号:《Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy》)

Seven-Doctor Preening


While Ensign Kim, Seven, and the Doctor conducted a routine survey onboard the Delta Flyer in 2377, they were captured by a race known as the Lokirrim. The Lokirrim had waged war against holographic lifeforms who rebelled against Lokirrim rule, and as a result, banned all holographic activity within their borders. Seven transferred the Doctor's program to her cortical implant in order to hide him from the Lokirrim and prevent him from being decompiled. In the process, the Doctor took control of Seven's motor abilities, and was essentially trapped in her body. The Doctor tried to engineer an escape by cultivating a relationship with a Lokirrim official, Ranek, but the new sensations of taste and emotion were too tempting for the Doctor. He ended up overindulging in several foods and causing pain to Seven. Ranek later called Seven to the ship's bridge with the intention of setting up a romantic liaison. Although the Doctor was able to see his command codes, Ranek attempted to kiss him in Seven's body, which was not reciprocated. Shortly afterward, he went to complain about the incident to Jaryn, a crewmember the Doctor had been working with to treat injured Lokirrim crew. The Doctor became sexually aroused when Jaryn gave Seven a neck massage. Both incidents greatly irritated Seven, and once the Doctor had been returned to the mobile emitter they got into an argument about the values of indulgence. The Doctor felt Seven showed excessive restraint and did not allow for superfluous pleasure, which the Doctor believed was an important part of life. Kim managed to return the subject to escape, and the Doctor and Seven worked together once again to transmit a distress signal to Voyager. The Doctor was downloaded back into Seven's implants, and is able to convince Ranek to join her on a "second date." They knocked him out at the first available opportunity, and transmitted a message to Voyager including the ship's command codes. Their plan was discovered by Jaryn, and Seven is taken captive. After Voyager arrived, Seven returned the Doctor's program to the mobile emitter and they escaped. Upon their return to the ship, Seven decided that the Doctor had a point about her restraint concering pleasures such as food. She brought a meal to sickbay and described the sensations of eating it to the Doctor, allowing him to experience it vicariously. (航海家号:《Body and Soul》)

When the Doctor's rights as an individual came into question, Seven testified at the hearing conducted with Starfleet Command. She spoke highly of the Doctor, appreciative of his efforts to develop her individuality. (航海家号:《Author, Author》)

In 2378 when the Doctor believed he was about to die, he finally admited his feelings for her, and was embarrassed when he survived. (航海家号:《Renaissance Man》) The Doctor was also crestfallen when he learned Seven had begun to date Chakotay. (航海家号:《Endgame》)


Like many of the crew, Chakotay was distrustful of Seven during her first year on board. He questioned Captain Janeway when she chose to leave Seven in control while the ship transversed a Mutara-class 星云. (航海家号:《One》)

Chakotay was interested in the early history of space exploration, and jumped at the chance to retrieve the Ares IV command module from a graviton ellipse encountered by Voyager in 2376. Seven saw this fascination as dangerous, and she was proven right when the Delta Flyer, sent to retrieve the module, was trapped in the ellipse. She was upset with Chakotay, but her attitude changed when she beamed over to the command module to retrieve a component to repair the damaged Flyer. Chakotay told her to savor the moment and recover as much history as possible. She replayed Lieutenant John Kelly's logs, and was touched by his devotion to duty. She had his body beamed back to the Flyer and spoke in admiration of Kelly at his funeral aboard Voyager. (航海家号:《One Small Step》)

Seven considered a romantic relationship with Chakotay in 2377. In her holodeck simulation of Voyager, Chakotay became her love interest, and she went on several dates with him. To her embarrassment, the Doctor learned of the simulation when she collapsed on the holodeck due to her Borg programming, designed to shut down the implants of a drone should s/he experience strong emotion. These implants would require dangerous, repeated surgeries to remove, and Seven chose not to proceed. (航海家号:《Human Error》) The Doctor strove to develop a safer method of removing this obstacle to her development and several months later he was able to remove the implants with a single surgical procedure. After the affected implants were removed, Seven was free to become involved with the real Chakotay, and the two began dating in 2378. Neelix gave Seven ideas for dates. (航海家号:《Endgame》)

Seven and Chakotay break up after Voyagers return to Federation space in the relaunch novel series.


In 2374, most of Voyager's crew was duplicated by a mimetic lifeform known as the "Silver Blood." (航海家号:《Demon》) The crew eventually built a duplicate of Voyager as well and left the Class Y world. They began to forget their origins and ultimately started to believe that they were the real Voyager crew and set a course for the Alpha Quadrant. By mid 2375, they had developed an enhanced warp drive and were closer to the Alpha Quadrant than the real Voyager. At the wedding of that ship's Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres, Seven caught the bouquet.

Shortly following this event, the enhanced warp drive began to degrade the structure of the ship and the crew, as it was harmful to the "Silver Blood." Captain Janeway decided to continue to the Alpha Quadrant in spite of this discovery, and did not attempt to locate a Class Y planet until many of the crew had succumbed to the degredation and the ship was severely damaged. Seven was one of the last crewmembers to degrade, and she attempted to build a message beacon out of non-affected materials to launch and hopefully be recovered. The beacon was later destroyed after the launch mechanism failed, and the Voyager disintegrated just as the real Voyager caught up to it. (航海家号:《Course: Oblivion》)

Sometime in the 29th century, Captain Braxton, of the Federation timeship USS Relativity, went back to 2371 and planted a temporal disruptor on Voyager in order to destroy it. The crew of the Relativity recruited Seven of Nine from late 2375 to help find the device because her ocular implant was capable of detecting it. Seven was altered in order to look Human, given a blue Starfleet uniform, and sent to several time periods to pursue Braxton. Unfortunately, the side effects of the time travel were detrimental, and Seven died twice before discovering that Braxton was responsible. Further complicating matters, the timeline was contaminated by Seven's presence twice in the year 2371 and once in 2375, shortly before Seven was taken. Eventually, Braxton was apprehended and Captain Janeway helped repair the timeline by stopping Braxton before he ever had the chance to plant the disruptor. Slightly confused, Seven and Janeway were returned and reintegrated to the year 2375 and instructed not to tell of their experiences under order of the Temporal Prime Directive. (航海家号:《Relativity》)

When Voyager was fractured into several different time periods upon encountering a spatial rift in 2377, the cargo bay was reverted to 2374 when the Borg first transported onto Voyager. Chakotay was the only crew member not affected, and contacted Seven of Nine of this time period. She designed a plan to use a chroniton field to bring the ship back into temporal sync. She later helped the Voyager crew retake engineering from Seska in 2373. (航海家号:《Shattered》)

In an alternate timeline occuring shortly after Voyager's first encounter with the Krenim in 2374, Seven developed a temporal shielding technology which protected the ship from the Krenim chroniton torpedoes as well as alterations in the timeline caused by Annorax's temporal weapon ship. The shield was perfected when she deterimined the exact phase variance of an intact torpedo lodged in Voyager's hull, found while making repairs to Voyager's badly damaged systems. The torpedo detonated while Seven and Tuvok were nearby. Although Seven was unharmed, Tuvok was blinded. She assisted him in daily tasks aboard Voyager, as surgery to correct the blindness was impossible in Voyager's state. When Voyager's crew was forced to share quarters due to power failures, she shared quarters with Ensign Brooks. Seven found living with her difficult, as her personal habits were "chaotic." Seven remained aboard Voyager when most of the crew abandoned ship. (航海家号:《Year of Hell》) Seven later helped fit temporal shielding to the Mawasi fleet. The timeline was eradicated when Voyager collided with the temporal weapon ship, erasing it from history, along with any events caused due to the existence of the weapon ship. (航海家号:《Year of Hell, Part II》)

In another alternate timeline created when the USS Voyager used quantum slipstream drive in 2375 but rode it all the way to the Alpha Quadrant, the ship crash-landed on an arctic planet, killing its entire crew. Harry Kim and Chakotay, who had survived the trip in the Delta Flyer, spent fifteen years trying to locate Voyager. They developed a plan to use a Borg interplexing beacon to transmit the correct variance to Seven of Nine in the past and therefore alter history. They stole the Delta Flyer and took it to Voyager, needing Seven's cranial implant and the Doctor's expertise. Seven was located on the bridge and the reactivated Doctor removed her cranial implant, attaching it to the beacon. The first attempt to send the correction directly to her cranial implant failed, and Voyager was still lost. Kim then sent another correction, designed to collapse the slipstream, shortly before the Flyer was destroyed by the USS Challenger. The new plan worked, and Voyager was saved. (航海家号:《Timeless》)

In yet another alternate timeline erased due to the actions of Admiral Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay and Seven were married aboard Voyager in the 2380s. However, Seven was killed on an away mission before Voyager returned home, and Janeway blamed herself for her death. This was a major motivation for her to travel back to 2378 and alter the past to bring Voyager home in that year. (航海家号:《Endgame》)

In the 31st century simulation of Voyager at the Kyrian Museum of Heritage, the incomplete records from Voyager's visit in 2374 painted the crew as murderers and savages. Seven, still with full Borg implants, was the leader of a group of Borg aboard Voyager who were sent to assault several Kyrians. This simulation was corrected after the reactivation of a backup copy of Voyager's EMH from the EMH backup module stolen during the ship's visit. (航海家号:《Living Witness》)


九之七第一次品尝的食物是 chadre'kab。 (航海家号:《The Raven》) She also developed a fondness for strawberries, left over from her childhood. (航海家号:《Author, Author》)

In the Doctor's USS Vortex holonovel entitled Photons Be Free, Seven's alter ego was a former drone named "Three of Eight." She was the only person aboard the Vortex who spoke in defense of the Doctor, and helped him escape after he was arrested for expanding his program. She pleaded with Captain "Jenkins" to prevent the Doctor's program from being decompiled, calling it a crime that individuals like the Doctor were not appreciated. When Tom Paris temporarily rewrote the program, the character became "Two of Three." Paris made light of the Doctor's obvious crush on Seven by making the holographic doctor in his program chauvanistic. The EMH character used a Klingon aphrodisiac on "Two of Three," causing her to react positively to his affections. (航海家号:《Author, Author》)


  • 2348 年:九之七的父亲 Magnus Hansen ,九之七的母亲 Erin Hansen。 (航海家号:《Dark Frontier》)
  • 2353 年:与父母一起乘坐 USS Raven 进行对 博格 人 的科学之旅。 (航海家号:《Dark Frontier》)
  • 2356 年:随父母一同被 博格 人 同化。
  • 2373 年:成为 博格 集合体联邦 航海家号 飞船 之间的协调人。 (航海家号:《Scorpion, Part II》)
  • 2374 年:被 Kate Janeway 舰长与 查克泰 大副从 博格 集合体 中分离,在航海家号上开始新生活。 (航海家号:《The Gift》)
  • 2375 年:回到 博格 集合体博格 女王,被同化的父亲相遇。 (航海家号:《Dark Frontier》)
  • 2376 年:成为四个前博格孩子的监护人, RebiAzanMezotiIcheb。 (航海家号:《集合体》)
  • 2377 年:帮助 Unimatrix Zero 的自由战士,由此引发了一场博格人内部的抵抗运动。 (航海家号:《Unimatrix Zero, Part II》)
  • 2377 年:开始与查克泰交往。 (航海家号:《Human Error》)
  • 2378 年:跟随航海家号回到 第一象限。 (航海家号:《Endgame》)


  • 九分之七 或 7/9 由 Jeri Ryan 饰演。她第一次出现在 VOY 第四季 开场,"Scorpion, Part II"。在 "Scorpion, Part II" , "The Raven" 及 "Dark Frontier" 中的Katelin Petersen,由 Erica Lynne Bryan 饰演孩提时代的 Annika Hansen(九之七)。
  • 另一位为九分之七这一角色试镜的女演员是 Hudson Leick (Callisto from Xena: Warrior Princess)。
  • Seven's infamous costume began as a silver version in "The Gift" (VOY), which was also used in "Day of Honor" and "Revulsion". It was retired because the material was too restrictive for actress Jeri Ryan's movement and it was difficult for her to breathe, especially when she sat down. A new brown uniform, featuring a lower neckline, debuted in "The Raven", and a variant with a small collar was seen in "Scientific Method". A cobalt blue costume with grey shoulders and arms was first seen in "In the Flesh" but was replaced by an all-cobalt version in "The Disease". A plum colored outfit was first seen in "Dark Frontier". She only wore a Starfleet uniform on two occasions, the first being "Relativity", when she was undercover in Voyager's past, and the second being in "Human Error", in a holographic simulation. Seven's Borg costume was also revived in several episodes, mostly in flashback scenes.
  • Some fans jokingly call Seven "Barbie of Borg" due to the common belief that she was brought on board Voyager mainly to boost ratings among male viewers. And she admitted it clearly. Quoting her words : "I knew exactly what I was in for when I had my first costume fitting. Clearly my character was added to the show for sex appeal, which remains the one way to get attention very quickly. I don't think it's the only way to get viewers to watch strong women, but it worked. ". in TV Week magazine (Canada) of May 8-14, 1999 pgs. 6-7, 9 from "Super Moms", an interview by Michael Logan)
  • The character Seven of Nine appeared in exactly 100 episodes of Star Trek: Voyager.


  • In the Voyager relaunch book series, Seven breaks up with Chakotay, moves in with her aunt, and attains much undesired celebrity. She eventually joins a Federation "think tank" with The Doctor.
  • In the PC videogames Star Trek: Elite Force and Star Trek: Elite Force II, Seven was responsible for creating a device called "I-Mod" (Infinity Modulator). The I-Mod was specifically made to be used against the Borg. The I-Mod device was made into a weapon of its own (a rifle), capable of firing unique infinitely modulated shots that made adapting impossible.
  • 在被原来的时间线中 深空九号:千禧年Deep Space Nine :Millennium, 九之七和航海家号的成员一起回到阿尔法象限的(具体时间未知) 。在2399年,她晋升成为上将。在星联在援助贝久之战中,九之七和休( Hugh) 帮助星联和博格共同体进行协商谈判。 九之七在这个时间线中和医生相爱。而这个时间线被本杰明西斯科和他的船员们改变了。
  • In the Voyager relaunch book series, Seven broke up with Chakotay, moved in with her aunt, and attained much undesired celebrity. She eventually joined a Federation "think tank" with The Doctor.

In the Next Generation relaunch novel Before Dishonor, Seven of Nine had become a civilian instructor atStarfleet Academy specializing in cybernetic technology. When Janeway was assimilated to become a new Borg Queen, Seven joined the crew of the USS Enterprise-E to reactivate the planet killer weapon with the assistance of Geordi La Forge and Spock in an effort to attack and destroy the Borg ship attacking Earth.

Following the events of Star Trek: Destiny, Seven of Nine's remaining Borg implants were seemingly destroyed. She underwent a severe emotional shift, yet to be explained, and began asserting her true name as Annika Hansen once again.

In the timeline for Star Trek Online, Seven of Nine joined Starfleet after Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant, and was assigned to a special Borg Task Force. When the task force was dissolved in 2385 – Starfleet believing the Borg were no longer a threat – Seven angrily disagreed with the decision and resigned from Starfleet, accepting a position at the Daystrom Institute instead. [7]

Seven appears in Delta Rising, the second expansion to STO, voiced once again by Jeri Ryan. In the wake of "Operation Delta Rising", a campaign to return to the Delta Quadrant to fight the Undine, Tuvok – now an admiral and commanding Voyager – asked Seven to leave the Daystrom Institute to work for the new Delta Alliance. Seven and her research team are rescued from a small outpost after the ship carrying them, the USSCallisto, is destroyed. Following a Voth fleet that mysteriously disengaged from combat, Seven and her rescuers arrive at the homeworld of the Turei, where they learn that the Vaadwaur have managed to gain advanced technology and have begun a campaign to reconquer the Delta Quadrant. Seven again expresses her guilt at awakening the Vaadwaur, but accepts Tuvok's offer to serve with him again on Voyager to combat the new threat. She also works alongside the Cooperative, a group of free Borg drones, in their efforts to avoid being reassimilated by the Collective or destroyed by their opponents.

